The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

It's pretty cold today, huh. It's okay to wrap your arms around me if it gets to be too much, Anzu-chan.

Morning Heart
今から朝練なんでしょ? 朝練よりデートに誘いたいところだけど……断られるよねぇ

You have practice now, right? I was going to invite you out on a date, but... you'd definitely refuse to go, huh.

Morning 200 PP
あんずちゃんだ♪ 今からお昼なら何か食べに行かない? あたたかいものおごっちゃうよ?

It's Anzu-chan ♪ Want to get a bite with me if you're free? I'll treat you to some warm food.

Afternoon Heart
ん〜、今日は寒いしこのまま帰っちゃおうかなぁ? 最近がんばってるほうだし、たまにはね

Hm~. It's pretty cold today, so maybe I should just go home? I've been working hard lately, so it's okay every once in a while.

Afternoon 200 PP

Thanks to the cold, I'm not really going to the beach much, but I'm kinda worried about Kanata-kun who just wouldn't care.

Evening Heart
俺も 『ユニット』の練習に行こうかな。冬は寒いからすこしは運動したほうがあたたかくなるしね

Guess I should go to unit practice too. Better to warm up with a little exercise in the winter.

Evening 200 PP

Uwah, I'm getting a call from Doggie... he's gonna be angry about me skipping out on practice today.

Night Heart
やっほぅ、あんずちゃん♪ 帰るところでしょ? 途中まで一緒に帰ってもいいかな?

Hey, Anzu-chan ♪ On your way home? Is it okay if I keep you company part of the way?

Night 200 PP

あんずちゃんやっほやっほ♪ 春だね~、お花見とか行きたいな。もちろん君と一緒にね ♪

Hi hi, Anzu-chan ♪ It's spring~, which makes me wanna go flower-viewing. And by that I mean with you, naturally. ♪

Morning Heart
朝からあんずちゃんに会えるなんてラッキーだな〜♪ 早起きは三文の徳ってほんとだね〜

Lucky me, running into Anzu-chan first thing in the morning ~ ♪ There's some truth to "the early bird catches the worm", huh~.

Morning 200 PP

Yaaawn... the sunlight feels good and it's making me so sleepy... think you could lend me your lap, Anzu-chan?

Afternoon Heart


Ew, gross~. It's a call from Doggie. Having a guy contact me like this is just depressing~.

Afternoon 200 PP

It's gotten a lot warmer, so maybe I'll go to the beach next week~. Nothing's more refreshing than riding a wave ♪

Evening Heart
ん〜……今から 『ユニット』練習にいくところ。たまには顔を出さないと朔間さんにも怒られちゃうし

Hmm~ .... I was just on my way to practice. If I don't show up every now and then, even Sakuma-san'll get mad at me.

Evening 200 PP
今帰り? あ~駄目駄目! 女の子のひとり歩きは危険だよ? 俺が送ってあげる♪

Going home? Ah~ stop, stop! A girl walking alone at night is pretty risky, okay? I'll take you home ♪

Night Heart

……何でびしょ濡れかというとね? 海に入った奏汰くんを助けにいったからだょ……くしゅんっ

..... why am I completely soaking wet? I had to save Kanata-kun after he jumped straight into the ocean.... achoo.

Night 200 PP

おっはよ~、あんずちゃん♪ 朝からあんずちゃんに会えるなんてラッキーだな~♪ おっと、逃げないで。もう少しいようよ。

Mornin', Anzu-chan~♪ Lucky me, running into you first thing in the morning~ ♪ Whoa, don't run. Let's hang out a little.

Morning Heart
登校途中で朔間さんが倒れてたから保護したんだよね~。 人通りの多いところだったから、けっこう恥ずかしかったよ

I had to take care of Sakuma-san when he collapsed on the way to school~. It was in a busy area so it was pretty embarrassing. 

Morning 200 PP
夏は暑いだけじゃない、薄着の女の子たちが多くて俺的には最高♪ ……えぇっと、あんずちゃん。冷たい目で見ないで?

