The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Birthday Course Subaru Akehoshi Normal Event 1
"あんず~!やっほやっほ、おっはよ~☆ テンション高いねって? うん!今日はね~、すっごい良い気分! ねぇねぇ、あんず!ご褒美ちょうだい、とっておきのご褒美っ♪

Anzu~! Yahoo Yahoo, Mornin'~☆ You're pretty excited, you say? Yup! I feel great today! Hey, Anzu! Give me a reward, the best reward ♪"

Choice 1 One hundred yen coin
Possibility 1 Character response: "やった~!あんずからもキラキラもらちゃった☆ そうそう。ほかのみんなにも、キラキラしたものたっくさんもらったんだ~♪ だいたいが小銭だから......ほら見て、何か募金でも集めてるような気分になるよね!

Yay! I got something glittering from Anzu ☆ Oh yeah. Everyone else also gave me a glittering thing~♪ It's mostly small change... Look, it looks like I'm gathering donations!"

Result: Fragment
Possibility 2 Character response: "ひゃほお、キラキラの百円玉っ☆ サンキュ~、あんず! やっぱりあんずは、俺のことよくわかってくれてるよね~♪ ホッケ~やサリ~には「安上がりだな」って笑われたけど、やっぱりこれがいちばん嬉しいっ!

Yahoo, a sparkling one hundred yen coin ☆ Thank you~, Anzu! After all it seems that you understand me well~♪ Hokke~ and Sari~ laughed at me and said "you're cheap", but after all this is the most delightful!"

Result: Trust
Choice 2 It's quite sudden.
Possibility 1 Character response: "だって今日は誕生日だもん! みんなに「ご褒美ちょうだい」って声かけてるんだよね~♪ あんずにも早く言いたくて、まだかなまだかな~ってずっと待ってたんだよ? ねぇ、あんず!あんずは俺に、どんなご褒美をくれるっ?

Because it's my birthday today! I'm saying "give me a reward" to everyone~♪ I want to say to Anzu as soon as possible, I'm waiting while thinking Is it not yet? Is it not yet? Hey, Anzu! What kind of reward will Anzu give me?"

Result: Trust
Possibility 2 Character response: "あはは、さっきウッキ~にも同じこと言われたよ......ん? もうだいぶ慣れたけど......って、それも同じこと言われた気がするぞ? シンクロ率やばいね! ウッキ~が聞いたら喜ぶっていうか、照れちゃうかもね~?

Ahaha, Ukki said the same just now... Huh? I have gotten used to it a lot... Hmm, it feels like he said the same thing too? Synchronous ratio too good! Maybe Ukki will be delighted or more embarrassed if he heard this~?"

Result: Fragment

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Birthday Course Subaru Akehoshi Normal Event 2
"ねぇ、あんず?ホッケ~、ウッキ~、サリ~......もう目ぇ開けていい? 目を閉じてついてきてって......。素直に言うこと聞いちゃったけど、そろそろ限界だよ~? あれ?ねぇねぇ、みんな聞いてる?なんで誰も何も言わないの?......そこにいるようね?

Hey, Anzu? Hokke~, Ukki~, Sari~... Can I open my eyes? Close your eyes and follow, you said... I obediently listened to what you asked me, but I'm almost at my limit~? Eh? Hey, is everyone listening? Why doesn't anyone say anything? ...You are all there, right?"

Choice 1 Here it is.
Possibility 1 Character response: "ん? このちっちゃくて柔らかくて、大吉の肉球みたいに癒される手は......わかった、あんずの手! あれっ、もう目を開けちゃっていいの?うわぁ、何だこれ......って、どうしたのあんず?顔が真っ赤だよ~?

Hmm? This soft and tiny hand, like Daikichi's healing paws... I got it, it's Anzu's hand! Eh, I can open my eyes? Wow, what is this... Hmm, what's wrong Anzu? Your face is all red~!"

Result: Trust
Possibility 2 Character response: "あっ、これは......あんずの手? あったかくて安心する~☆ ......ん? 何でくすくす笑ってんの? って、ホッケ~!? ビックリしたっ、完全にあんずだと思ってたよ~!

