The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Tori Himemiya Dance Room
"あぁもう、疲れた~! 汗かいちゃったし、早く帰りたいっ!

Ah geez, I'm tried! And I'm all sweaty, I want to hurry home!"

Location: Dance Room
Area Touched Response Result
Arms 手も汚れてべたべたしてたんだよね~。ありがと、転校生♪

My hands are sticky too, huh. Thanks, Transfer student.

Head I don't like sweating on my face much. Will you wipe it more? Good
Chest ちょっと! 庶民という分をわきまえてよね〜! 自分で拭けるから! OK
Best Choice: Arms
Tori Himemiya Intimate Event Garden Terrace
"なぁに、転校生? ボクに用でもあるの?

What is it, Transfer Student? Do you need anything from me?"

Location: Garden Terrace
Area Touched Response Result
Head ふふん! ボクを敬うのなら近づくことを許そう♪ ボクのようなかわいい存在とお話したいんでしょ!

Fufu! If you revere me, I'll allow you come closer♪ You wanna talk to a cute being like me, right?

Arms 食券の買い方?もう覚えたに決まってるでしょ〜!

How to buy a meal ticket? I obviously already remember how to~!

Chest 呼び止めただけ?もう、ボクは忙しいんだよ〜? OK
Best Choice: Head
Tori Himemiya Intimate Garden

My body hurts... Are these growing pains?"

Location: Garden
Area Touched Response Result
Chest 伸び盛りは、食べ盛りなんだぞっ! ボクのために何が買ってきてよ……♪ Happy
Arms ん? ボクに用なの? 腕が気になるの? たくましい腕でしょ~ Good
Head あぁ、駄目だってば! 押さえたら伸びるの止まっちゃうかもしれないでしょっ OK
Best Choice: Chest