Summer isn't just about the heat. It's also perfect for me, since all the girls are wearing less ♪ ..... uhm, Anzu-chan. Please don't give me that cold look.

Afternoon Heart
痛たたっ、急にクラスで腕相撲大会が始まってさ? なぜか俺も巻き込まれちゃって、すっかり筋肉痛だよ~

Owowow. My class just decided out of nowhere to have an arm wrestling tournament. I ended up getting pulled into it and now I'm sore~.

Afternoon 200 PP

Ahh, man~. Doggie's been snapping at me real quick thanks to this heat. Someone really needs to discipline him properly~.

Evening Heart
ちょっと聞いてよ、あんずちゃん! 颯馬くんが俺にスイカを持たせて斬りかかってきたんだけど! ありえなくない!?

Hear me out for a sec, Anzu-chan! Souma-kun handed me a watermelon earlier and attacked me! Can you believe that?!

Evening 200 PP
あんずちゃん、浴衣似合うと思うんだよね♪ 俺が見立ててあげるからさ、ふたりでお祭りに行こうよ♪

I think a yukata would really look good on you, Anzu-chan ♪ I'll help you pick one out, so let's go to a festival together sometime ♪

Night Heart
今から仕事のピンチヒッター? ん〜、でもあんずちゃんの頼みだしね。いいよ、そのかわりご褒美がほしいな?

You want me to go fill in for someone right now? Hm~. If it's a favor for you, then all right. But I want a reward in exchange, okay?

Night 200 PP

あんずちゃん、そのセーター新色だね♪ 毎日見てるんだからそりゃあ気づくよ

You're wearing a new sweater today, Anzu-chan ♪ You notice these things when you watch someone every day.

Morning Heart

Doggie just keeps on sneezing. Does he have seasonal allergies or something... ?

Morning 200 PP

Kanata-kun gave me a bright blue mushroom, but this thing has got to be poisonous, right... ?

Afternoon Heart
秋になると、女の子の服がもこもこしてきてかわいいよね♪ あんずちゃんもそういう服どう?

The type of clothes girls tend to wear in the fall gets so fluffy and cute. ♪ Are you into that style too, Anzu-chan? 

Afternoon 200 PP

Sakuma-san's been decorating stuff with a cake that looks real slimy... maybe it's for some kind of ritual?

Evening Heart

I keep having to pull Kanata-kun right out of the ocean. That's why I'm always soaked this time of the year.

Evening 200 PP
月が綺麗……って、このセリフはまだ早いかな? 今はまだ、一緒に眺めてるだけにするよ

The moon sure is beautiful.... hmm. Maybe it's too soon for a line like that? Let's just take in the view together for now.

Night Heart

Ahahah. You don't have to be so alert. I'm just making sure you get home~.

Night 200 PP

Kaoru Hakaze Greeting Event Rooftop

"Oh, it's Anzu-chan. What're you up to over here?""

Location: Rooftop
Area Touched Response Result
Arms 君がこんなに近いなんて、何だか嬉しいなぁ…… ふふ、どうしたの? 今日はあんずちゃんのほうから近づいてくれるんだね? ラッキ〜♪ って、あんまり調子にのっちゃいけないかな?

"I don't know why, but having you this close to me makes me really happy... fufu. What's wrong? You decided to get closer to me all on your own today. 'I'm so lucky~ ♪' is what I'd usually say, but it's probably not a good idea to get carried away, huh?"

Head ははっ、よわったなぁ。頭を撫でられるとは……。もしかしてさっき練習に参加したことを褒めてくれてるとか……? ふふ、これなら練習に出た甲斐があったのかも……♪

"Hahah. You really got me, patting my head like that... are you trying to praise me for getting involved in practice... ? Fufu. I might actually have a reason to show up and work hard now... ♪"

Chest あ〜、ごめんね。そうじゃないんだ。俺から近づきすぎちゃった? な気がするんだけど全力で拒否られたよう。気のせい……だといいんだけど?

"Ahh~, sorry. It's not like that. Was I coming on way too hard? I get the feeling that's why you completely rejected me. Maybe it's just my imagination, though... I hope?"

Best Choice: Arms