The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Birds of a Feather[]

Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter Makoto Yuuki Normal Event 1
"あっ、ごめんね呼び止めちゃって.....えぇと、逆先くん。 明星くんから聞いたんだけど。 君、 ゲー研に入ろうと思ってるの? 入ってくれるならすっごく嬉しいんだけど……その、実は今ちょっとゴタゴタしてて

Ahh, sorry for stopping you... Umm, Sakasaki-kun. I heard from Akehoshi-kun that... you were thinking of joining the Game Club? It'd make me really happy if you did... Though, actually, right now it's in a bit of trouble..."

Choice 1 今は入る気はないヨ。
I don’t plan on joiNING.
Possibility 1 Character response: "そうなの? おかしいな、明星くんからは仮入部希望だって聞いてたんだけど……それに、どうしてうちに生徒会が来たことを知ってるの? 魔法使いだからだよって……なんだかすごく誤魔化されてる感じがするよ~?

Is that so? That's weird, since I heard you were a potential member from Akehoshi-kun... How’d you know someone from the Student Council came to see us? Ahh, so it’s because you’re a magician..? That’s cool, but for some reason it kinda feels like you’re dodging the question~?"

Possibility 2 Character response: "そっか~、それはそれでちょっと残念だなぁ。逆先くんがゲー研(とぐ)に入っ てくれたら、 すごく心強いっていうか。それだけでなんとかなっちゃいそう な気がしてたからさ.....♪

Ahh, that’s a little disappointing... I mean, it'd be really reassuring if you did join, Sakasaki-kun! If you did, then I feel like we'd be able to manage someway or another...♪"

Choice 2 相談に乗ってあげようカ。
I can give you a consultaTION.
Possibility 1 Character response: "あぁ、そういえば。君って占いができるんだっけ?どこかでそんな噂を聞いたような…… って、 お金をとるの!? あはは、それじゃあ気持ちだけありがたく受け取っておこうかな...

Ahh, now that you mention it, you do fortune-telling, right? I feel like I've heard something like that floating around... Huh, I have to pay!? Ahaha, well, I’ll just settle for accepting your feelings in that case..."

Possibility 2 Character response: "ありがとう、そう言ってもらえるんはすごく嬉しいんだけど.....その、 失礼なこと言っちゃったらごめんね? 逆先くんの笑顔、なんだかちょっと怪しい感じがするんだけど気のせいかな?

Thanks. I’m really happy you offered, but... uh, sorry, I hope I’m not offending you? I just feel like your smile looks a little shady, Sakasaki-kun. Maybe it’s just my imagination, though?"

Translator: Bella & Peace
Proofreader: haranami

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter Makoto Yuuki Normal Event 2
"ねぇ、逆先くんってどんなゲームが好きなの?ゲー研に興味を持ってくれるなんて、 なんだかちょっと意外だったかも。そういうの興味なさそうだなって、 勝手に思ってたから。

Hey, Sakasaki-kun, what kind of games do you like? I’m pretty curious ‘cause I was a little surprised when I found out you were looking into the Game Club. I kinda just thought you wouldn’t really be interested."

Choice 1 偏見はよくないネ
How presumptuOUS.
Possibility 1 Character response: "そ、 そうだよね。 たしかに偏見みたいなの持ってたかも.....猫みたいにツンとしててちょっとお高く止まってそうとか、 そんな風に思っててごめんね! えっ、 そこまでとは思ってなかった!? わ~、 ごめんなさいごめんなさい!

Th-that's true, I was assuming things about you... Then I’m sorry for thinking that you’d be haughty, cat-like, and tsun too! Eh? You didn’t expect me to presume that much?! Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry!"

Possibility 2 Character response: "あ、 ごめんね!? 悪い意味じゃないんだよ。逆先くんって目立つ夕イ プだし、 僕みたいに眼鏡もかけてないし.....でも、 ゲ一ム好きって知れてよかった。 クラスは違うけど、 仲良くしてもらえると嬉しいなぁ

Ahh, sorry! But I didn't mean anything bad by it... You're just the type that stands out, and you don’t wear glasses like I do ... But it's good to know that you like games too. I’d be happy if we could get along even though we're in different classes."

