The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Event Japanese English Obtained by
My Room (Common)
Morning: 05:00 - 10:59 JST / Afternoon: 11:00 - 15:59 JST / Evening: 16:00 - 19:59 JST / Night: 20:00 - 04:59 JST
Morning: Topic-1
朝-朝の話題 - 1
おやおや? 『プロデューサー』殿は寝ぐせを直す暇もないくらい朝からお忙しいのですね!

Oh? You're so busy, Lady Producer, you haven't even had time to fix your hair!

Oh my, oh my? It seems that Producer-dono has been so busy since morning that you haven't had the time to fix your bedhair!

Complete Idol Rank E Mission 1
Morning: Topic-2
朝-朝の話題 - 2

Your Excellency. Please say you "enjoy rice and miso soup for breakfast" to gain the favor of ordinary people!

Your Excellency, let's declare ourselves as members of the "rice and miso soup for breakfast" faction and increase our affinity with the common folk!

Complete Idol Rank D Mission 3
Noon: Topic-1
昼-昼の話題 - 1

I wonder what kind of training lessons you've prepared for us, Lady Producer... Yeah~ I'm excited♪

I wonder what kind of training Producer-dono has prepared for us... Well, well, I'm looking forward to it♪

Complete Idol Rank E Mission 2
Noon: Topic-2
昼-昼の話題 - 2

We are going to have lunch together to improve Eden's teamwork. Would you like to join us?

I'm planning to have lunch together to improve Eden's teamwork. Would you like to join us?

Complete Idol Rank C Mission 1
Evening: Topic-1
夕-夕方の話題 - 1

I shall engrave every word from your guidance on my heart, Lady Producer, and regard them as my holy scriptures☆

I will engrave every word of guidance from Producer-dono into my heart and faithfully recite it like a sacred scripture☆

Complete Idol Rank D Mission 1
Evening: Topic-2
夕-夕方の話題 - 2
今度、弓弦と三人で優雅にお茶でもしませんか? 自分以外の者がいると弓弦も『牙』を隠すようなので♪

Would you like to have some tea with Yuzuru and me? I think Yuzuru will hide his fangs if someone else is present♪

How would you like having an elegant tea time with Yuzuru and me? It seems that Yuzuru tends to hide his "fangs" when there are others around besides me♪

Complete Idol Rank C Mission 2
Night: Topic-1
夜-夜の話題 - 1

You should eat properly, no matter how busy you are. Battles can't be won with a fallen commander!

No matter how busy you are, please make sure to eat. If the commander falls, we won't be able to win any battles!

Complete Idol Rank D Mission 2
Night: Topic-2
夜-夜の話題 - 2
夜道を歩くときは、ぜひとも自分を呼んでください♪ 多少は『夜戦』の心得もありますので……☆

Please call me when you're walking alone at night♪ I know something about night combats...☆

When you walk along the streets at night, don't hesitate to call upon me♪ I do have some knowledge of "night warfare" to some extent...☆

Complete Idol Rank C Mission 3
Night: Good Night-1
夜-おやすみ - 1
『プロデューサー』殿の安眠を守るのも自分の務めであります☆ 子守歌でもなんでもお任せください♪

It is also my duty to protect your sleep, Lady Producer☆ Leave the lullabies and whatever tasks to me♪

Protecting Producer-dono's sleep is also my duties☆ Feel free to entrust me with lullabies or anything else you'd like♪

Complete Idol Rank C Mission 4
Work Topic: Idol Rank E-1
仕事の話題-アイドルランクE - 1

So that's the direction you'll ultimately choose, Lady Producer. Wow~ what a keen insight☆

I see, so that's the strategy Producer-dono contrieved. Well, you truly have such keen insight☆

Complete Idol Rank E Mission 3
Work Topic: Idol Rank E-2
仕事の話題-アイドルランクE - 2
アイ・アイ♪ 『プロデューサー』殿の考えていることはお見通しでありますよ♪

Aye Aye♪ I know what you're thinking, Lady Producer♪

Aye aye♪ I can see through your mind, Producer-dono♪

Complete Idol Rank E Mission 4
Work Topic: Idol Rank C-1
仕事の話題-アイドルランクC - 1

You want to hear my opinion...? Well, if my humble opinions can be of any assistance, please feel free to ask!

Complete Idol Rank B Mission 1
Work Topic: Idol Rank C-2
仕事の話題-アイドルランクC - 2
『プロデューサー』殿という勝利の女神が付いていれば怖いものなしであります☆ 突撃、侵略、制覇~☆

With the Goddess of Victory known as Producer-dono by our side, there's nothing to fear☆ Infiltrate, charge in, conquer!☆

Complete Idol Rank B Mission 2
Work Topic: Idol Rank B-1
仕事の話題-アイドルランクB - 1

Your work doesn't always go as planned, but it often leads to good results, doesn't it...

Complete Idol Rank B Mission 3
Work Topic: Idol Rank B-2
仕事の話題-アイドルランクB - 2
『プロデューサー』殿の作戦に従いましょう! 自分の考えでも、それが一番有効だと思うので

Let's follow Producer-dono's strategy! This is my opinion, but I believe it is the most effective.

Complete Idol Rank B Mission 4
Work Topic: Idol Rank A-1
仕事の話題-アイドルランクA - 1
自分がドラマを主役を? 閣下を差し置いて自分が主役を演じるなんて……恐れ多い

Me as the lead in a drama? Taking the lead role over His Excellency would be discourteous...

Complete Idol Rank A Mission 4
Work Topic: Idol Rank A-2
仕事の話題-アイドルランクA - 2

The MC job for that infotainment television program? It might sound immodest, but I believe I'm well-suited for it.

Complete Idol Rank A Mission 5
My Room (Seasonal)
Morning: 05:00 - 10:59 JST / Afternoon: 11:00 - 15:59 JST / Evening: 16:00 - 19:59 JST / Night: 20:00 - 04:59 JST

Spring: April - May / Summer: June - September / Autumn: October - November / Winter: December - March

Spring - Morning: Topic-1
春-朝の話題 - 1

Oh-ho? It's true that as the poem goes, "in spring, one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn", but it's not professional for a producer to half-sleep like this, you know~

Oh my, they say people tend to oversleep in spring, so Producer-dono mustn't look sleepy, alright?

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Morning: Topic-2
春-朝の話題 - 2
タンポポの綿毛が御髮についてますよ! 『フワフワ』しているもの同士、お似合いかもしれませんね☆

You have dandelion fluff in your hair. Maybe that's because you and the dandelion do share something in common☆

There's dandelion fluff in your hair! "Fluffy" things seem to stick together, don't they☆

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Morning: Topic-3
春-朝の話題 - 3

We can't let ourselves slack off just because it's spring. Even His Majesty Tsumugi couldn't stop yawning, though.

Don't let your guard down in spring, okay? Even His Majesty Tsumugi couldn't stop yawning.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Morning: Topic-4
春-朝の話題 - 4
おはようこさいます! 春特有の眠気を吹き飛ばすために、自分と朝のトレーニングなどいかがでしよう?

Good morning! How about some morning exercises with me to shake off that springtime drowsiness?

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Noon: Topic-1
春-昼の話題 - 1

His Excellency[sic] said it was a sign of good luck to grab three cherry blossom petals in a row... Well, even a hundred is a piece of cake for me.

His Highness mentioned that it's good to catch three cherry blossom petals in a row... I believe I could easily catch a hundred or so.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Noon: Topic-2
春-昼の話題 - 2
おやおや、昼食が気になりますか? 『プロデューサー』殿は『花より団子』というわけですね

Oh, are you thinking about lunch, Lady Producer? You seem to be a practical person who is "more interested in Dangos instead of flowers".

Oh my, are you thinking about lunch? So, Producer-dono prefers function over aesthetics.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Noon: Topic-3
春-昼の話題 - 3

Hm? It seems like there are strong winds today. You know, they say soldiers are like cherry blossoms—their most beautiful moment is when they fall.

Oh, it seems quite windy today, doesn't it? However, they say that both soldiers and cherry blossoms are most beautiful when they fall.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Noon: Topic-4
春-昼の話題 - 4

Just because it's spring, don't let your guard down too much. In this industry, someone might stab you in the back. Be cautious...☆

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Evening: Topic-1
春-夕方の話題 - 1

I never thought I would be "fighting" side by side with you like this. Haha, you never know what will happen tomorrow.

I never would have thought we'd form a "united front" like this. Heheh, it's quite amusing, isn't it?

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Evening: Topic-2
春-夕方の話題 - 2

I saw Jun yawning just now. Seriously, even though it's spring, don't you think he is too undisciplined?

I saw Jun yawning earlier. Honestly, even though it's spring, he shouldn't be letting down his guard too much, right?

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Evening: Topic-3
春-夕方の話題 - 3
『プロデューサー』殿、年度始まりだからか、少々肩に力が入りすぎでは? たまには息抜きも大切かと

Lady Producer? Perhaps it is because of the new season, but you seem tense. I feel the occasional relaxation is important, too, you know.

Producer-dono, is it because the new fiscal year has started that you seem a bit too tense? It's important to take a break once in a while.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Evening: Topic-4
春-夕方の話題 - 4
閣下を見ませんでしたか? 花見をすると外出されたのですが、まだお帰りになっていないんです

Have you seen His Excellency? He went out for cherry blossom viewing, but he hasn't returned yet.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Night: Topic-1
春-夜の話題 - 1

It's necessary to train the new staff who joined in the spring. Speaking of "training", please leave it to me...♪

We need to train the new staff who have joined us this spring. You can leave the "training" to me...♪

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Night: Topic-2
春-夜の話題 - 2
ふあぁふ……☆ 失礼、すこし気が緩んでいたようで……お恥ずかしい……

Yawwwn...☆ Excuse me. I guess I was a bit too relaxed... How embarrassing...

Yawwn...☆ My apologies, it seems I let my guard down for a moment... How embarrassing...

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Night: Topic-3
春-夜の話題 - 3

The nights are still chilly. Make sure you're taking care of yourself—we don't want illness to affect your schedule.

The nights are still a bit chilly, aren't they? Please take good care of your health to ensure it doesn't affect your schedule.

