The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Yuta mini event rooftop
"Ah, owowow...... I got carried away. Doing such an unnatural pose will get you hurt, huh. I'd better go to the infirmary..."
Location: Rooftop
湿布がある I've got a compress.
Character response: ""
包帯がある I've got a bandage.
Character response: "Uh, it's not that major of an injury? Ahaha, senpai is such a worrywart."
絆創膏がある I've got a band-aid.
Character response: "As expected of senpai, always completely prepared, you're a huge help! I'll go to the tap and rinse it clean!"
Correct Choice: I've got a band-aid (絆創膏がある).

Yuta Aoi mini event AV room
"(sign).. I'm sorry.... Today my focus just won't hold. I just have something on my mind."
Location: AV room
勉強のこと (Blue fragment) About studies.
Character response: ""
 ひなたのこと (Blue fragment) About Hinata.
Character response: ""
ライブのこと About the live.
Character response: "You're thinking up things for it too, but you're not worried about it, you say...? I see. It'll come together as a good live if we think about it together, won't it!"
Correct Choice: About the live (ライブのこと).

Yuuta Aoi mini event Rooftop
"Ugh, if you touch nail polish before it dries, it just comes off. It's such a pain to redo, too..."
Location: Rooftop
塗ってあげる I'll re-paint them for you
Character response: "Thank you very much! I just can't seem to get used to doing them myself, that's a big help. ♪"
コツを教える Teach him the trick to it.
Character response: "I see. I guess it's best to ask a girl about these kinds of things, isn't it!"
お洒落だね You're so fashion-forward.
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 塗ってあげる

Yuuta Aoi mini event Dance Room
"Hello, miss transfer student. Would you take a look at my dancing and give me some advice?"
Location: Dance Room
完璧で非の打ち所がない! It's perfect, there's nothing for me to criticize!
Character response: "Eheh.... Really? Isn't that a bit too much praise?"
もっとアピールするところを増やしほうがいい You should do more to try to grab the audience's attention.
Character response: ""
お兄さんの動きとぴったり同じ! Your movement is just like your big brother's!
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 完璧で非の打ち所がない!