Choice 2 勝負してみるかイ?
Did you want a MATCH?
Possibility 1 Character response: "あっ、 ゲ一ムなら僕もちょっと自信があったりするよ~♪ 何で勝負する? パズルゲームでも格闘ゲームでも、逆先くんの意なジャンルで…… 命がけのゲーム? あはは……冗談だよねぇ、逆先くん?

Well, games are something I have some confidence in~♪ What did you want to play? Puzzle games, fighting games, whatever genre's your strong point... The sort of games where you put your life on the line? Ahaha... That's just a joke, right? Sakasaki-kun?"

Possibility 2 Character response: "えっ、いきなり仕掛けてくるんだね!? ちょっとだけ待ってもらってもいい? その、 まだ心の準備が..... 今まで基本的に独りだったから、 いきなりゲ一ム仲間がたくさんできてちょっと戸惑っちゃうな

Eh, you're challenging me all of a sudden!? Can you wait a second? I wasn't ready for that... Until now, it's basically been just me, so suddenly having people to play with is throwing me off..."

Translator: Bella & Peace
Proofreader: haranami

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter Makoto Yuuki Normal Event 3
"いたたたた....、また何かに躓いちゃった。う~ん、 眼鏡眼鏡……。 転んだ拍子に落としちゃったよ.....やっぱりこいつの度数を何とかしないといけないかなぁ?

Owowowowow... I tripped again. Ugh, glasses, glasses... I must've lost them when I fell... Just how many times is this going to happen?"

Choice 1 眼鏡をしないほうがいいヨ
You shouldn't wear glassES.
Possibility 1 Character response: "わわっ、 近い!  近いよ逆先くん!?  よく見えないけど今すごく近いよね!? ……綺麗な目だね? うう、 頼むからあんまり見ないで。 じっと見られるのは落ち着かないから。 はぁ、 やっぱり眼鏡は手放せない.....

Aaah, that’s too close! Is that you, Sakasaki-kun!? I can't see very well, but you're really close to me right now, aren't you!? ...I have beautiful eyes? Uugh, I'm begging you not to look. I can't calm down if someone’s staring at me. (Sighs) Looks like I really can't stop wearing glasses, can I..."

Possibility 2 Character response: "そ、 そうかな? あんまり見られると恥ずかしい…… でも、 コンタクトにするとお手入れが面倒だし…… いきなり眼鏡を手放すと、 裸で外を歩くみたいで落ち着かないよきっと。

Is- is that so? It’s embarrassing to have you stare at me like that... It would be a pain to put in contacts, though, and I’d feel like I was walking around naked if I stopped wearing glasses all of a sudden. There's no way I'd be able to calm down."

Choice 2 Do those protect YOU?
Possibility 1 Character response: "ま、 守るって……。 あはは、 眼鏡で守備力アップって逆先くんもなかなかのゲーマー思考だね。僕が眼鏡をかけてるのはただ目が悪いからで、これから先も外す予定なんて…… ……まぁでも、 眼鏡のフレームを変えるくらいなら挑戦してみてもいいのかな?

Pr-Protect me... Ahaha, asking if they give me a defensive bonus — it looks like you kinda think in game logic too, Sakasaki-kun. I wear glasses since my eyesight's pretty bad, so I'm not planning on taking them off... But I might be able to at least try changing their frames?"

Possibility 2 Character response: "……どうしてそんなこと聞くの? そういえば、 逆先くんって僕がモデルしてたこと知ってたよね。念のために言っておくけど、 その話題には触れないでもらえるとありがたいかも……

...Why do you ask? Come to think of it, you know I used to model, huh… I'll say this just in case, but I'd really appreciate it if you didn't bring that up..."

Translator: Bella & Peace
Proofreader: haranami