ES Coin Shop
Spring - Night: Topic-4
春-夜の話題 - 4

At this time of year, it's a battle to secure talented newcomers. Of course, COSPRO has gathered the cream of the crop...♪

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Morning: Topic-1
夏-朝の話題 - 1

Oh? This heat is nothing compared to my military training✰

Oh, come on. This level of heat is nothing compared to the intensity of my "training"☆

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Morning: Topic-2
夏-朝の話題 - 2

Salt candies are better than water in this heat. I brought plenty, so please take them✰

It might be a good idea to ensure not only hydration but also salt intake. I've prepared some salted candies, so please help yourself☆

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Morning: Topic-3
夏-朝の話題 - 3

With the hot days continuing, I can't help but worry that His Excellency might fall ill. After all, His Excellency is the symbol of Eden.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Morning: Topic-4
夏-朝の話題 - 4

It's advisable to plan your daily schedule during the cool early morning hours in the summertime.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Noon: Topic-1
夏-昼の話題 - 1

If you start feeling tired, take a rest. Self–care is also part of the job, you know?

If you're not feeling well, please don't push yourself too hard. Self-care is also a part of the job.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Noon: Topic-2
夏-昼の話題 - 2

A photoshoot on a deserted island? No worries. I can survive for weeks in any place✰

Filming on an uninhabited island, you say? Leave it to me; I could survive for several weeks anywhere☆

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Noon: Topic-3
夏-昼の話題 - 3

Producer-dono, I've prepared some cold beverages. These are the new products from a company I manage.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Noon: Topic-4
夏-昼の話題 - 4

Producer-dono, how about a lunch meeting with me? I'd like to discuss a bit about the summer special program.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Evening: Topic-1
夏-夕方の話題 - 1

Ibara Lecture is meant to prepare students for the upcoming semester. I'd be honored if you would like to come, Lady Producer.

I'll be conducting preparatory classes at "Ibara Lecture" for the new semester. If you'd like, Producer-dono, you're welcome to come and observe.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Evening: Topic-2
夏-夕方の話題 - 2
おや? 花火ですか。 火薬をこんなに平和に使って見せるとは、見事でありますな☆

Hm? Are those fireworks? It's so nice to see gunpowder put to such a peaceful use.

Oh? Fireworks, is it? It's truly impressive to see gunpowder being used so peacefully☆

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Evening: Topic-3
夏-夕方の話題 - 3
閣下が線香花火に興味を持たれるとは! すぐに日本一の者を取り寄せましょう!

His Excellency showing an interest in sparklers! We should immediately order the best ones in Japan!

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Evening: Topic-4
夏-夕方の話題 - 4

The sun has finally settled down, but if you're going out, please take an umbrella. It seems like there might be an evening shower.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Night: Topic-1
夏-夜の話題 - 1

His Highness Hiyori has commanded us to have fireworks at our next Live. I must prepare something extraordinary...

Under His Highness' orders, we are to launch fireworks during the live performance, so we need to prepare some extra-large ones...

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Night: Topic-2
夏-夜の話題 - 2

I know it's hard to sleep, but no soldier can function at 100% without a good night's rest, you know!

No matter how restless you are, you need to get some sleep and replenish your energy. You won't be able to fight tomorrow without it!

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Night: Topic-3
夏-夜の話題 - 3
殿下には困ったものです。突然暑地でのロケを希望されるとは……。 まぁ、何とかしてみせますが

His Highness can be quite challenging. To suddenly request a location shoot in a hot area... Well, I'll do my best to make it work.

ES Coin Shop
Summer - Night: Topic-4
夏-夜の話題 - 4

Yawwn... Pardon me, last night, His Excellency suddenly said he wanted to stargaze. I'm, a bit sleep-deprived.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Morning: Topic-1
秋-朝の話題 - 1

Appetites run rampant in autumn, but make sure you don't overeat☆

Even though it's "appetite season", please try not to overeat too much☆

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Morning: Topic-2
秋-朝の話題 - 2
紅葉が自分のようだと? なるほど、枯れて落ちてゴミになって道を汚すところがそっくりですね☆

Autumn leaves remind you of me? Oh! Because they wrinkle, fall, dirty the roads, and become garbage, right?☆

Autumn leaves resembling me, you say? I see, it seems I bear a striking resemblance to the fallen leaves that wither away and litter the streets☆

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Morning: Topic-3
秋-朝の話題 - 3

Natsume-kun asked if "Ibara Lecture" offers any courses related to directing. Do you happen to know of any good instructors?

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Morning: Topic-4
秋-朝の話題 - 4

The wind is quite strong this morning, isn't it? The cold is increasing as well, so I must also take care of my health.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Noon: Topic-1
秋-昼の話題 - 1
殿下にねだられて『焼き芋』を買いにいくはめになり……。 こういう『雑用』はジュンの役目では?

His Highness Hiyori begged me to get him some baked sweet potatoes... I thought Jun was supposed to be his errand boy.

I was persuaded by His Highness to go and buy roasted sweet potatoes... Shouldn't these kinds of "chores" be Jun's responsibility?

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Noon: Topic-2
>秋-昼の話題 - 2

Seasonal changes are rough on the immune system. The weather is nice, but stay vigilant.

The changing of seasons is a time when it's easy to get sick. Don't let your guard down just because the weather is pleasant.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Noon: Topic-3
>秋-昼の話題 - 3

I'm well-versed in military-style diets as well. So if you're concerned about overeating, feel free to let me know.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Noon: Topic-4
>秋-昼の話題 - 4

It seems there will be a sports festival in the autumn special program. We'll need to work on building our physical strength, as well as strategize to win.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Evening: Topic-1
秋-夕方の話題 - 1
閣下が『サンマ』を食そうとしている……! 骨をとってさしあげなくては!

His Excellency is about to eat that fish...! I must go debone it for him!

His Excellency is trying to eat saury...! I need to remove the bones for him!

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Evening: Topic-2
秋-夕方の話題 - 2
『プロデューサー』殿、少々『食べ過ぎ』ではないですか? 健康のため、軽く運動したほうが良いかと☆

Aren't you eating too much unhealthy food, Lady Producer? Let's do some workout together~☆

Producer-dono, are you eating a bit too much? For your health, it might be a good idea to do some light exercise☆

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Evening: Topic-3
秋-夕方の話題 - 3

As the cooler season approaches, it seems like there will be some physically demanding tasks... This is where Jun comes into play.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Evening: Topic-4
秋-夕方の話題 - 4

Takamine-shi generously shared a large amount of persimmons with us, so I'm thinking of dropping by the circle today!

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Night: Topic-1
秋-夜の話題 - 1
あなたと見る月は格別にきれいに見えますね! そう思いませんか?

The moon looks even more beautiful when I'm with you! Don't you feel the same?

The moon looks exceptionally beautiful when I'm with you, don't you think?

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Night: Topic-2
秋-夜の話題 - 2

His Excellency wanted to eat moon-viewing Dango, so I went and bought some. Would you like one?

I went to buy moon-viewing dumplings because His Excellency requested them. I bought some extra, would you like one?

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Night: Topic-3
秋-夜の話題 - 3

They say "long autumn nights", but when I'm busy strategizing, I tend to stay up late as well.

ES Coin Shop
Autumn - Night: Topic-4
秋-夜の話題 - 4

Oh dear... While it's a splendid full moon, I wonder what His Excellency is thinking, suddenly suggesting moon viewing like this...

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Morning: Topic-1
冬-朝の話題 - 1
アイドル全員分の防寒具は用意済みです☆ あ、余ったのであなたのぶんもいちおう用意してありますよ

I've prepared anti-cold measures for all the idols☆ And this extra share is for you! Please feel free to take it~

I've prepared cold weather gear for all the idols☆ Oh, and I've also prepared some for you, just in case.

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Morning: Topic-2
冬-朝の話題 - 2
冬は様々なイベントがある、いわゆる『激戦区』です! さぁ、気合を入れてまいりましょう!

Winter is full of job opportunities for idols, so it's very competitive! Now, into the fray, we go!

Winter is the so-called "battlefield" with various events! Now, let's get pumped up and dive in!

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Morning: Topic-3
冬-朝の話題 - 3
この季節は忙しくて敵いませんねぇ! 朝から晩まで仕事が詰まっていて、正直高笑いが止まりません!

This season is so busy, it's unbeatable! From morning to night, work is piling up, and honestly, I can't stop laughing out loud!

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Morning: Topic-4
冬-朝の話題 - 4
年末年始に向け、本格的に忙しくなってきましたね! 一分一秒も無駄にはできません!

As we approach the year-end and New Year, things have become seriously busy! Every minute and second is precious and can't be wasted!

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Noon: Topic-1
冬-昼の話題 - 1
ロケで『雪遊び』を? お任せください! 塹壕づくりの要領で、かまくらづくりもお手のものです☆

Playing in the snow on location? Leave it to me! I have a knack for digging trenches, and I'm an old hand at building igloos☆

"Snow activities" for a shoot? Leave it to me! I'm quite skilled at making snow forts using trench-digging techniques☆

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Noon: Topic-2
冬-昼の話題 - 2

Wait for a minute, please. I just got an urgent phone call, and I have to take this. I'll be right back☆

Just a moment, please. It seems like there's an urgent call, so I'll answer the phone☆

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Noon: Topic-3
冬-昼の話題 - 3

It looks like it's getting cold, and it seems like it's started snowing. Since our next job requires travel, shall we head out early?

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Noon: Topic-4
冬-昼の話題 - 4

Is the shooting location will be at a hot spring resort? Since winter can often disrupt transportation, I hope for a place with good accessibility!

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Evening: Topic-1
冬-夕方の話題 - 1

Navigating this battlefield with you across the seasons, my "rival," has been a truly enjoyable experience.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter... I'm enjoying these days, running around this battlefield with you, my "rival".

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Evening: Topic-2
冬-夕方の話題 - 2

Please leave the after party to me. I'll make sure to make it a party to remember☆

Leave the setup for the launch to me. Let's make sure it's an event that won't be outdone by anyone else☆

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Evening: Topic-3
冬-夕方の話題 - 3

Next week, we have a snowy mountains as a shoot location, don't we? Let's make sure His Excellency doesn't catch a cold and get him a new down jacket.

