The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Zeks is 182 cm tall and weighs 74 kg. His birthday is January 6th. His hobby is mountain climbing. He likes quiet places no matter where they are and hates weak people and tofu hamburgers.

Bio: 人口が最も多く、栄えている国『ヒューマレルム』の青年。ヒューマレルム王国騎士きっての大問題児。他の追随を許さぬ圧倒的な強さを誇るが、騎士の務めはそっちのけの戦闘狂で、強敵と戦うことにしか興味も持っていない。

A young man from the "Huma Realm", which has the highest population of the realms.




For more information, see Zeks/Outfits.

Voice List[]

For more information, see Zeks/Voice List.


(Hero Knight) Zeks
(Hero Knight) Zeks Bloomed
(Hero Knight) Zeks Full Render
(Hero Knight) Zeks Full Render Bloomed
(Hero Knight) Zeks Mini
(Hero Knight) Zeks Mini Bloomed
(Visiting Hero) Mao Isara CG
Zeks Head
Zeks Outfit chibi
Zeks Outfit chibi back

Penetrate is 193 cm tall and weighs 73 kg. His birthday is October 5th. His hobby is putting on puppet shows. He likes the Sky Realm's churches and hates heathens and meat.

Bio: 翼を持つ「天空人」と呼ばれる種族がいる国『スカイレルム』の聖職者。密偵や情報工作、果ては暗殺などの汚れ仕事を通じてスカイレルムの暗部を担ってきた謎多き人物。自らが信奉する「神」の存在を己の全てとする抂信者。




For more information, see Penetrate/Outfits.

Voice List[]

For more information, see Penetrate/Voice List.


(Heaven Fanatic) Penetrate
(Heaven Fanatic) Penetrate Bloomed
(Heaven Fanatic) Penetrate Full Render
(Heaven Fanatic) Penetrate Full Render Bloomed
(Heaven Fanatic) Penetrate Mini
(Heaven Fanatic) Penetrate Mini Bloomed
Penetrate Head
Penetrate Outfit chibi
Penetrate Outfit chibi back

Nero is 176 cm tall and weighs 61 kg. His hobby is secluded training in the mountains. He likes the Galara mountain range and hates humans and green onion.

Bio: 獣人が住む国『アニマルレルム』の青年。ウサギ獣人の父とオオカミ獣人の母を持つ、混血種の獣人。種族や血に対するこだわりが強く、同族である獣人には情が厚い反面、人間に対しては強い偏見や敵がい心を抱いている。

A young man from the "Animal Realm" where therianthropes live. With a rabbit therianthrope for a father and a wolf therianthrope for a mother, he's a therianthrope of mixed blood.




For more information, see Nero/Outfits.

Voice List[]

For more information, see Nero/Voice List.


(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Bloomed
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Rainbow Road
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Rainbow Road Bloomed
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Full Render
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Full Render Bloomed
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Mini
(Mixed-Blood Rabbit-Wolf) Nero Mini Bloomed
(Half-Beast Visitor) Ritsu Sakuma CG
Nero Head
Nero Outfit chibi
Nero Outfit chibi back
Nero Knights Outfit chibi

A boy aiming to be a great period. He's often with his Art, Miu.

See Haru




Last Period Collaboration Day 10 Login Bonus
Haru and Miu
Haru Dialogue Render
Miu (Last Period)
