The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Rei Sakuma mini event hallway
"はぁ、めまいがするのう……? 我輩にとって現代社会は、どこもかしこも生きにくい世界じゃ

Haah, I’m feeling a bit dizzy…For me, this modern society is a world so difficult to live in, no matter where I go."

Location: Hallway
日傘を差し出す Hold out a parasol Yellow Fragments
Character response: "While it’s true that sunlight is also my enemy, that’s not exactly what I mean. It’s only the "modern society" that bothers me."
車の排気ガス Exhaust from cars Blue Fragments
Character response: "Right, I’m not good with smoke, either. As there’s plenty of nature around here, it’s not quite as bad, but the teacher’s cigarette smoke, on the other hand…"
トマトジュース Tomato juice Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "我輩のためにいつも準備していてくれておるようじゃ。ありがたいのう、みんな冷たいから優しさがしみるわい……

You're always preparing this for me. Thank you. Everyone else is so cold, so your kindness is much appreciated…"

Correct Choice: Tomato juice (トマトジュース)

Rei Sakuma mini event light music club room

Lately, I’ve been considering getting something new for my coffin, but what would be good…?"

Location: Light Music Club room
ぬいぐるみ Stuffed animals Red Fragments
Character response: "Do I seem lonely to you? Well, I suppose I do always wish that Ritsu would go back to how he used to be before…"
ジュース サーバー Juice server Red Fragments
Character response: "It’d be convenient to be able to drink whatever I wanted at any time. But I’d have to think of a place to put it, first."
パソコン Personal computer Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "これさえあれば、なんでもできてしまうのう…♪ ますます引き龍ってしまうわいリ

If I had that, I’d be able to do anything… ♪ I’d have no need to leave my coffin."

Correct Choice: Personal computer (パソコン)

Rei Sakuma mini event light music club room 2

Oh, young lady. Seeing how I can’t move around freely during the day, won’t you buy me something to eat?"

Location: Light Music Club room
野菜ジュース Vegetable Juice Red Fragments
Character response: "Hm. While I do enjoy tomato juice and the like, right now I’d prefer something more filling."
焼きそばパン Yakisoba Bread Trust Up
Character response: "Ah, a popular bread with the young ones. It always sells out so quickly, so it’s been a while since I’ve had it…♪"
カツサンド Tonkatsu Sandwich Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "This seems like it would be quite filling♪ Why don’t we eat it together?"
Correct Choice: Tonkatsu Sandwich (カツサンド)

Rei Sakuma mini event garden terrace kitchen
"……何だか芳しいにおいがするのう? おぉ、我輩に焼いたクッキーをくれるのじゃな!

…Do I smell something sweet? Oh, you’re giving me cookies that you’ve baked!"

Location: Garden terrace's kitchen
骨の形 Bone-shaped Luck Down
Character response: "While the taste is fine, I feel that this shape would make the doggie happiest…?"
ウサギの形 Bunny-shaped Yellow Fragments
Character response: "So many cute-looking rabbits. Although I’m a bit reluctant to, as it feels like I’m eating Nito-kun and the others, I’ll happily dig in since you took the trouble making them for me…♪"
コウモリの形 Bat-shaped Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "ククク、我輩たちのユニットのようじゃのう?かわいくて食べるのがもったいないわい……♪

Kukuku, based on the image of our unit? It seems a waste to eat something so cute…♪"

Correct Choice: Bat-shaped (コウモリの形)

Rei Sakuma mini event garden terrace
"近ごろ、硬いものは食べておるか? 我輩もひとのことは言えんが、硬いものを口にせん若者が多いようじゃ"
Location: Garden Terrace
お餅を食べます I will eat rice cake. Red Fragments
Character response: "餅かのう? 硬くはないが、かといって噛まずには飲み込めんし。何とも言えんチョイスじゃのう……?"
お煎餅を食べます I will eat rice crackers. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "そうじゃな。顎がしっかりしていると歯並びも良いそうじゃし…… 話しておると食べたくなってきたのう ♪"
ガムを噛みます I will chew gum. Red Fragments
Character response: "聞いた話じゃがガムも硬い食べものだと思うらしいのう。我輩はさすがにガムは噛めるぞい。"
Correct Choice: I will eat rice crackers (お煎餅を食べます).

Rei Sakuma mini event light music room 3
Location: Light Music Club Room
深夜の食事 Late night meal Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "昼夜逆転しているからのう、夜中はお腹が空くんじゃ。夜な夜な乙女の生き血を吸いに…… というのは冗談じゃ ♪"
深夜の散歩 Late night walk Blue Fragments
Character response: "することもあるが、人通りがすくないからのう。嬢ちゃんは危ないから、真似はせんでおくれ。"
深夜のトレーニング Late night training Blue Fragments
Character response: "うむ、身体を動かさんとすぐに鈍ってしまうからのう。家でのトレーニングは日課みたいなもんじゃな"
Correct Choice: 深夜の食事

Partial translation credits