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Evening: Topic-4
冬-夕方の話題 - 4

While working in the office, I was forcibly placed inside a kotatsu. Despite the fact that I shouldn't be warming up......

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Night: Topic-1
冬-夜の話題 - 1
今夜も冷えますね……。 『冬将軍』に負けて風邪をひく……なんてつまらないことはしないでくださいよ

It's still cold tonight... Catching a cold would be the last thing you want, so please take care of yourself.

It's getting quite cold tonight... Don't let "Jack Frost" defeat you and catch a cold. Please take care of yourself.

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Night: Topic-2
冬-夜の話題 - 2

I have to take this top-of-the-line down comforter to His Excellency's room to prevent him from catching a cold...

To make sure His Excellency doesn't get too cold, I should go and deliver this high-quality feather futon to his room...

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Night: Topic-3
冬-夜の話題 - 3

For us idols, the winter season filled with events is a crucial turning point. So, let's infiltrate, charge in, conquer!

ES Coin Shop
Winter - Night: Topic-4
冬-夜の話題 - 4

I finally found some time to catch my breath. Ah, the warmth of coffee is truly soothing......☆

ES Coin Shop
WWYS. Greeting
これからも、手と手を取り合い勝利に向かって邁進してまいりましょう! 突撃、侵略、制覇~☆

Please allow me to continue to strive for victory hand in hand with you! Infiltrate, charge in, conquer~☆

Let us continue to ally ourselves and strive for victory! Attack, invade, conquer~☆ *

Log in on 7/1/20; ES Coin Shop
6th Anniversary Greeting
おめでたい日に釘を刺すようですが、ここで満足してはいませんね? 栄光への道はこれからですよ!


"It might seem like I'm raining on the parade on this joyous day, but are you satisfied with where we are now? The path to glory lies ahead!

Log in on 5/18/21; ES Coin Shop

7th Anniversary Greeting

These days have been like a whirlwind, but we're still only halfway there. Please continue to expect even greater leaps from Eden!

Log in on 9/18/22; ES Coin Shop
8th Anniversary Greeting
自分たちは、来だたくさんの可能性を秘めています! さらなる発展にはあなたの存在が必要不可欠です!

We have a lot of potential within ourselves! Your presence is essential for further development!

Log in on 10/15/23
Christmas Greeting-1
クリスマスの挨拶 - 1
チャリティライブで新たなファンを獲得する作戦でありますか! 大胆な作戦、天晴れであります!

Is securing new fans by doing charity Lives your new battle plan? What a bold and splendid strategy!

Is it a strategy to gain new fans through the charity live? What a bold move! Well done!

ES Coin Shop
Christmas Greeting-2
クリスマスの挨拶 - 2
メリークリスマスであります☆ 聖夜には戦争が一時休戦した例がありますし、我々も羽を休めますか

Wish you a merry Christmas☆ There was a truce on Christmas Eve in history, so shall we also sheathe our swords?

Merry Christmas☆ There have been historical examples of wars temporarily ceasing on Christmas Eve, so maybe we should take a break too.

Log in on 12/25/2021; ES Coin Shop
Christmas Greeting-3
クリスマスの挨拶 - 3
メリークリスマス! 今年も大変嫁がせていただきましたな。次の商戦へ向けて、少々休息を取りましょう


Merry Christmas! It's been quite a year for us. Let's take a little break before gearing up for the next campaign.

Log in on 12/25/2022; ES Coin Shop
Christmas Greeting-4
クリスマスの挨拶 - 4

Merry Christmas, how about we forget about the battles for today and wish for peace... ☆

Log in on 12/25/2023
Special: Christmas Topic-1
クリスマスの話題 - 1

I'm ashamed to say that I have scarcely celebrated Christmas before. Could you please tell me how you usually celebrate it?

Though it shames me to admit this, I have yet to truly experience this festivity known as Christmas; what do you usually do to celebrate? *

Reward from 2020 Christmas Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Special: Christmas Topic-2
クリスマスの話題 - 2

Special Lives, charity concerts, parties... I don't have time to relax around Christmas.

Between special live shows, charity concerts, and parties... there's hardly any time to relax during Christmas, huh?

ES Coin Shop
Special: Christmas Topic-3
クリスマスの話題 - 3
クリスマスと書いて商機と読みます! 忙しすぎて高笑いが止まりませんな! あっははは☆

You can't spell "Christmas" without "profit!" I'm so busy, yet I can't help but laugh out loud! Ahahahaha☆

They write it as Christmas, but I read it as business opportunity. I can't stop laughing manically from being too busy! Ahahaha☆

Tap on Ibara in My Room during 12/10 - 12/25/2022; ES Coin Shop
Dating on Christmas

Both you and the town are too bright for my eyes, but... I feel like when I'm with you, even my heart can become pure. I doubt you'll believe that, though...

Both the town and you are too dazzling for me... But when I'm with you, I feel like my heart becomes clear as well. Though you probably won't believe me...

Reward from 2021 Christmas Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Heartening Plan

I don't think someone like me could possibly save someone freezing from the cold... But still, I can't just let your hands stay cold. That's all.

I don't think someone like me are the type to save those shivering in the cold... However, I can't just leave your hand being cold like that. That's all there is to it.

Reward from 2022 Christmas Campaign
A Word After Shopping

If it's a gift for the Producer-dono, I heard you would be most pleased with something work-related. Then how about a collaborative project with me, regarding the next Eden live performance?

Reward from 2023 Christmas Campaign
New Year Greeting-1
お正月の挨拶 - 1
あけましておめでとうございます! 新年こそ、暇を持て余す民衆にアピールをするチャンスであります!

Happy New Year! The New Year's holiday provides an excellent opportunity to show the charm of idols to the public who might feel bored on holiday!

Happy New Year! The start of the year is when the general populace tends to have more free time on their hands, and as such it is a prime opportunity for us to advertise ourselves more! *

2021 New Year Login Bonus; ES Coin Shop
New Year Greeting-2
お正月の挨拶 - 2
あけましておめでとうございます! 今年も清く正しく突撃! 侵略! 制覇! してまいります☆

Happy New Year! This year, I'll continue to infiltrate, charge in, and conquer with integrity~☆

Happy New Year! This year as well, we will march forward with purity and righteousness, to infiltrate! Charge in! Conquer!☆

2022 New Year Login Bonus; ES Coin Shop
New Year Greeting-3
お正月の挨拶 - 3

Happy New Year. I hope we continue to work in harmony this year.

Happy New Year! Let's continue to maintain a good relationship with each other this year as well.

2023 New Year Login Bonus
New Year Greeting-4
お正月の挨拶 - 4
あけましておめでとうございます。今年もCOSMIC PRODUCTIONのさらなる躍進を願って☆

Happy New Year! Wishing COSMIC PRODUCTION further advances in the coming year☆

2024 New Year Login Bonus
Special: New Year Topic-1
お正月のひとこと - 1

Reading cards, setting goals for the year... There is no New Year's holiday for a producer. I will assist you so that you may finish your work sooner!

From double checking all the greeting cards to coming up with resolutions — a Producer's work never ends, even during the holidays. I shall serve as your support, so let us finish all our tasks posthaste! *

Reward from 2021 New Year Road Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Special: New Year Topic-2
お正月のひとこと - 2

His Excellency is interested in traditional games, so I'll have everyone in Eden play battledore and fly kites.

His Excellency has shown interest in traditional games... How about Eden enjoying playing battledore and kite-flying?

ES Coin Shop
Special: New Year Topic-3
お正月のひとこと - 3
新年、特番、新春ライブ! 初戦場の準備は万端であります。必ずや勝利を収めてきましょう!

New year! TV specials! New Year's Live! I'm all set for the New Year's battle. I will lead us to victory!

New Year, special program, New Year's live! We are fully prepared for the first battle! Let's make sure to achieve victory!

ES Coin Shop
Valentine's Day Greeting-1
バレンタインの反応 - 1
あなたからこのようなものをいただけるとは……! 有り難いので食べずに神棚へ捧げようと思います!


To receive something like this from you...! I'm truly grateful, so I'll offer it to the household shrine without eating it!

Reward from 2021 Valentine for you! Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Special: Valentine's Day Topic-1
バレンタインの話題 - 1
有り難くいただきましょう! ファンの方々からの想いの詰まったチョコでしょうしね!


Let's graciously accept it! It must be chocolate filled with the feelings of our fans!

ES Coin Shop
Valentine's Day Topic-2
バレンタインの話題 - 2
ファンの皆さまからのチョコの供給、誠に感謝であります☆ 栄養補給させていただきますね!

Thank you very much for the chocolates from all of you, my dear fans☆ They'll provide me nourishment!

We're truly grateful for the supply of chocolates from our fans☆ We'll consider it a nutritional boost!

ES Coin Shop
Valentine's Day Topic-3
バレンタインの話題 - 3

We must utilize Valentine's Day while we can to increase customer satisfaction. I'll proceed forward with my plans♪

To improve customer satisfaction, we must effectively utilize Valentine's Day. The next plan will also progress steadily♪

ES Coin Shop
Recieves Chocolate
自分にこのようなものをくださるなんて! 思わず顔がチョコのようにとろけます☆ こんなだらけた顔を閣下や他のものに見られては示しがつきませんね

I never thought I'd be so lucky to receive such a gift! I feel my facial expression can't help but relax like how the chocolate melts☆ I can't let His Excellency or any others see me like this.

Receiving something like this for myself! My face can't help but melt like chocolate☆ I wouldn't want His Excellency or others to see me with such a relaxed expression, you know.

Reward from 2022 Valentine's is Also Hard Work!? Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Recieves Favorite Chocolate
これを自分に……? 不覚にも心拍数が上昇してしまう……。こ、今回はあなたのほうが上手だったと認めてあげましょう! 次はありませんが!

You want to give this to me...? My heart is even racing uncontrollably... I, I'll admit that you beat me on this one! But there won't be a next time!

This is for me...? My heart rate is unexpectedly rising... W-well, I'll admit that you were better this time! There won't be a next time, though!

