The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Adonis mini event classroom
"Transfer student. Did you eat a lot today, too?"
Location: Classroom
今はダイエット中 I'm on a diet right now.
Character response: "Diet......? My sisters are also very conscious of their weight but you look very fragile to me."
いつも通り食べている I'm eating like always.
Character response: "I see, you have each meal properly. It's also important to eat regularly."
ちょっと食べ過ぎた I ate a little too much.
Character response: "So you ate a lot. That's good. Eat more and become stronger."
Correct Choice: I ate a little too much (ちょっと食べ過ぎた).

Adonis Otogari mini event ground
"It's hot. Looks like you're keeping yourself hydrated, too, Transfer student. What are you drinking?"
Location: Ground
珈琲 Coffee.
Character response: "I see, unexpectedly transfer student drinks such an adult drink. For me, it's too bitter to drink it."
紅茶 Black tea.
Character response: "My older sisters also drank a lot of black tea since they were about your age. Is there something so addictive about it?"
スポーツドリンク Sports drink.
Character response: "That takes the least time for your body to absorb. It's good that you choose to ingest the best option, depending on the situation."
Correct Choice: Sports drink (スポーツドリンク).

Adonis Otogari mini event rooftop
"~♪ Oh, you're here, too, Transfer student. I've been playing the ocarina, having nothing else to do during recess."
Location: Rooftop
ハーモニカなら吹ける I can play the harmonica.
Character response: ""
口笛なら吹ける I can whistle.
Character response: ""
草笛なら吹ける I can play the reed pipe.
Character response: "I see. Looks like you're more of a player than I thought, Transfer student. Why don't we play a tune together?"
Correct Choice: I can play the reed pipe (草笛なら吹ける).

Adonis Otogari mini event hallway
"Hey, Transfer student. That's some big baggage you're carrying. Let me help. ...What's inside?"
Location: 2nd Floor Passage
溜まった洗濯物 Unwashed laundry.
Character response: ""
衣装用の布 Cloth for performing outfits.
Character response: "You have enough fabric prepared that you'll be able to sew any outfit. It's important to accumulate fabric day by day."
おにぎり Rice balls.
Character response: "I see, you prepared these as refreshments for everyone, as they're working so hard at practicing. They will surely be happy to eat your homemade food. Looks like you're working hard in your own way, too."
Correct Choice: Rice balls (おにぎり).
