The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki


Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival Midori Takamine Normal Event 1

I’m depressed, I want to die... The sun is shining down on us with no mercy, so it’s hot... It’s hard to walk on sand, I just want to go back already..."

Choice 1 ビーチサンダルを渡す
[Hand over beach sandals]
Possibility 1 Character response: "先輩、用意がいいですね……? これなら、砂浜の上も歩きやすいし……。あんず先輩、ありがとうございます……♪

You’re really prepared, aren’t you, Senpai...? With these, I can easily walk on the sand... Thank you, Anzu-senpai... ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "これって先輩のビーチサンダルですよね……? 気遣いは嬉しいんスけど、俺じゃあ履けないッス……。その気持ちだけもらっておきますね。"
Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 スポーツドリンクを渡す
[Hand over a sports drink]
Possibility 1 Character response: "あぁ、ちょうど喉が渇いてたんです……♪ ごく、ごくっ。はぁ、生き返った……。全部飲んでもいい? じゃあ、遠慮なくいただきますね♪

Ah, I was just getting thirsty... ♪ Gulp, gulp. Hahh, I feel revitalized... Is it okay if I drink all of it? Then, I won’t hold back. ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "スポーツドリンクって飲むと喉が渇きません……? 水とちがって甘いし……。今飲んだら、絶対水がほしくなります……

Don't sports drinks make you thirsty when you drink them...? They're different than water, and they're sweet... If I drank one right now, I'd definitely need water afterwards..."

Result: Blue Fragments

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival Midori Takamine Normal Event 2
"あんず先輩、荷物運びますよ……? 俺、八百屋の仕事で荷物運びしてるから腕力あるし……。それくらいなら、軽々運べますから……

Anzu-senpai, should I carry your luggage...? I’m used to carrying packages at the greengrocer’s, so I’ve built up strength... If it’s just this, I can easily carry it, so..."

Choice 1 いいの?
Is that okay?
Possibility 1 Character response: "あんず先輩にはいろいろ世話になってますしね……。それに、あんず先輩は女のひとだし。男みたいに扱うわけにはいきませんから……♪"
Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "俺は後輩なんだから、遠慮しないでください……。守沢先輩……みたいに図々しくなってほしくはないけど。もっと頼ってもらいたいです……

I’m your underclassman, so please don’t hold back... I don’t want to become someone shameless like... Morisawa-senpai. I want to be more reliable..."

Result: Yellow Fragments
Choice 2 ありがとう
Thank you.
Possibility 1 Character response: "あの、あんず先輩。もう一度言ってもらえますか……? あぁ、その笑顔……。俺の好きなゆるキャラにそっくりです……! 思わず抱きしめちゃいそう……♪

Um, Anzu-senpai. Would you mind saying that one more time...? Ahh, that smile... It’s just like my beloved mascot character...! [finish]"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "お礼なんていいですよ……よいしょっと……。うわっ、結構重いですね……? ここまで重いと、何が入ってるか気になるかも……

There’s no need to thank me... Alright... Whoa, it’s pretty heavy...? I’m kinda curious what on earth is in here for it to be this heavy..."

Result: Red Fragments

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival Midori Takamine Normal Event 3

In this heat, the water’s turned lukewarm... I thought I would be able to cool off by swimming, but what a horrid betrayal... Ugh, I want to die..."

Choice 1 海の良さを語る
Possibility 1 Character response: "波の音に耳を澄ませると、心が穏やかになる……? あぁ、それならわかるかも……♪ 波の音って落ち着くし、ずっと聞いていたくなりますよね……"
Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "新鮮な魚介類が食べられる……? 俺、魚の目玉が駄目なんですよね……。ぎょろっとしてて、苦手です……

You can eat fresh seafood...? I’m bad with fish eyes... They stare at you, I hate it..."

Result: Blue Fragments
Choice 2 海の家に案内する
Possibility 1 Character response: "海の家ならかき氷が食べられますね……♪ あんず先輩は何味が好きですか? 俺は特にないんで、あんず先輩にお任せします♪

If we go to the beach house, we can get some shaved ice... ♪ What flavor do you like, Anzu-sepai? I don’t have any particular favorite, so I’ll leave it up to you. ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "……海の家って冷房はきいてませんよね? あんず先輩のお誘いは魅力的なんスけど……。今は冷房のきいた部屋で休みたいです……

...The beach house doesn’t have air conditioning though, right? Your proposal is attractive... But I really want to rest in a room with air conditioning right now..."

Result: Yellow Fragments