Reward from 2022 Valentine's is Also Hard Work!? Campaign; ES Coin Shop
For the Chocolate Tips

Thanks to you, Lady Producer, I was able to come up with a perfect battle plan. To think I was able to exceed my calculations... I don't mind these kinds of surprises every once in a while.

It seems that I've been able to make spectacular measures all thanks to Producer-dono's advice. I didn't expect them to exceed my calculations... Sometimes, the unexpected is not a bad thing!

Reward from 2023 Chocolate Making Campaign
Meeting for Making Chocolate

I'm thinking of trying a slightly exquisite chocolate this year. However, I'm a novice at making sweets, so I'd like to hear Producer-dono's opinion as well!

Reward from 2024 ES Chocolate Making Deciding Match!
White Day Greeting
ホワイトデーのお礼 - 1
僭越ながら、この間の『お返し』を献上いたします☆ あぁ、不要でしたら遠慮せず破棄してください!


Allow me to present this small return gift☆ Oh, if you don't need it, please don't hesitate to dispose of it!

Reward from 2021 White Day for you! Campaign; ES Coin Shop
White Day (Sends Bouquet)

I want to give this bouquet of leather flowers to you, Lady Producer. It means "beauty of spirit" and "strategy" ...Don't you think it is the perfect flower for us?

I offer you this Clematis. Its meaning in the language of flowers is "mental beauty" and "stratagem"... Don't you think it's a perfect flower for us?

Reward from 2022 White Day at Work Campaign; ES Coin Shop
To the Fans


It's thanks to everyone's love that we're idols. Instead of being content with this wonderful result, let's strive to captivate even more people and make them our fans!

Reward from 2023 Feelings Delivered From Fans Campaign
With a Big Thank You♪
『プロヂューサー』殿に贈り物です! チョコをつくったときに、エプロンを汚してしまったでしょう? 新品を購入したので、こちらを使用してください

This is a gift for you, Producer-dono! When you made chocolates, the apron got dirty, right? I bought a new one, so please use this one.

Reward from 2024 With a Big Thank You♪ Campaign
Special: White Day Topic-1
ホワイトデーの話題 - 1
『プロデューサー』殿、もしよろしければすこしお時間を頂戴したいであります! ホワイトデーのイベントについて、作戦会議がしたいな~と☆


Producer-dono, if it's alright with you, I'd like to have a little bit of your time! I'd like to have a strategy meeting about the White Day event~☆

ES Coin Shop
White Day Topic-2
ホワイトデーの話題 - 2

In return for all the fans, I'm going to take photos and sign my name... A busy day, isn't it?

As a return to our fans, we have photo shoots for bromides, signing sessions, and... our schedule is packed to the brim, isn't it?

ES Coin Shop
White Day Topic-3
ホワイトデーの話題 - 3


It's about time for the seeds sown on Valentine's Day to sprout. I hope His Excellency will wield his power to the fullest!

ES Coin Shop
Halloween Greeting-1
ハロウィンの挨拶 - 1
Trick or Treat! 今日は無礼講ということで、本気でやらせてもらいますね☆

Trick or treat! As etiquette is not today's priority, I will be serious with my pranks☆

Trick or Treat! Today is a day for no holds barred, so I'll give it my all☆

ES Coin Shop
Special: Halloween Topic-1
ハロウィンの話題 - 1
『Trick or Treat』……つまり『略奪か死か』ということであります☆ もちろんそこまでしませんが、『疼く』単語でありますなぁ

"Trick or treat"... means "to raid or to die"☆ Although my actual actions are far lesser, that phrase still makes my heart throb.

"Trick or Treat"... in other words, "Plunder or Death", isn't it☆ Of course, we won't go that far, but it's a rather "intense" phrase, isn't it?

Reward from 2020 Halloween Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Special: Halloween Topic-2
ハロウィンの話題 - 2
コスプロのみんなを様々な姿に仮葬させて、ブロマイドを売り捌きましょう☆ 無論、自分も仮葬します

Let's make everyone at COS PRO wear costumes, and then sell the pictures we take of them to fans☆ Naturally, I will dress up, too.

Let's have everyone in COSPRO dress up in various outfits and sell bromides☆ Of course, I'll also participate in dressing up.

ES Coin Shop
Halloween (Trick or Treat)
ハロウィン (Trick or Treat)
Trick or Treat! 本日ばかりは無礼講ということで、遠慮なく駆け引きを持ちかけさせていただきます☆

Trick or treat! Today is the wildest holiday of them all, so I'll be no-holds-barred with my battle plan☆

Trick or Treat! Today is a day for no holds barred, so don't hesitate to engage in some negotiations with me☆

Reward from 2021 Halloween Campaign; ES Coin Shop
Halloween (Trick)
ハロウィン (Trick)
あ、罠を踏みましたね? 足を離すと爆発するので気をつけてください。……もちろん冗談ですが、戦場だったら死んでますよ☆

Oh, you stepped in that trap? Careful, if you pull your foot out, it will explode... I'm joking, of course, but if this were a battlefield, you'd be dead☆

Oh, you stepped on a trap, didn't you? If you take your foot off, it will explode, so be careful. ...Of course, I'm just joking, but in a real battlefield, you'd be done for☆

Reward from 2021 Halloween Campaign (choose Trick); ES Coin Shop
Halloween (Treat)
ハロウィン (Treat)

When I am victorious, I will be certain to share my glory with you. That being said, if I go to hell, you're coming with me, too.

When I grasp victory, I will surely share the glory with you. However, when I fall into hell, I will take you with me.

Reward from 2021 Halloween Campaign (choose Treat); ES Coin Shop
Halloween (Prank)
ハロウィン (ドッキリ)

I finally caught you, Lady Producer. Fulfill my plan to turn idols into zombies with me. With you by my side, we can take over the world!

We've finally cornered you, Producer-dono. Let's proceed with the Idol Zombiefication Plan together. With you and me, we can conquer the world.

Reward from 2022 Halloween Campaign
Halloween Topic-3
ハロウィンの話題 - 3

If we're going to wear costumes, we‘re going to do it right. I've made arrangements for Eden's costumes and booked only the best crew for the shoot.

Since it's a costume party, we are going all out. Their Excellencies' outfits have been arranged, and we have top-notch photography staff ready as well.

ES Coin Shop
ES Prank Recording (Scare)
ESドッキリ撮影 (驚かす)
おめでとうございます! 自分の代わりに『Eden』の仮装衣装をプロデュースする権利の当選です!

Congratulations! You have won the right to produce Eden's Halloween costume on my behalf!

Reward from 2023 Halloween Campaign
ES Prank Recording (Scared)
ESドッキリ撮影 (驚かせる)
もしかしてそれ、残業中の自分ではないでしょうか? 防犯対策はしっかりしているので問題ないはずです

Could it have been me working overtime? Though security measures are in place, so there shouldn't be any issues.

Reward from 2023 Halloween Campaign
Embracing Spring
(Global Exclusive)

Many famous idols are gathered at this Spring Concert, so I should pay more attention to social strategy... Oops, I didn't say anything! Please don't care about that! Just enjoy yourself in this exciting event☆


Reward from 2023 Dawn of Spring Campaign
Luck Fest
(Global Exclusive)

Oh, this sachet must be the handiwork of Jimenyan... I mean, by Mr. Shino. It's an honor to receive such a precious gift! This wonderful scent is so healing...♪


Reward from 2024 Dawn of Spring Campaign
Birthday (Greeted)-1
誕生日 (祝ってもらった) - 1
こんなどうでもいいことに『プロデューサー』殿の貴重なお時間を使わせてしまうとは! 自分の誕生なんかより、あなたの仕事を大事にしてください!

How could I occupy your precious time, your highness! Please ignore it. Compared with your work, it is nothing!

I can't believe I'm wasting your precious time on such trivial matters, Producer-dono! Please prioritize your work over something as insignificant as my birthday!

Collect 120 presents in Ibara's Birthday Course on 11/14/2020; ES Coin Shop
Birthday (Greeted)-2
誕生日 (祝ってもらった) - 2
正直あまり気が進まない日ではありますが、あなたに祝われるとすこしだけ『嬉しく』感じますね? とりあえず……ありがとうございます☆

To be honest. I don't really care about this day, but I'm a bit happy about receiving your best wishes. Well, in short... Thank you so much for everything today.

To be honest, it's not a day I'm particularly looking forward to, but when you celebrate it, I can't help but feel a bit "happy", you know? So, for now... thank you☆

Collect 90 crackers in Ibara's Birthday Course on 11/14/2021; ES Coin Shop
Birthday (Greeted)-3
誕生日 (祝ってもらった) - 3
自分への一番のプレゼントは『結果』であります☆ さあさあ、素晴らしいプレゼントを期待してますよ!

The best gift for me is "results"☆ Come, come, I'm looking forward to a fantastic gift!

Collect 90 crackers in Ibara's Birthday Course on 11/14/2022
Birthday (Greeted)-4
誕生日 (祝ってもらった) - 4
『プロデューサー』殿はやはりお優しい! 自分のような者にも祝辞をいたたけるとは大変恐縮です☆

Very kind of you, Producer-dono! For someone like me to receive birthday wishes, I'm truly grateful☆

Collect 70 hearts in Ibara's Birthday Course on 11/14/2023
Happy Birthday, Producer!-1
プロデューサーの誕生日を祝う - 1
『プロデューサー』殿、おめでとうございます☆ お祝いの準備は万全であります! あなたにはお世話になっていますので盛大にお祝いしましょう♪

Lady Producer, Your Highness, Happy Birthday☆ The celebration is all set! I've always been counting on you, so today, please allow me to hold this grand birthday party for you♪

Producer-dono, Happy Birthday☆ The preparations for your celebration are complete! We're grateful for everything you do, so let's celebrate in a big way♪

Log in on your birthday; ES Coin Shop
Happy Birthday, Producer!-2
プロデューサーの誕生日を祝う - 2

In celebration of the day a remarkable figure in human history like you was born, I've prepared a modest gift☆

Log in on your birthday; ES Coin Shop
Happy Birthday, Producer!-3
プロデューサーの誕生日を祝う - 3
『プロデューサー』殿の生誕祭に、自分などが祝辞を述べてよいのですか? おめでとうございますっ☆

On Producer-dono's birthday, may I offer a congratulatory speech? Happy Birthday☆

Log in on your birthday
Live: Start-1
ライブスタート - 1

Let me invite you to Paradise!

