The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
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|ゆうくんも忙しいからねぇ。無理にテニス部に顔をだせとは言わないけど、会えないのは寂しいなぁ。<br /><br />
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|『王さま』がいないのは普通だけど・・・・・・変なメッセージだけ入れて消えるのはやめてほしいよねぇ。<br /><br />
|『王さま』がいないのは普通だけど・・・・・・変なメッセージだけ入れて消えるのはやめてほしいよねぇ。<br /><br />
It's normal for Ou-sama to not be here, but... I'd like for him to stop just leaving weird messages and vanishing.
It's normal for Ou-sama to not be here, but... I'd like for him to stop just leaving weird messages and vanishing.
|align="center"|200 PP
|align="center"|200 PP

Revision as of 08:25, 16 January 2019

何で朝から外に突っ立ってるわけぇ? 寒そうだし風邪ひいちゃうんじゃないの?

Why are you standing around outside this early? It’s freezing, aren’t you going to catch a cold?

Morning Heart
今から『ユニット』の練習に行くところだけどぉ? あんずも朝練しに来たんじゃないの?

I'm going to unit practice right now, you know? Didn't you already come to morning practice?

Morning 200 PP

I wonder if Yuu-kun has eaten yet, I’m worried... You're in the same class as him, so you’ll check for me, right?

Afternoon Heart

The studio’s kotatsu? Ah, it’s out during this season, isn’t it. If you’re interested, it’s fine if you sit under it.

Afternoon 200 PP


Evening Heart
ちょっとぉ、あんた気ぃ抜いてるでしょ〜? アイドルじゃなくても姿勢ぐらい気にしなよ。


200 PP

It's normal for Ou-sama to not be here, but... I'd like for him to stop just leaving weird messages and vanishing.

Evening 200 PP
ん? あんずは帰らないの? ・・・・・・俺は帰るけど、ほどほどにしときなよぉ?

Hm? Anzu, you’re not going home? ...I’m going now, so don’t push yourself, yeah?

Night Heart


Night 200 PP

はぁ……、暑くて最悪。メイクもセットも汗でぐちゃぐちゃになるしさぁ? モデルにとって夏は天敵だよ。

Haah... Heat is the worst. Both my makeup and hair get all sweaty and sloppy, you know? Summer is a model's natural enemy.

Morning Heart
あぁ、嬉しいなぁ♪ さっき、ゆうくんが挨拶してくれたんだよね~♪ 幻なんかじゃないよねぇ、夢でも醒めないで♪

Ahh, I'm so happy...! ♪ Yuu-kun greeted me just now~♪ It didn't seem like an illusion, but even if it's just a dream, I won't be waking up... ♪

Morning 200 PP
くそっ! ゆうくんを賭けた腕相撲とかチョ~ありえない! もちろん意地でも勝ったに決まってるでしょ!


Afternoon Heart
くしゅんっ! ……ちょっとぉ、誰か俺の噂をしてるんじゃないの? 主にクソガキかクソオカマ辺りかなぁ?


Afternoon 200 PP

There's a ton of people with issues with their siblings in our school, huh... As a struggling older brother, I'm included in that category.

Evening Heart
これ? かさくんが約束破って間食してたときに、罰として首から下げる『私はおやつを食べすぎました』ボード♪


Evening 200 PP

There was a weird lump in a corner of the passage just now, so I came closer to take a look, but it was just Kuma-kun, sleeping while curled up into a ball...

Night Heart
屋台飯? そんな高カロリーな食べ物冗談じゃないんだけど~? まぁ、せいぜい付き添いくらいはしてあげてもいいけど?


Night 200 PP

ゆうくんへのクリスマスプレゼント、何にしようかなぁ? 今から準備しておかないと♪

I wonder what I should give Yuu-kun for Christmas... I need to start preparing ♪

Morning Heart


Morning 200 PP
ちょっ、校内で焼き芋するとか正気!? 肌に匂いがついてありえないんだけど!


Afternoon Heart
かさくん、学食のパフェを食べ尽くしたとかありえない! 一回ビシッと言っておかないと。


Afternoon 200 PP
くまくんのケーキがどうしたって? 見た目以前に、あんな高カロリーなものを俺が食べるわけないでしょ。


Evening Heart


Evening 200 PP

Yuu-kun is a million times prettier than the full moon, but... Well, just for tonight, I'll go moon viewing with you.

Night Heart
こんな時間まで学校にいるなんて、仕事抱えすぎじゃないの? 早く帰りなよねぇ。

To be still at school at this sort of hour, you're getting in over your head with work, aren't you? Hurry up and go home.

Night 200 PP

Izumi Sena Greeting Event Hallway

If it isn’t Anzu. We met at a good time, I need to consult you about something..."

Location: Hallway
Area Touched Response Result
Arms ふぅん、いい勘してるんじゃない? 次のライブの衣装について、デザインしてくれる人を探してたんだよねぇ。だからあんずに相談っていうのはそういうこと。

Heh, don’t you have good intuition? About our costumes for the next live, we need to find a designer for them. That’s what I needed to consult you about.

Head はい、はずれ〜。残念でした、相談したいことはそうじゃなくてさぁ・・・・・・。相談する前に当てようとして、ふざけてるの?たしかにゆうくんの居場所も知りたくないわけじゃないけどぉ・・・・・・

Yeah, nope~ Too bad, that’s not what I wanted to consult you about... Trying to guess what I wanted to consult you about before I even said it, are you messing with me? That doesn’t mean I don’t also want to know Yuu-kun’s whereabouts, but...

Torso ・・・・・・ちょっと! 話しかけただけで反応がチョ〜うざぁい! 何?相談されるなんて嬉しい・・・・・・? まだ内容も話す前から喜ばないでほしいんだけどねぇ?

...Hey! I just wanted to talk to you, you reacting like that is suuuper annoying! What? You’re happy I’m consulting you...? But I’d rather you not get so happy before we even talk, you know?

Best Choice: Arms