The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Yuzuru Fushimi mini event garden terrace
"Oh my, transfer student-san. I see that you are sewing. May I ask what you are making?"
Location: Garden terrace
桃李に頼まれた繕いもの Something that Tori asked me to mend.
Character response: ""
新しいステージ用の衣装 New stage costumes.
Character response: ""
クマのぬいぐるみ A stuffed bear.
Character response: "My, you are very skilled. It seems you are quite familiar with sewing; I still have much more to learn."
Correct Choice: A stuffed bear. (クマのぬいぐるみ)

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event fountain
Location: Fountain
Character response: ""
Character response: ""
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 泣きぼくろが色っぽい

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event lecture hall
"Oh, have you also volunteered to clean, transfer student-san? Cleaning up places after you have used them is a good thing indeed."
Location: In front of lecture hall
自分の部屋 Your own room.
Character response: ""
弓弦の部屋 Yuzuru's room.
Character response: ""
桃李の部屋 Tori's room.
Character response: "Young master's room is being prepared by the mansion's servants. Although I will put the finishing touches after they are done, of course... ♪"
Correct Choice: Tori's room. (桃李の部屋)

Yuzuru Fushimi mini event garden terrace kitchen
"Oh my, transfer student-san. .... me? I am simply washing and putting away used tableware. Is there something you find curious?"
高そうな食器に見える This tableware looks pretty expensive.
Character response: ""
何を作ったか気になる What kind of food did you make?
Character response: "Nothing too grand. I was simply making snacks for young master."
手つきが手慣れている Your hand movements seem very used to this.
Character response: "Is that so? I have been doing this for as long as I can remember, after all. I clean up young master's tableware like this all the time.... ♪"
Correct Choice: Your hand movements seem very used to this. (手つきが手慣れている)
