The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki


Special Event mini 1/3[]

Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter Subaru Akehoshi Special Event 1
"この間ゲーム研究部に夏目と遊びに行ったんだけどね? いろんなゲームが置いてあって、なかなか楽しめたよ~♪ ガミさんはゲームとか興味あったりする?

You know, I went with Natsume to the Game Research Club the other day. They had a lot of games, and I had quite a lot of fun~♪ Are you interested in games or things like that, Gami-san?"

Choice 1 それ聞いてどうすんだ?
Why exactly are you asking this?
Possibility 1 Character response: "あはは、ちょっとした部活の勧誘~☆ 部員探してるみたいでさ、俺も夏目を見習って人助けしてみようかな~と思って ガミさんにも聞いてみよう~って思ったんだよねっ

Ahaha, just a little club recruitment, I guess~☆ It looks like they're looking for more members, so I thought I should be like Natsume and help people out. I thought I'd try asking you too, Gami-san~"

Possibility 2 Character response: "今部員が足りなくって困ってるらしいんだよね 俺も入るか決めかねてるんだけど~、困ってる人は放っておけないし だからもしガミさんが興味あるならどうかな~って

It seems like they have a problem since they lack club members. I'm still hesitating whether I should join or not, but I can't ignore people in trouble. So I wanted to ask what you'd think of joining if you're interested~"

Choice 2 ゲーム?
Possibility 1 Character response: "ん? どうしたのガミさん、いつになく興味深々だね へぇ~、今はまってるカードゲームがあるんだ? よかったら今度俺にも教えてよ☆

Oh, what's this? You're unusually curious, Gami-san. I see, so there's a card game you're waiting for right now? If you want, you can tell me about it next time ☆"

Possibility 2 Character response: "うん、俺はよくわかんないけどレアなゲームとかもあったみたい☆ 面白かったけど、俺には向いてないかな~ やっぱりゲームは大勢でやるほうが楽しいと思わない?

Yeah, I don't know much about it, but it seems like they have rare games there ☆ It was fun, but I don't think it's for me. Don't you think games are best enjoyed with a lot of people involved?"


Special Event mini 2/3[]

Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter Subaru Akehoshi Special Event 2
"ガミさん聞いてよ~! 今度ドリフェスの出演依頼が来たんだっ♪ ソロの仕事じゃなくて、複数人でやるライブなんだって~ 今からすっごく楽しみだよ~☆

Gami-san, listen to this~! I got an offer to join in an upcoming DreamFes! It's not for solo activities, but I'm gonna do a live performance with a few other people! I'm really excited for it~☆"

Choice 1 あっそ
That so.
Possibility 1 Character response: "実はね、氷鷹くんと一緒にA組の代表として出るんだよ! A組に泥を塗らないように頑張るからね~☆ あはは、今日は気分がいいから冷たくされても平気だよっ

The truth is, I'm gonna participate as class A's representative alongside Hidaka-kun! I'll do my best so I won't bring shame to class A's name~☆ Ahaha, I'm in a good mood today, so I'm fine even if you're being cold to me!"

Possibility 2 Character response: "え~、相変わらずそっけないなあ もっとクラスメイトとして応援してくれてもいいじゃん 大吉くらいに俺にも興味を持ってよ~!

Ehh~ You're being aloof as always. Isn't it fine if you cheer on your classmate even a little bit? Pay attention to me as much as you do Daikichi, too!"

Choice 2 がんばれよ
Do your best.
Possibility 1 Character response: "ありがとう、がんばるよ! でも誰かと一緒に仕事をするの久しぶりだから、うまくできるかなぁ…… 一人で張りきりすぎる癖は直さないとね

Thanks, I will! But since it's been a while since I've worked with someone else, I wonder if I can do it well...? I need to fix my habit of being too enthusiastic by myself, huh."

Possibility 2 Character response: "うん! ありがとう、ガミさん☆ ライブって毎回ワクワクすうよね~ ガミさんも時間あったら見に来てよ♪

Yeah! Thanks, Gami-san ☆ Live performances make you excited every time, right~? If you have time, please see us, Gami-san ♪"


Special Event mini 3/3[]

Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter Subaru Akehoshi Special Event 3
"やっほやっほ、ガミさ~ん! 来てくれたんだね~♪ 見て見て、衣装もすごく凝ってて星がキラキラしてるでしょ~? 友達が見にきてくれるなんて嬉しいな~☆

Yahoo, yahoo, Gami-saan! So you did come~♪ Look, the costumes are so detailed, they're like sparkling stars, right~? I'm so glad that a friend came to see us~! ☆"

Choice 1 敵の観察だよ
I'm just observing the opponent.
Possibility 1 Character response: "確かにライバルかもしれないけど 同じ夢ノ咲学院アイドル科の仲間でしょ~! お互いに切磋琢磨しあえる存在になりたいな☆

We may be rivals, but we're also allies, as fellow idols from Yumenosaki Academy's idol course, aren't we? I want to have this mutual relationship where we help each other improve ☆"

Possibility 2 Character response: "ん、衣装の観察? ガミさんも着てみたいの? ガミさんいつもロックなイメージだし、かなり雰囲気違うもんね 衣装のことじゃね~って? あはは、冗談だよ~☆

Hm, you're observing the outfits? You want to wear it too, Gami-san? You're always wearing this rock aesthetic, so I think the feel is quite different. You're not talking about the outfits? I was just kidding~! ☆"

Choice 2 友達じゃね~よ
We're not friends.
Possibility 1 Character response: "も~、まだそんなこと言ってる こんなにガミさんのこと大好きなのに~! 俺は友達だと思ってるの! だから友達って呼ぶね?

C'mon, you're still saying that? Even though I love you this much, Gami-san! For me, we are friends. That's why I'll call you as such!"

Possibility 2 Character response: "はいはい、ガミさんのその言葉は聞き飽きたよ もういちいちへこたれないもんね~♪ ふふん、友達っていつの間にかなってるものなんだよ☆

Yeah, yeah. I'm tired of hearing those words, Gami-san. I won't be discouraged each and every time~♪ Fufun, people just become friends before they know it, you know ☆"
