The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Event Japanese/English Notes Audio
Anytime 何故そんなに俺にかまう?

Why do you want to bother me this much?

Anytime ふざけすぎだ

Stop messing around so much.

Anytime 何か用か?

Did you need something?

Anytime わぁ!急になんだ?

Woah! What's with you all of a sudden?

Morning おはよう。ふん、今日もうよろしく頼む

Good morning. Hm, I'm counting on you today too

File:Hokuto Hidaka morning greetings.ogg
Afternoon ふむ。昼食は十分に取ったな?さっそく昼からのレッスンを始めよう

Hmm. Have you eaten enough yet? Let's immediately start lessons at noon.

File:Hokuto Hidaka afternoon 1.ogg
Afternoon はぁー... ... いつもアホどもに囲まれては、趣味のクロスワードパズルもなかなかできん
  • Sigh*... ... I'm constantly surrounded by those idiots so I rarely get the chance to spend time on my hobby, solving crossword puzzles.
Evening 日が落ちてきたな、たまにはぶらつくのもいいだろう

The day is over, it's okay to take a break and wander once in a while

Evening 『演劇部』にはあまり近づかない方がいい。おそらく、ろくな目に会わないぞ?

It's best not to involve yourself too much with the"Drama Club." Nothing good will come out of doing that, you know?

Night また明日もよろしく頼む転校生、おやうみ

I'll be counting on you tomorrow too, transfer student. Good night

Night もう遅い時間だ。熱心なのはいいことだが、『ほどほど』も大事だろう。

It's already late. It's good to be eager, but "moderation" is also important.
