Ra*bits and fine participate in the Qualifying Round in Kanto. Awakening from a nightmare, Tomoya finds himself in a dimly lit back alley. As he wanders around, he finds Wataru, who's collapsed in the alley...
Sanctuary (サンクチュアリ, Sankuchuari) is an event story released on Sep 15th 2021. It is unlocked permanently during SS/6th Stage: Sanctuary event.
The Tainted Paradise - 1: "Now that your Ni~chan is here, you have nothing to worry about! You must have been scared, right? Did you get hurt?"
The Tainted Paradise - 5: "...? Where am I?"
The Circuit of Happiness - 12: "(And I can hear the noises of propellers above me! Is it a helicopter? There are many of them flying around the ES on a regular basis, but...!?)"
The Circuit of Happiness - 14: "Oh god, you bunch of fools, listen carefully~! Do you have to shove when the fastest way is to line up and follow the order!?"
Epilogue - 4: "...You are not alone, Master Eichi."
Epilogue - 4: "...I wonder if one day we'll be grateful that it was you who defeated us."
Epilogue - 5: "I'm also changing and growing, you know? At this rate, you'll never be able to catch up with me!"
Epilogue - 5: "I won't settle for being near you by accident, like what happened this time—"