Let's invite you to Paradise!

Complete Idol Rank E Mission 5
Live: Skill Activated-1
ライブ-スキル発動 - 1

The time is now!

Right now!

Complete Idol Rank C Mission 5
Work: Start-1
お仕事-スタート - 1

No matter what battlefield it is, I'll never be afraid♪

No battlefield is worth fearing♪

Complete Idol Rank D Mission 4
Work: End-1
お仕事-完了 - 1

Mission accomplished♪

Mission accomplished♪

Complete Idol Rank D Mission 5
Idol Rank
Rank D: 2,000 Fans / Rank C: 10,000 Fans / Rank B: 50,000 Fans / Rank A: 75,000 Fans / Rank A+: 100,000 Fans (Basic) 120,000 Fans (Music)
Idol Rank Up: D-1
アイドルランクアップ-ランクD - 1
いつも応援してくださり恐悦至極であります! 敬礼~✰

I'm incredibly grateful for your constant support! I salute~☆

I'm always deeply honored by your support! Salute~✰

Complete Rank Up Quest: Rank E to D for Ibara
Idol Rank Up: C-1
アイドルランクアップ-ランクC - 1


You're looking at me instead of the other members... Well, well, I couldn't be happier.

Complete Rank Up Quest: Rank D to C for Ibara
Idol Rank Up: B-1
アイドルランクアップ-ランクB - 1


There are people who genuinely support the "Idol Ibara Saegusa", and yet I often feel like I'm not giving it my all...

Complete Rank Up Quest: Rank C to B for Ibara
Idol Rank Up: Rank A-1
アイドルランクアップ-ランクA - 1

I will give it my all now, just to live up to the expectations of those who support me!

Complete Rank Up Quest: Rank B to A for Ibara
Idol Rank Up: Rank A+-1
アイドルランクアップ-ランクA+ - 1

To be honest, I never expected to shine as much as I have as an idol. I am grateful. Truly.

Complete Rank Up Quest: Rank A to A+ for Ibara
褒める - 1
『プロデューサー』殿は本当に素晴らしいかたであります♪ あなたを見ていると毎日が驚きの連続です☆

Producer-dono, you're truly wonderful♪ Watching you makes every day a series of surprises☆

Complete Idol Rank B Mission 5
褒める - 2
さすが、目の付け所が違いますねぇ! 自分も今後の参考にさせていただきたい!

As expected, you have a unique perspective! I'd like to use that as a reference for the future!

Reward from 2022 ES Intro Quiz!
褒める - 3
『プロデューサー』殿と仕事をしていると心強い! いや、安心して任せられるということであります!

It's reassuring to work with Producer-dono! No, it means I can entrust the work with peace of mind!

Reward from 2023 ES Intro Quiz!
反応 - 1
おっと☆ 突然触れないほうがいいですよ。昔の『クセ』でカウンターすることはなくなりましたが☆

Oof☆ I would prefer it if you didn't touch me so suddenly. Although I no longer have the old habit of launching a counterattack☆

Oh☆ I believe it will be better if you don't suddenly touch me. Though I do believe my old habit of countering on instinct is now gone☆

Complete Idol Rank A Mission 1
放置 - 1
自分から目を離していいのでありますか? よそ見をしてる間にも、自分は『観察』させてもらいますけど

Is it okay to take your eyes off me? Okay, I'll observe you while you look elsewhere.

Is it okay to look away from me? Even while you're distracted, I'll continue to "observe".

Complete Idol Rank A Mission 2
My Room Choice

Let's march together toward victory!

Complete Idol Rank A Mission 3
Story Voice (Rouge&Ruby)

The one ruling at the summit with the greatest "Love" is none other than us, Eden!

Read all chapters of Rouge&Ruby during Eden Climax Missions

New Year Karuta - Self Introduction
お正月 - 自己紹介かるた
震えて眠れ、我らの道を阻む雑兵ども! 不敵で不沈で不滅なこの『Eden』の七種茨を、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします♪

Hurdles in our path, quake at the sight of me! I'm the undefeatable, unsinkable, and undying Ibara Saegusa from Eden! I look forward to working with you♪

Tremble and sleep, you lowly foot soldiers who stand in our way. Please take this fearless, unsinkable, and immortal Ibara Saegusa from Eden.

Reward from Showdown! Ensemble Karuta
Album Release Announcement Voice


Log in during Album Release Campaign Eden

Event Japanese English Heard by
My Room (Setup)
Outfit Change-1 おぉ! 『プロデューサー』殿直々に衣装を選んで頂けるとは恐れ多い! ……いや、感謝をすべきでありますな!

Oh! It's truly an honor for Producer-dono to personally choose my outfit. ...No, I should express my gratitude!

Change Ibara's Outfit
Outfit Change-2 『プロデューサー』殿はセンスの塊ですね~☆ きっと自分はこの服を着る為に生まれて来たのでしょ♪

Producer-dono is the embodiment of good taste~☆ I must have been born to wear this outfit♪

Change Ibara's Outfit
My Room (Common)
Anytime-2 体に触れることで緊張をほぐすと同時に体調をチェックしているのでありますな? まさにゴッドハンド!

So you're trying to ease the tension from my shoulders and check my condition simultaneously. You have the hands of a god!

By touching my body, it's not only to relax tension but also to check my physical condition, huh! It's like having a godly touch!

Tap Ibara anytime in My Room
Idle-2 おや、反応がありませんね? 忠告しておきますが、自分からは目を離さないほうが良いかと……

Oh, no reaction, huh? Just a friendly reminder, it might be best not to look away from me...

Leave Ibara alone for around 5 seconds in My Room
Idle-3 ……『プロデューサー』殿はどうも忙しいようですし、自分の仕事を進めさせていただきますか


...It seems like Producer-dono is quite busy. I'll go ahead and proceed with my work then.

Leave Ibara alone for around 5 seconds in My Room
Idle-4 考え事ですか? 次なる一手を思案中ということでしたら、ぜひ自分にも聞かせて欲しいところです


Are you deep in thought? If you're considering your next move, I'd love to hear it and contribute if possible.

Leave Ibara alone for around 5 seconds in My Room
New Info-1 ややっ、『プロデューサー』殿に連絡が来ていますよ! いやぁ、いい知らせなら良いですねぇ☆

Oh, Producer-dono, you have a message coming in! Well, I hope it's good news!☆

Leave your Info unopened with Ibara as My Room Character
New Info-2 『プロデューサー』殿、連絡がきております! どのっような内容でしょうか?

Producer-dono, you have a message coming in! I wonder what it's about?

Leave your Info unopened with Ibara as My Room Character
New Info-3 情報の入手スピードこそ何よりの武器! 連絡は速めに確認すべきかと☆

The speed of information is our greatest weapon! It might be a good idea to check the message promptly, don't you think?☆

Leave your Info unopened with Ibara as My Room Character
Present Box-1 なにやら荷物が届いていますよ。重要なものかもしれないので、早く確認したほうが良いかと……

It seems like a package has arrived. It could be something important, so it might be a good idea to check it quickly...

Leave your Present Box items unclaimed with Ibara as My Room Character
Present Box-2 『プロデューサー』殿宛てに荷物が届いていますよ。ご自分で確認なさってみては?

A package has arrived for Producer-dono. Would you like to check it yourself?

Leave your Present Box items unclaimed with Ibara as My Room Character
Present Box-3 『プロデューサー』殿に贈り物ですよ。きっと日頃の活躍が認められたのでしょうなぁ!

It's a gift for Producer-dono. They must have recognized your hard work and dedication!

Leave your Present Box items unclaimed with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From D.L.F.S-1 いやぁ完璧なプロデュースでした!

Wow, it was a perfect Produce!

Return to My Room from D.L.F.S with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From D.L.F.S-2 自分に向かない仕事だと分析していたものも、不思議と楽しめましたね☆

Even tasks I had analyzed as not suitable for myself, strangely enough, I enjoyed them ☆

Return to My Room from D.L.F.S with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From D.L.F.S-3 さすがです! 『プロデューサー』が変わると、こうも手ごたえがちがうとは……!

As expected! When the Producer changes, the sense of accomplishment is so different...!

Return to My Room from D.L.F.S with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From D.L.F.S-4 さて、帰って早々ですが、粛々と次の戦略を練るとしますか

Well then, although we just came back, let's calmly devise the next strategy, shall we?

Return to My Room from D.L.F.S with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From D.L.F.S-5 『プロデューサー』殿が戦略家としての才能も秘めてらっしゃったとは……自分も負けてられませんね!

Who would have thought that you, Producer-dono, also possessed talent as a strategist... I can't afford to lose either!

Return to My Room from D.L.F.S with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From D.L.F.S-6 お疲れさまです! 今回の仕事を参考に、また戦略を見直してみようかと……

Thank you for your hard work! Taking this job as a reference, I'm thinking of revisiting our strategy......

Return to My Room from D.L.F.S with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From Live-1 アイ・アイ♪ 七種茨、無事帰還しました!

Aye aye♪ Ibara Saegusa has safely returned!

Return to My Room from Live with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From Live-2 満足した仕事ができれば、嬉しいものですね!

It's always a great feeling to accomplish a satisfying job!

Return to My Room from Live with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From Live-3 七種茨、只今帰還しました! 結果はまあまあといったところです

Ibara Saegusa has just returned! The results are... well, so-so.

Return to My Room from Live with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From Live-4 ふぅ、やはり大きな仕事をした後は充実感が違いますなぁ☆

Phew, there's definitely a different sense of fulfillment after completing a big task, isn't there?☆

Return to My Room from Live with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From Live-5 『プロデューサー』殿、今回は確かな戦果を挙げてまいりましたよ☆

Producer-dono, this time we've achieved definite results☆

Return to My Room from Live with Ibara as My Room Character
Return From Live-6 七種茨、只今帰還いたしました! 良いライブになりましたね!

