The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Tsumugi Aoba Mini Event Library
"おや、あんずちゃん。 探しものですが? プロデュースするときの参考書......具体的にはどんなものでしょう?

Oh my, Anzu-chan. Is there something you're looking for? Perhaps a reference book you use specifically for producing?"

Location: Library
人とのつきあい方 Ways to deal with people Luck Down
Character response: "俺よりあんずちゃんのほうがずっと上手だと思いますけど・・・・・・? むしろアドバイスがほしいくらいです・・・・・・

Anzu-chan, I thought you were much better at that than I am....? I'd rather be getting advice, myself...."

アドバイスの仕方 Ways to give advice Yellow Fragments
Character response: "どう伝えたらいいか、悩みますよね。 俺も年下の若い子にはどう接したらいいか、毎日考えてますし。

I'm worried about how to tell. I think about how to talk to younger people everyday."

健康管理の仕方 Ways to manage health Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "アイドルの健康にも気をつけてるんですね? 相手のことを思いやるってすばらしいと思いますよ~♪

You're also caring for the health of the idols, right? I think it's wonderful that you're thinking about others!~♪"

Correct Choice: Ways to manage health (健康管理の仕方)

Tsumugi Aoba Mini Event Lockers Area
"何だか眠そうというか、疲れてるみたいですね? 昨晩夜更かしでもしたんですか?

You somehow seem sleepy, you've been working hard right? Did you stay up late last night?"

Location: Lockers Area
裁縫が終わらなくて・・・・・・ No end to sewing... Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "ふふ。 慣れないうちは時間がかかっちゃいますよね。 もし俺で教えられることがあったら聞いてくださいね。

Fufu. It will take some time when you're not used to it. Please ask if you would like me to teach you."

テレビの見すぎで・・・・・・ Watched too much TV... Luck Down
Character response: "へぇ、深夜の心霊番組で・・・・・・ま、まってください! そういうの苦手で、ひいいいいっ!?

Huh, the late night psychic program.....w-wait! I'm not good with that sort of thing, Hiiiiiiiii!?"

ゲームのしすぎで・・・・・・ Played too many games... Blue Fragments
Character response: "宙くんたちから借りたゲームですか、俺はふたりほどはしないんですけど。 何か面白いゲームありましたか?

I borrowed a game from Sora-kun, but I haven't played it much. Did you play any interesting games?"

Correct Choice: No end to sewing... (裁縫が終わらなくて・・・・・・)

Tsumugi Aoba Mini Event Garden Terrace
"ふふ。 あんずちゃんも休憩ですか? 疲れているときは何か口にすると元気がでますよ。

Fufu. Is Anzu-chan on break too? You should eat something healthy if you're getting tired."

Location: Garden Terrace
コーヒーを飲む Drink the coffee Red Fragments
Character response: "あんずちゃんは大人ですね~? 俺は苦いのはあんまり好きじゃないので、お砂糖たくさんいれちゃいます。

Anzu-chan you're adult like, huh~? I don't really like bitter things, so I add a lot of sugar."

栄養ドリンクを飲む Drink the nutritional drink Red Fragments
Character response: "たしかに、ここぞというときは効きますけど。 女の子なんですから、あんまりそういうのに頼っちゃよくないですよ。

It's certainly effective when it comes down to it. But since you're a girl, you shouldn't rely on those too much."

ココアを飲む Drink the cocoa Heart/Fever
Character response: "あぁ、ココアは俺も好きです♪ あったかくて甘くて、幸せな気分になりますよね~

Ah, I like cocoa too. It's warm and sweet, it'll always put you in a good mood~"

Correct Choice: Drink the cocoa (ココアを飲む)

Tsumugi Aoba Mini Event Fountain

Natsume-kun is a fortune-teller, and Sora-kun has synesthesia, so sometimes I expect that I'll wake up with something, huh?~"

Location: Fountain
天気予報? Weather Prediction? Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "ああ、たしかに雨の日の前日の髪の毛の異変がありますね。それも特殊能力かもしれませんね...♪

Ah, the day before it rains, my hair always gets crazy. I don't think that could also be a special ability, right...?♪"

裁縫? Sewing? Red Fragments
Character response: "まぁ、裁縫は出来ますけど俺くらいじゃそこそこですし。宗くんくらいになれたら特別な力になるかもしれませんね

Well, I can sew, but I'm only decent at it. If I could be like Shu-kun, then maybe that could be my special ability, right?"

眼鏡? Glasses? Red Fragments
Character response: "え~っと......あぁ、眼鏡を外すと抑制されたエネルギーが解放されるSFみたいなやつですよね?

Umm ...well, like in a Sci-Fi, where it releases suppressed energy when you take off your glasses, right?"

Correct Choice: Weather Prediction? (天気予報?)

Tsumugi Aoba Mini Event Music Room
"じ~っと俺のほう、みてますね? 何か付いてますか? いちおう身だしなみ気おつけてるつもりですけど

Umm, you're staring at me, aren't you? Is there something on me? I'm going to fix my appearance, but..."

Location: Music Room
眼鏡 Glasses Blue Fragments
Character response: "外したほうが良いですか? ときどきいわれますけど、掛けだしたらこっちのほうが楽なんですよ~

Should I take them off? Sometimes people say that, but it's easier if I keep them on!~"

制服のポケット Jacket Pocket Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "膨らんでいるが気のなるんですね? これ今日のラッキーアイテムのビー玉で、よかったらひとつあげますよ

Is the bulging so obvious? Today's lucky item is marbles, I'll give you one if you'd like!"

髪の毛 Hair
Character response: "いろいろものが入りそう、ですか? 宙くんに一度ビーズとかは入れられましたけど、カラスの巣っぽいんですかね~

Did I get something in it? One time, Sora-kun put beads and stuff in it, does it look like a crow's nest~?"

Correct Choice: Jacket Pocket (制服のポケット)
