The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki


Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Launch! The Night Sky of the Shooting Star Festival Mika Kagehira Normal Event 1
"Don't be noisy, I don't want ta wake him."
Choice 1 お邪魔しました
Sorry to bother you.
Possibility 1 Character response: "Eh, ah... Are you leaving already? If a guest comes to the handicraft club and I don't serve tea, master will scold me. Here, is just havin' tea ok?"
Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "べつに、出て行けとは言ってないんやけど・・・・・・?でもなぁ、あんずちゃんはお師さんに用事やろし。申し訳ないけど出直してもらったほうがえぇな。"
Result: Blue Fragments
Choice 2 身体、痛くしないかな
Possibility 1 Character response: "お布団やなくて椅子やから、寝心地は良くないかもしれへんけど。下手に触って起こしたないし。風邪をひかんよう毛布だけかけとこ〜 ♪"
Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "あっ、せやね。お師さ〜ん、ちょっと失礼するで。う・・・・・・ うう〜・・・・・・。え? あんずちゃん、運ぶの手伝おかって? おれひとりで大丈夫やっ、あんずちゃんの手を借りるまでもないで。"
Result: Red Fragments

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Launch! The Night Sky of the Shooting Star Festival Mika Kagehira Normal Event 2
"Ehehe~ Hey, what, Anzu. Do I look happy? Yep, I'm super happy! I'm gonna be checking out the stalls with master. I already feel like I'm floating ♪"
Choice 1 どこを回るが決まってるの
Have you decided where you're going to go around?
Possibility 1 Character response: "Ah, there are so many places I want to go to with master, but.. There's too many, picking where is gonna trouble me.

えっ!? せやね〜・・・・・・ どないしょ? あぁ、お師さんと行きたい場所はたくさんあるんやけど。ありすぎて、どこから回るか悩んでるんよ。"

Result: Trust level up
Possibility 2 Character response: "Ye~p. I wanna eat Takoyaki~. After that I'll have Yakisoba and Okonomiyaki... Ahaha, it's a~ll food stands. If Oshi-san heard me talking about this, he'd be disgusted~

う〜ん。たこ焼きは食べたいなぁ。あとは焼きそばやお好み焼き・・・・・・ あはは、ぜ〜んぶ食べ物のお店や。こんなん話したらお師さんに呆れられてまうわ〜"

Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 良かったね
I'm glad.
Possibility 1 Character response: "うん。盆と正月がいっぺんにきたみたいやっ。おれ、こんなに幸せで良ぇんやろかってくらい。嬉しくて嬉しくてたまらへんで・・・・・・ ♪"
Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Launch! The Night Sky of the Shooting Star Festival Mika Kagehira Normal Event 3
"Whoa... Thank ya kindly, Anzu-chan. Not only for master and Mado-nee, but a yukata was also made for me. I really gotta thank ya."
Choice 1 喜んでもらえて私も嬉しい
If it makes you happy, I'm happy too.
Possibility 1 Character response: "The yukata that Anzu made for us... Um... well, I'll treasure it ♪

わかるで、喜んでもろたら嬉しいよなぁ・・・・・・ ♪ あんずちゃんがおれたちにってつくってくれた浴衣や。えぇっと・・・・・・ だ、大事にするで ♪"

Result: Trust level up
Possibility 2 Character response: "べつに喜んでるわけやあらへんよ。えっ、気に入らんかったわけやないけど・・・・・・?気に入ったかどうかって聞かれると返答に困るわぁ。"
Result: Yellow Fragments
Choice 2 着心地はどう?
Is it comfortable?
Possibility 1 Character response: "うん。着心地はバッチリや。お師さんも脱がへんってことは、着心地がえぇんやろうし。・・・・・・ちょっとくらいなら、自信を持ってもえぇんとちゃう?"
Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: ""