Ibara Saegusa has just returned! It was a good live performance, wasn't it?

Return to My Room from Live with Ibara as My Room Character
My Room (Campaigns)
Halloween Topic-4
ハロウィンの話題 - 4

We've already grasped the touring route for the COSPRO Idols in costumes. Let's take good photos and use them as promotional materials!

Tap on Ibara in My Room during 10/15 - 10/31/2023
Christmas Topic-4
クリスマスの話題 - 4

This year's Christmas live performance will also be available for streaming, so we need to ensure that all the broadcasting preparations are in perfect order!

Tap on Ibara in My Room during 12/10 - 12/25/2023
New Year Comment-4
お正月のひとこと - 4
閣下を見ませんでしたか? 今年は餅をつきたいとのことで、杵と臼を借りてきたのですが……

Have you seen His Excellency? This year, I heard that he wants to pound mochi, so I borrowed a pestle and mortar...

Tap on Ibara in My Room during 1/1 - 1/30/2024
Valentine's Day Topic-4
バレンタインの話題 - 4

Due to my position, I tend to perceive things as business opportunities... However, I don't mind receiving support and encouragement!

Tap on Ibara in My Room during 1/31 - 2/29/2024
White Day Topic-4
ホワイトデーの話題 - 4
お返し用のライブ配信の準備でてんてこ舞いです! ですが、皆さんに喜んでいただけることでしょう♪

I'm in a flurry of preparations for the repayment live stream! However, I'm sure everyone will be delighted♪

Tap on Ibara in My Room during 3/1 - 3/14/2024

My Room (Idol Rank)
Rank D: 2,000 Fans / Rank C: 10,000 Fans / Rank B: 50,000 Fans / Rank A: 75,000 Fans / Rank A+: 120,000 Fans
Idol Rank A+ - 1
Tap on Ibara in My Room with Idol Rank A+
Idol Rank A+ - 2
Tap on Ibara in My Room with Idol Rank A+
Login - 1
『プロデューサー』殿に敬礼! まるで女神が舞い降りるような美しい登場に、目が眩んでしまいました☆

Salute to the Producer-dono! I was dazzled by your beautiful entrance, as if a goddess had descended☆

Log in when Ibara is your My Room character
Login - 2

Today, I am delighted to have the honor of seeing your esteemed face, Producer-dono! It brings me the utmost joy!

Log in when Ibara is your My Room character
Login - 3
『プロデューサー』殿、ちょっと遅刻でありますよ。……何て嘘ですよ♪ 約束すらまだでしたからね♪

Producer-dono, you're running a little late...just kidding♪ There wasn't even a promise in the first place♪

Log in when Ibara is your My Room character
Camera Mode
Camera Mode (Anytime) - 1
敬礼! 自分と言えばこのポージングでしょ

Salute! As for me, this is posing, right?

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room
Camera Mode (Anytime) - 2

If it's you, Producer-dono, you'll surely take a photo that maximizes my charm, won't you? ...I'm looking forward to it☆

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room
Camera Mode (Anytime) - 3

If it turns out well, let's use it for promotion on social media.

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room
Camera Mode (Anytime) - 4

Producer-dono, please take a photo that will increase my likability♪

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room
Camera Mode (Taking Picture) - 1
どうでしょう? 魅力的なアイドルとして映っていますでしょうか?

How is it? Do I come across as a charming idol?

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room and take a picture
Camera Mode (Taking Picture) - 2

In my calculation; the pose. I think both the angle and everything else are perfect, what do you think?

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room and take a picture
Camera Mode (Taking Picture) - 3

With the current image strategically, hasn't it become a flawless shot?

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room and take a picture
Camera Mode (Taking Picture) - 4
おや? 自分の想定とは違うところでシャッターを切られましたねぇ。どうなったか確認しても?

Oh? The shutter clicked in a place different from what I expected. I wonder what happened? Can you check it?

Activate AR Camera with Ibara in My Room and take a picture
Scout / Card
Outfit Preview - 1
Preview Ibara's outfit on the Scout Page
Outfit Preview - 2

Just as excellent soldiers do not choose their battlefields, excellent idols do not choose their clothes either.

Preview Ibara's outfit on the Scout Page
Outfit Preview - 3


Preview Ibara's outfit on the Scout Page
Outfit Preview - 4


Preview Ibara's outfit on the Scout Page
5-Star Rarity Scout

If you want peace, you need to prepare for war.

If you desire peace, prepare for war.

Scout a Ibara 5★ card
Blooming a Card
次の戦略に、自分も役に立ちますよ~ きっと…

On the next strategy, I will surely help out~ Undoubtedly...

Bloom any Ibara card
Fitting Room
Fitting Room 人前に出る衣装ですから、しっかり決めてください。

Since it's an outfit for going out in public, please make sure to choose it carefully.

Choose Ibara in the Fitting Room
D.L.F.S (Basic Only)
Starting a Lesson - 1 『プロヂューサー』殿とお仕事ができるなんて……恐悦至極であります!

To be able to work with you, Producer-dono... I am extremely honored and pleased!

Start a Lesson with Ibara in the team
Starting a Lesson - 2 さぁ、参りましょう! なぁに? 我々の進先には勝利しかありませんよ!

Now, let us go! What is it? There's nothing but victory ahead for us!

Start a Lesson with Ibara in the team
Live (Music Only)
Combo - 1

We did it!

Reach either Combo Rank C, B or A during a Live with Ibara in the team
Combo - 2


Reach either Combo Rank C, B or A during a Live with Ibara in the team
Combo - 3


Reach either Combo Rank C, B or A during a Live with Ibara in the team
Combo - 4


Reach either Combo Rank C, B or A during a Live with Ibara in the team
Combo - 5


Reach either Combo Rank C, B or A during a Live with Ibara in the team
Combo - 6

Piece of cake~

Reach either Combo Rank C, B or A during a Live with Ibara in the team
Result - Fail - 1
リザルト-クリア失敗 - 1

My plan was supposed to work a little better...

Fail a Live with Ibara in the team
Result - Fail - 2
リザルト-クリア失敗 - 2

This level of mistake was within our expectations. Now, let's regroup and move on to the next step.

Fail a Live with Ibara in the team
Result - Fail - 3
リザルト-クリア失敗 - 3

Let's analyze the reasons for the defeat and prepare for the next step. It's a strategic retreat.

Fail a Live with Ibara in the team
Result - Fail - 4
リザルト-クリア失敗 - 4
ここは一度後退しましょう代しましょう。なぁに? 戦況を錬成に分析し、次に繋げればいいのです

Let's retreat for a moment. What? Analyze the battle situation, transmute it, and then connect to the next move.

Fail a Live with Ibara in the team
Result - Fail - 5
リザルト-クリア失敗 - 5
残念……! 力及ばずだったようですね。ここは撤退し、次の成功の糧としましょう

Unfortunate...! It seems our efforts fell short. Let's withdraw from here and use it as a stepping stone for our next success.

Fail a Live with Ibara in the team
D.L.F.S / Live (Both Basic and Music)
Live: Start-2
ライブスタート - 2
さぁ、行きますよ! 突撃! 侵略! 制覇!

Now, let us go! Infiltrate! Charge in! Conquer!

Start a D.L.F.S / Live with Ibara in the team
Live: Skill Activated-2
ライブ-スキル発動 - 2
構え! 打って!

Get ready! Strike!

Activate Ibara's skill during a D.L.F.S / Live
Live: Skill Activated-3
ライブ-スキル発動 - 3


Activate Ibara's skill during a D.L.F.S / Live
Live: Skill Activated-4
ライブ-スキル発動 - 4

To our victory!

Activate Ibara's skill during a D.L.F.S / Live
Live: Skill Activated-5
ライブ-スキル発動 - 5

Charge forth!

Activate Ibara's skill during a D.L.F.S / Live
Live: Skill Activated-6
ライブ-スキル発動 - 6

Don't mess this up!

Activate Ibara's skill during a D.L.F.S / Live
Result - Score SS - 1
リザルト-Score SS - 1
あはははは☆ これぞ完璧な勝利です!

Hahaha☆ This is what a perfect victory looks like!

Clear a D.L.F.S (Score SS) with Ibara in the team
Result - Full Combo - 1
リザルト-Full combo - 1
Clear a Live (Full Combo) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score SS - 2
リザルト-Score SS - 2

This is something beyond what I had imagined!

Clear a D.L.F.S (Score SS) with Ibara in the team
Result - Full Combo - 2
リザルト-Full combo - 2
Clear a Live (Full Combo) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score SS - 3
リザルト-Score SS - 3

This is... a result beyond my calculations, huh~

Clear a D.L.F.S (Score SS) with Ibara in the team
Result - Full Combo - 3
リザルト-Full combo - 3
Clear a Live (Full Combo) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score SS - 4
リザルト-Score SS - 4
あはははは☆ こうも上手く行くと、自分笑いが止まりません!

Hahaha☆ When things go this well, I can't stop laughing!

Clear a D.L.F.S (Score SS) with Ibara in the team
Result - Full Combo - 4
リザルト-Full combo - 4
Clear a Live (Full Combo) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score SS - 5
リザルト-Score SS - 5
素晴らしいー! 悔いの残らない、完璧な勝利でした!

Fantastic! It was a flawless victory with no regrets!

Clear a D.L.F.S (Score SS) with Ibara in the team
Result - Full Combo - 5
リザルト-Full combo - 5
Clear a Live (Full Combo) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score S - 1
リザルト-Score S - 1

Everything went according to my plan☆

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score S) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score S - 2
リザルト-Score S - 2

The audiences' smile is the proof that this place is a paradise!

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score S) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score S - 3
リザルト-Score S - 3

This is just as calculated, perfect☆

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score S) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score S - 4
リザルト-Score S - 4
今日も戦況は上々ですな♪ これでも大いって、駒を前に進められます。

The battle situation is looking good today♪ With this, I can advance my pieces even further.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score S) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score S - 5
リザルト-Score S - 5
思い描いた結果を出せましたね♪ 自分の全てをもって、戦略を立てた会がありました!

I achieved the results I envisioned♪ With all my heart, I formulated the strategy!

