The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Location: 1st Floor Passage
お弁当の作り方 Heart/FEVER
Character response: ""
Character response: ""
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: お弁当の作り方

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event garden terrace
"Oh my, transfer student-san. I see that you are sewing. May I ask what you are making?"
Location: Garden terrace
桃李に頼まれた繕いもの Something that Tori asked me to mend. Luck Down
Character response: "うちの坊ちゃまのですか・・・・・・? わたくしに頼めばいいものを、わざわざ貴女に? いえ、お気になさらず。"
新しいステージ用の衣装 (Fever up) New stage costumes.
Character response: "I see, from the design to the making, you do a wide range of things. It's tough on Producer too huh."
クマのぬいぐるみ A stuffed bear. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "My, you are very skilled. It seems you are quite familiar with sewing; I still have much more to learn."
Correct Choice: A stuffed bear. (クマのぬいぐるみ)

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event fountain
"Hmm, all this time, the young master has always just run away from me. Is there some problem with my appearance, I wonder....?"
Location: Fountain
長い指が羨ましい Your long fingers are strong-looking.
Character response: "I see, when I was younger I didn't really like them because they looked feminine. Ladies are envious of that huh...?"
襟足が綺麗 The nape of your neck is beautiful. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "身だしなみは、使用人にとって一番気をつけるべきところですから褒めていただけて光栄ですね。"
泣きぼくろが色っぽい The beauty mark by your eye is sexy. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "The young master says that it's proof that I am moved to tears easily. I am happy that you feel it's a plus, Ms. Transfer Student...♪"
Correct Choice: 泣きぼくろが色っぽい

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event lecture hall
"Oh, have you also volunteered to clean, transfer student-san? Cleaning up places after you have used them is a good thing indeed."
Location: In front of lecture hall
自分の部屋 Your own room.
Character response: "I see, you have too many items of sentimental value you can't bear to throw them away...If you can't decide their priority, just leave them be for the time being."
弓弦の部屋 (Red fragment) Yuzuru's room.
Character response: "坊ちゃまのお部屋の一部屋をお借りしておりますので、物は必要低限しかありませんよ"
桃李の部屋 Tori's room. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "Young master's room is being prepared by the mansion's servants. Although I will put the finishing touches after they are done, of course... ♪"
Correct Choice: Tori's room. (桃李の部屋)

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event garden terrace kitchen
"Oh my, transfer student-san. .... me? I am simply washing and putting away used tableware. Is there something you find curious?"
Location: Garden terrace kitchen
高そうな食器に見える This tableware looks pretty expensive.
Character response: ""
何を作ったか気になる What kind of food did you make?
Character response: "Nothing too grand. I was simply making snacks for young master."
手つきが手慣れている Your hand movements seem very used to this. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "Is that so? I have been doing this for as long as I can remember, after all. I clean up young master's tableware like this all the time.... ♪"
Correct Choice: Your hand movements seem very used to this. (手つきが手慣れている)
