The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Keito Hasumi mini event archery ground
"If your lifestyle habits are bad then you should fix them quickly."
Location: Archery ground
バランスの良い食事 Finding a meal with a good balance of nutrients
Character response: ""
ストレスを溜めない I can't control my stress
Character response: ""
早寝早起き Sleeping early and getting up early
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 早寝早起き

Keito Hasumi mini event hallway
"Hey, Transfer Student. I have a few samples of the hand fans for our costume here. Which one do you think looks best?"
Location: Hallway
紅葉の柄 The maple pattern
Character response: ""
彼岸花の柄 The red spider lily pattern
Character response: ""
桜の花柄 The cherry blossom pattern
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 桜の花柄

Keito Hasumi Mini Event Library
"......*sigh*. What is it, Transfer Student? Did you see what I was doing just now?"
Location: Library
精神統一 Mental concentration
Character response: ""
筋トレ Weight training
Character response: ""
本の整理 Putting books in order
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 本の整理

Keito hasumi mini event library2
"What is it, Transfer Student? Is there something on my face?"
Location: Library
裸眼の視力はどのくらいか I was wondering how bad your vision is without glasses
Character response: ""
眼鏡が似合う You look good in glasses
Character response: ""
眼鏡は何個か持っている? Do you have more than one pair of glasses?
Character response: ""
Correct Choice: 眼鏡は何個か持っている?