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score S) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score A - 1
リザルト-Score A - 1

It's thanks to all the members and the achievements of Producer-dono. Much appreciated~♪

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score A) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score A - 2
リザルト-Score A - 2

Well, something like this shouldn't even be considered a warm-up, right?

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score A) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score A - 3
リザルト-Score A - 3

Producer-dono, did you think this is my limit?

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score A) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score A - 4
リザルト-Score A - 4

Of course, I'm not satisfied with this result. Now, let's think about the next strategy.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score A) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score A - 5
リザルト-Score A - 5

I'd say it was 'not bad' for now. However, we have the ability to put on even better live performances.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score A) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score B-C - 1
リザルト-Score B~C - 1

We somehow managed to achieve victory, I suppose...

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score B-C) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score B-C - 2
リザルト-Score B~C - 2

Hmm, hmm. It seems there's still plenty of room for reevaluate the strategy.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score B-C) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score B-C - 3
リザルト-Score B~C - 3

Hmm, while it's within a narrow margin, we should have been able to reach a little higher. There's room for improvement to reach the best.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score B-C) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score B-C - 4
リザルト-Score B~C - 4

Well, there is some progress, but it's slightly different from my calculations.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score B-C) with Ibara in the team
Result - Score B-C - 5
リザルト-Score B~C - 5

Hmm, that was close. Let's analyze the results and work on reducing mistakes.

Clear a D.L.F.S / Live (Score B-C) with Ibara in the team
Clearing Idol Rank Up Quest 自分の戦力が大きくなる程、あなたには御しにくくなりますけどねぇ……『プロデューサー』殿♪

The greater my strength becomes, the more difficult it is for you to control, huh... Producer-dono♪

Clear an Idol Rank Up Quest of Ibara
Office and Work
Outfit Making - 1
(Music Only)

I'm looking forward to what kind of clothes it will be♪

Sew a Ibara outfit in the Office
Outfit Making - 2
(Music Only)

It's a chance to show off our skills, right♪

Sew a Ibara outfit in the Office
Outfit Making - 3
(Music Only)

I'm expecting a perfect outfit♪

Sew a Ibara outfit in the Office
Outfit Making - 4
(Music Only)

Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out!♪

Sew a Ibara outfit in the Office
Work: Start-2
ご安心を! 頭の中で完璧にシミュレーション済みであります!

Don't worry! It's already been perfectly simulated in my head!

Start work with Ibara
Work: End-2

Producer-dono, if you don't mind... would you like to have a debriefing session about our recent work together?

Complete work with Ibara

Japanese English Heard by
Ibara ES Head

Your Excellency, the following job is a little unusual, so I've prepared an emergency script, just in case.

As the next job is rather unique, Your Excellency, I've prepared a script for you in the off-chance of an emergency.

Tap on Ibara when Nagisa is present
Nagisa ES Head

... Thank you, Ibara. I'll keep that in mind. I feel much more at ease with your script with me.

...Thank you, Ibara. I will try to memorize it. With your script to fall back on, I have a whole different sense of assurance.

Nagisa ES Head
……やはり台本がないというのは難しいね。どうかな、茨? 私はうまくやれているだろうか

... It is more challenging for me to do it without a script. What do you think, Ibara? How was my performance?

...Just as I thought, working without a script is difficult. What do you think, Ibara? Am I doing well?

Tap on Nagisa when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
もちろんです、閣下! むしろ、台本があるときよりもファンがふえているかと♪

Of course, Your Excellency! If anything, I believe you have even more fans now than when you used a script♪

Without a doubt, Your Excellency! In fact, you've gained even more fans compared to when you did use one!

Ibara ES Head
何か不足は無いでしょうか、閣下! 軽食の用意に学術書の用意諸々、何でもご命令ください!

Is there anything else you need, Your Excellency? A light meal, academic documents―just give me commands as you like!

Is there anything you need, Your Excellency? Whether you'd like me to prepare a light meal, an academic book, or anything at all for you, please give me your commands and I shall see to it!

Tap on Ibara when Nagisa is present
Nagisa ES Head

... They're requests, not commands, Ibara. I prefer to talk with you to distract myself rather than ask you to prepare all sorts of things for me.

...It's a request instead of a command, but Ibara, rather than having you prepare something for me, I'd like to have a casual chat with you for a change.

Nagisa ES Head
……茨。次の本なんだけど、この関連書籍を用意してくれないかな? できれば映像資料も

... Ibara. Could you give me some books related to this? Videos, too, if possible.

...Ibara, concerning the next book... Could you prepare works related/relevant to it? And video materials if possible, too.

Tap on Nagisa when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
かしこまりました、閣下! 雑誌や新聞、フライヤーから映像まで、いくらでもご用意してみせましょう♪

With pleasure, Your Excellency! Magazines, newspapers, brochures, or video materials, I'll bring you as much as you need♪

As you wish, Your Excellency! Be it a magazine or newspaper, from flyers to even videos, I shall prepare whatever you need!

Ibara ES Head

Your Highness, I've prepared the car according to your command. I'm willing to follow you wherever you go!

I've gotten the car ready just as you've requested, Your Highness. I shall accompany you wherever you wish to go.

Tap on Ibara when Hiyori is present
Hiyori ES Head

Mm-hmm, good job. I want to visit a popular café since I'm already out shopping. I hope you drop me off on your way back.

Yes, yes, it's great that you have! While out shopping, I want to visit a café, too, so I'd like to stop by one on the way home.

Hiyori ES Head

No way, I can't believe Nagisa won't want to talk to me one day[sic]... Oh no, bad Hiyori...

Oh, to think the day where Nagisa-kun won't speak a word to me has come... Ahh, what a terrible weather...

Tap on Hiyori when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head

Ah, are you speaking of His Excellency? His tongue was burned by hot chocolate just now, so it hurts when he speaks.

Ah, you mean Your Excellency? Just a little while ago, he burnt his tongue on hot chocolate, and as such it seems that it hurts him to talk.

Ibara ES Head

This is the plan for the next job. To fully showcase your charm, your Highness, I've honed every detail in the strategy~♪

Here is the proposal for our next job. For the sake of conveying Your Highness' charm to the fullest, I've been thoroughly refining our strategy ~♪

Tap on Ibara when Hiyori is present
Hiyori ES Head

What a mischievous smile. But it shows that you're in good form, Ibara. Well, alright, I'll play along.

What a malicious smile you have, Ibara~ But it's always a good sign when you have that expression on, so I suppose I'll go along with you.

Hiyori ES Head

It's okay to be a COS PRO executive... But you're also an idol, Ibara. I hope you don't forget your true self.

Being an executive of CosPro is fine and all, but you're an idol, yes? I'd like you to be sure not to forget to do your duty.

Tap on Hiyori when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
もちろんですとも! 二兎どころか三兎、四兎得るつもりで日々邁進するつもりであります!

Of course, I won't! Who says you can't chase two rabbits? I'll work hard every day to catch three or four!

But of course! It may be that "he who chases two hares catches neither", but I intend to catch not just two nor three, but four of them at once!

Ibara ES Head
ジュン! この間のライブのアンケートのデータが入ってきたので、自分と一緒に確認しましょう!

Jun! We've got the results of the questionnaire about our last Live. Let's go check it out!

Jun! The survey data from our live the other day has just come in. Do review it with me!

Tap on Ibara when Jun is present
Jun ES Head

No, I'll pass. I'm terrible at dealing with strategies, so I'll leave that kind of job to you~

Nah, I'll pass. Thinking about things like strategy isn't my forte — I'll leave that kinda stuff to your supervision~

Jun ES Head

You've been buttering up the Producer these days. What are you scheming?

It seems like you've been growing closer to the producer recently — are you plotting something again?

Tap on Jun when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
いえいえそんな、自分は純粋に彼女を尊敬してるだけですよ? あっはっは……☆

No, of course not! I did that out of pure admiration! A-ha-ha...☆

No, no, of course not. It's simply that I respect her with all my heart, you see? Ahaha...☆

Ibara ES Head

His Excellency keeps changing with this new environment, but you have stayed exactly the same, Jun... It's very reassuring☆

While His Excellency has been changing quite a lot thanks to our new environment, you've stayed just as you are, Jun... Truly, I am most relieved.

Tap on Ibara when Jun is present
Jun ES Head

... Can you stop speaking like this? I can't figure out if it's a compliment or an insult, you know?

Can you quit saying things where I can't tell if you're tryna compliment me or if you're actually looking for a fight?

Jun ES Head

Why don't we, Eden, work on building our teamwork a little bit... just like what other units do?

Using the other units as an example, why don't we as Eden work on our teamwork a little, too?

Tap on Jun when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
殊勝な心がけですね! では、以前に練ったこちらのプランを試してみましょうか。いい機会ですし……♪

That's a great idea! Then let's try out this plan I devised before! I think it would be a good opportunity...♪

What an admirable mindset! Well then, shall we try out this plan I'd previously conceived? After all, it's a wonderful opportunity...♪

Dorm Roommates
Ibara ES Head

Being too perfect is something to think about. Perhaps we should occasionally implement policies that make people feel a bit more connected...

Tap on Ibara when Midori is present
Midori ES Head

I think it's cute when there's a bit of a relaxed vibe. Even if someone is a little quirky, it can be charming.

Midori ES Head

Tired... so tired... sleepy... I wonder if I'm lacking something like nutrition...?

Tap on Midori when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
タンパク質は取ってますか? 家が『八百屋さん』だからといえど、栄養はバランスが重要ですよ☆

Are you getting enough protein? Even if your family runs a greengrocer, nutrition is all about balance, you know☆

Ibara ES Head

After the location shoot, there's coordination with the magazine company, and then costume fittings for the PV… Being busy is something to be happy about, isn't it?☆

Tap on Ibara when Midori is present
Midori ES Head

Well, that kind of packed schedule is a bit...... Saegusa-senpai is overflowing with motivation, it's amazing......

Midori ES Head

Since there are mascot characters, I wonder if it wouldn't be allowed to have mascot idols or something like that...?

Tap on Midori when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
あっはっは! 高峯氏は悠長ですね☆ 芸能界は生き馬の目を抜くような世界だというのに!