Ah, this is... Anzu's hand? It is warm and feels secure~☆ ...Hm? Why are you giggling? Eh, Hokke~!? I'm surprised, I thought it was perfectly Anzu~!"

Result: Fragment
Choice 2 You can open your eyes.
Possibility 1 Character response: "うわぁ、すっごい! キラキラ輝いている! これって、今日がおれの誕生日だから......? って、何かいる! ち~ちゃん先輩!?なんでいるのっ?祝いたがってたから呼んでみた......? いやいや、面倒くさいことになるってば!

Wow, that's amazing! It's sparkling and shining! Is this because my birthday is today...? Eh, there is something! Chi~chan-senpai! Why are you here? You tried calling him because he wanted to celebrate...? No, no, it will only be troublesome!"

Result: Fragment
Possibility 2 Character response: "うわぁ......☆ すっごい......す~んごいキラキラしてるけど! もしかして、俺のために飾り付けてくれたの? あははっ、ありがとうみんな!わ~い、誕生日パーティだぁ~☆

Wow...☆ Cool... It's sparkling so much! Did you decorate it for me? Haha, thanks, everyone! Wow, it's a birthday party~☆"

Result: Trust

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Birthday Course Subaru Akehoshi Normal Event 3
"じゃじゃ~ん、「本日の主役」......♪ アハハ!ご褒美ちょうだいって言いまくったけど、のんなふうに祝われるとちょっと照れちゃうな~! でも、すごくいい誕生日になったよ! みんなのおかげ! ありがとう~っ☆

Tadaaa, "today's protagonist"...♪ Ahaha! I keep saying give me a reward, but if you celebrate like this, I will be embarassed. But it was a great birthday! Thanks to everyone! Thank you~☆"

Choice 1 You're sparkling
Possibility 1 Character response: "キラキラしてるって......俺が?キラキラ? あははっ、それすっごい嬉しい~♪ あんずの目には、俺がそんあふうに映ってるんだね。 もっともっとキラキラ輝けるように頑張るから。これからもよろしくねっ、あんず......☆

It's glittering... Me? Glitter? Haha, i'm so happy~♪ In the eyes of Anzu, it's how I look like. I will try harder to glitter and shine even more. It's nice to work with you, Anzu...☆"

Result: Trust
Possibility 2 Character response: "ふふん♪ こんなのキラキラ笑顔にならないわけが...... うわっ!?だ、大吉!?おまえどっから入って......って、あんずが連れてきたの?うひゃっ、くすぐたいぞ大吉~!わかったわかった!キラキラしててごめによっ、あはははは☆

Fufun ♪ There is no way I can't be sparkling with smile... Whoa!? Da-Daikichi!? From where did you get in... Hmm, Anzu brought you? Uhyaa, it tickles, Daikichi~! I know! I know! Sorry for being so sparkly, ahahaha ☆"

Result: Fragment
Choice 2 There are lots of presents, too.
Possibility 1 Character response: "うん!みんなからもらった小銭がこんなにたくさん......☆ あっ、この小銭入れはしののんにもらったんだ~。大好きなキラキラを入れるのに使ってくださいって♪ たぶん手作りだよね、がんばって作ってくれた感じがする~!一生大事にしよっと......☆

Yup! There were so many small changes from everyone...☆ Ah, I got this coin purse from Shinonon~. "Please use it to put in the sparkling things you love", he said. ♪ It's probably handmade, I can feel it's made with his best! I'll treasure it for the rest of my life...☆"

Result: Fragment
Possibility 2 Character response: "うんうん、がっぱりもらっちゃった!あんずもありがとう、準備するの大変だったんじゃない?あっ、あんずが笑った!いいねいいね、今日いちばんのプレゼントかも?駄目駄目、隠さないで!キラキラ笑顔は、俺にとって最高のご褒美だよ~☆

Yeah yeah, I got much! Thanks to Anzu too, isn't it hard to prepare? Ah, Anzu laughed! good, good, maybe it's the best gift today? No! No! Don't hide it! A sparkling smile is the best reward for me~☆"

Result: Trust