The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Tuesday Course Chiaki Normal Event-1
"オッス、転校生……☆ ん?いつになく俺が元気だと?うむ、さすが転校生だ! 今日は火曜日だろう?だから、元気百倍だっ♪

Hey, transfer student... ☆ Hm? I seem unusually energetic, you say? Yes, just as I expected from you, transfer student! Today is Tuesday, right? Thus, I am a hundred times more energetic! ♪"

Choice 1 火曜日だと何があるんですか?
What happens because it's Tuesday?
Possibility 1 Character response: "うむ。いい質問だな、転校生! 火曜日は真っ赤に燃え盛る俺に相応しい曜日だからなっ! 自然と気分が高揚してしまうんだ………☆

Yes. That's a good question, transfer student! Tuesday is the most suitable day for me, who burns bright red! My nature and mood are enhanced... ☆"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "


Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 は、はぁ……
Um, yes...
Possibility 1 Character response: "


Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "おぉっと、ノリが悪いぞ転校生……! どうした?具合でも悪いのか? そういう時こそ大声で笑うと元気が出るぞ☆

Whoa there, transfer student. That's not the spirit...! What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? It's times like these when you should burst out with laughter and make your energy come out! ☆"

Result: Red Fragments

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Tuesday Course Chiaki Normal Event-2
"今日も元気でやってるか、転校生? 俺か?俺はいつでも絶好調だ……☆ まあ、午後の授業は少しばかり憂うつなんだが。

Are you feeling good today, too, transfer student? Me? I'm always in tip top shape.... ☆ Well, afternoon class is a bit depressing, though."

Choice 1 私もです……
Me too...
Possibility 1 Character response: "それはいかん……! よし、転校生の優うつな気分を俺が吹き飛ばしてやろう☆ はっはっは。頼れる先輩に任せておけっ♪

That's no good....! Alright, I will blast away your feelings of depression, transfer student! Ha ha ha! Leave it up to your dependable senpai! ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 午後の授業?
Afternoon class?
Possibility 1 Character response: "


Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Red Fragments

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Tuesday Course Chiaki Normal Event-3
"うむ、今日は火曜日だなっ! 気が早いと言われるかもしれないが、今から休みが楽しみだ。転校生もそう思うだろう?

Yes, today is Tuesday! You might think it's a bit early, but I'm already looking forward to the weekend. You are too, aren't you, transfer student?"

Choice 1 珍しいですね
That's unusual.
Possibility 1 Character response: "俺は低血圧だから朝に弱いんだ……! だから、特撮番組がない土曜日は昼までぐっすりだな。このことは、明星には内緒だぞ?

I suffer from low blood pressure, so mornings are tough on me...! So, since there's no tokusatsu shows on Saturdays, I lay around until noon. Keep it a secret from Akehoshi, okay?"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 休みが恋しいです
I love the weekends.
Possibility 1 Character response: "


Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Red Fragments