Ahaha! You're so easygoing, Mr. Takamine☆ Even though the entertainment industry is said to be a world where you need to work as hard as a racehorse!

Ibara ES Head
天満氏は今日もフルスロットルですな! その無尽蔵なエネルギー源についてご教授いただきたいものです

Today Mr. Tenma is full-throttle as well! I'd love to learn about the boundless source of your energy.

Tap on Ibara when Mitsuru is present
Mitsuru ES Head
オレの元気の源はなんといってもおいしいパンなんだぜ~! 今度サエグサ先輩にも分けてあげるぜ!

My main source of energy, you see, is delicious bread! I'll share some with Saegusa-Senpai next time!

Mitsuru ES Head
あっサエグサ先輩なんだぜ~! 今からパン屋にダッシュするんだけど、サエグサ先輩も一緒に行く?

Oh, it's Saegusa-Senpai! I'm going to dash to the bakery now, would you like to come along?

Tap on Mitsuru when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
パン屋についていくのはかまいませんが、走る必要はないのでは? その点について再考を願います

I don't mind going to the bakery with you, but there's no need to run, right? I would appreciate a reconsideration on that point.

Ibara ES Head
いつも元気いっぱいの天満氏でも、なんか悩んだりするのでしょうか? まぁ、興味本位の質問なのですが

Even someone like Mr. Tenma, who is always full of energy, do you ever have moments of worry or concern? Well, it's just a question out of curiosity.

Tap on Ibara when Mitsuru is present
Mitsuru ES Head

I have my share of worries too, you know. I even seek advice from someone. If Saegusa-Senpai has any concerns, I'd listen!

Mitsuru ES Head
わわっ、スマホが何かおかしいんだぜ~! どうしちゃったんだろ。サエグサ先輩ヘルプミーなんだぜ!

Oh no, there's something wrong with my smartphone! I wonder what happened. Saegusa-Senpai, HELP ME!

Tap on Mitsuru when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head

Why ask me for help... Well, for now, please calm down, Mr. Tenma. Let me borrow your phone for a moment while I investigate the cause.

Ibara ES Head
お時間よろしいでしょうか? 自分、陛下に恩を売りに参りました。こちらの企画書をご覧ください!

Do you have a moment? I've come to curry favor with Your Majesty. Please take a look at this proposal!

Tap on Ibara when Tsumugi is present
Tsumugi ES Head
お仕事の相談ですか? なるほど~、この企画だとうちの新人さんにちょうどいいですね

Is this a work-related consultation? I see... this proposal would be just right for our new recruit.

Tsumugi ES Head

That book Saegusa-kun has, I read it recently too! It was really interesting, you know♪

Tap on Tsumugi when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head

Oh, it's not really my hobby, but it seemed like Your Excellency was interested in it the other day...

Ibara ES Head

Your Majesty, it seems you returned quite late last night. Mr. Tenma was worried about you, you know?

Tap on Ibara when Tsumugi is present
Tsumugi ES Head

Haha, it's not good to make the young ones worry. You shouldn't take on too much when being asked for help.

Tsumugi ES Head

Managing an office is really tough, isn't it? I wish I could navigate it better...

Tap on Tsumugi when Ibara is present
Ibara ES Head
自分でよろしければいつでも助言いたしますよ! もちろん、ビジネスとして対価はいただきますが

If you're okay with it, I'm willing to provide advice anytime! Of course, I'll charge for it as part of my business.

Ibara ES Head
おやおや? 素直に招集に応じていただき大変有り難いですねぇ!


My, my? It's truly appreciated that you've responded to the summons so readily!

Place Ibara as the 1st idol and any other character as the 2nd idol, triggered only when you're done with My Room idol setting.
Ibara ES Head


I didn't have any plans to meet with anyone... Well, if it's under the direction of Producer-dono, then it should be fine☆

Place Ibara as the 1st idol and any other character as the 2nd idol, triggered only when you're done with My Room idol setting
Ibara ES Head


This could be seen as meddling, but it might be better to refrain from calling someone like myself, who is "not trusted by those around them."☆

Place Ibara as the 2nd idol and any other character as the 1st idol, triggered only when you're done with My Room idol setting
Ibara ES Head
こんな自分を拝殿へとお招きくださるとは……! 箱舟への乗船を許されたような気持ちであります☆


To think that I would be invited to the hall of worship like this...! I feel as if I've been granted permission to board the ark☆

Place Ibara as the 2nd idol and any other character as the 1st idol, triggered only when you're done with My Room idol setting

Military Uniform (Childhood)

You can hear these voice lines by tapping on Ibara in My Room while he is wearing the Military Uniform (Childhood) outfit. To obtain the outfit, you need to unlock it in (Frontline Watchdog) Ibara Saegusa's Idol Road.

Event Japanese English Heard by
Anytime - 1 えっ



Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room
Anytime - 2 ひえぇ?



Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room
Anytime - 3 ははっ



Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room
Anytime - 4 うう~



Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room
Idle - 1 あれ? 教官殿は……いない?


Huh? Instructor-dono is... not here?

Leave Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) alone for around 15 seconds in My Room
Morning - Topic 1
朝-朝の話題 - 1


Yawnnn... it's morning?

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Morning Time
Morning - Topic 2
朝-朝の話題 - 2


Ah ha ha, The world is a sick place, isn't it?

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Morning Time
Afternoon - Topic 1
昼-昼の話題 - 1


Ugh~, my stomach's growling...

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Afternoon Time
Afternoon - Topic 2
昼-昼の話題 - 2


Ah, drills are such a pain...

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Afternoon Time
Evening - Topic 1
夕-夕方の話題 - 1


Money, noney, money... Those who have money are considered important, everyone else is just trash

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Evening Time
Evening - Topic 2
夕-夕方の話題 - 2


"If you desire peace, prepare for war." huh~

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Evening Time
Night - Topic 1
夜-夜の話題 - 1
うう~、眠い! 今日はもうがんばりたくないなぁ


Ugh~, so sleepy! I don't want to work any harder today...

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Night Time
Night - Topic 2
夜-夜の話題 - 2


Maybe I can trick Instructor-dono now while he isn't looking...?

Tap Ibara (Military Uniform (Childhood)) anytime in My Room during Night Time

Event Japanese English
Phone Call 1 やぁやぁ、七種茨であります! 突然で恐縮ですが、あなたのお耳に入れたい話がありまして。手間はかかりますが、悪い話ではありませんよ? 是非とも良い返事を頂きたいですな

Good day, this is Ibara Saegusa speaking! Sorry to bother you, but there's something I'd like to share with you. It might be a bit troublesome, but I promise it's not bad news! I'll be waiting for your response.

Hello, this is Ibara Saegusa! I'm sorry to bother, but there is something that I want you to hear. It will take time, but it's not bad news, okay? I'm looking forward for your answer.

Phone Call 2 『プロデューサー』殿ですか? 先ほど事務所に資料を忘れておられましたよ。あなた、午後は打ち合わせでしょう? ……はい。それでは後で届けさせますね♪

Is that Lady Producer? I'm afraid you left some files at the office. You have a meeting this afternoon, right? ... Sure. I'll take them to you later♪

Is this Producer-dono? You forgot the documents in the office just now. You have a meeting this afternoon, don't you? ......yes. Then I'll have it delivered later♪

Phone Call 3 『プロヂューサー』殿。突然ですが自分、これからの『Eden』のプロヂューサーについて、ひとつ共有したいことがありまして。後ほど、お時間よろしいでしょうか?

Lady Producer, sorry to bother you. I'd like to discuss something about the future plan of Eden with you. Could I have a minute of your time later?

Producer-dono. Apologize for the abruption, but I would like to share something with you about the future of Eden. Can I have a moment later?

Phone Call 4 『Eden』の七種茨であります! 閣下が撮影後にロケ地をもうすこし散策したいとのことで、自分がお供しようかと。帰りの車はこちらで手配しますのでご心配は無用ですよ!

This is Ibara Saegusa from Eden! His Excellency mentioned that he'd like to take a little stroll around the filming location after the photoshoot, so I thought I'd accompany him. We've already arranged transportation for the return journey, so there's no need to worry!

Phone Call 5 先ほどは電話に出られず失礼いたしました。少々きな臭い現場に居合わせたもので、聞き耳を立てておりまして……。急ぎの用事でもおりましたか?

I apologize for not being able to answer the phone earlier. I was present at a somewhat fishy scene, so I was listening closely... Did you have an urgent matter?

Phone Call 6 もしもし、七種です! 前の仕事が長引いてしまい打ち合わせにすこし遅れそうで……急いで向かいますが、場を繋いでおいていただけますでしょうか!

Hello, it's Saegusa! My previous job ran late, and I might be a bit late for the meeting... I'm rushing over, but could you please hold the fort for me?

Phone Call 7


Wake-Up Phone Call 1 もしもし、七種茨です! えっ、朝から声が大きい? あっはっは☆ アイドルに寝ぼけている暇などありません! それでは事務所でお待ちしております!

Hello, it's Ibara Saegusa! Huh, my voice is loud since morning? Ahahaha☆ There's no time to be half asleep as an idol! Well then, I'll be waiting for you at the office!

Wake-Up Phone Call 2 おはようございます! 今日は仕事がぎっしりですからね、さっさと起きて現場に来ていただきたいものです! 良かったら目宅まで車を手配しましょうか?

Good morning! Since today's work is packed, I would like you to hurry up and come here! Shall I arrange a car to pick you up?

Wake-Up Phone Call 3 おはようございます! おっと、その声は……まさか『プロデューサー』殿、まだ寝ていらっしゃったのですか? これはこれは、自分が電話を掛けて正解でした☆

Good morning! Oh, that voice... Could it be, Producer-dono, are you still sleeping? Well, well, it was the right decision to give you a call☆

Birthday Phone Call もしもし、着信を見まして……えっ、誕生日の感想ですか? あっはっは☆ 自分の誕生日をこんなに盛大に祝われるとは、夢にも思いませんでしたよ! 感謝しなければいけませんな!

Hello, I saw that I received a call... Huh, thoughts about my birthday? Ahaha☆ I never dreamed that my birthday would be celebrated so grandly! I must express my gratitude!
