The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Special Event mini 1/3[]

Monday Trickstar Hokuto Special Event-1

... I see. Today is Monday, huh? Well, there was a rumor that a special menu would come out on Monday at the cafeteria. It was supposed to be a pretty popular menu that sells out as soon as lunch break starts."

Choice 1 そうなんだ
Is that so.
Possibility 1 Character response: "あぁ。俺も遊木から聞いて知った。遊木はああ見えて、学院の情報に精通しているからな。知りたいことがあったら、聞いてみるといい。"
Result: Small Yellow Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: "


Result: Yellow Fragments
Choice 2 食べてみたい
I want to try it.
Possibility 1 Character response: "


Result: Small Yellow Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: "You're interested in the special menu too, huh? Luckily, there's still some time before lunch break. If we go together, one of us may be able to eat it."
Result: Yellow Fragments

Special Event mini 2/3[]

Monday Trickstar Hokuto Special Event-2
"むっ。もうこんな時間か。転校生、今日はレッスンを早退してもいいだろうか? どうしても外せない用事があるんだが……

Hm. It's already this time, huh? Transfer student, can I cut the the lesson short today? I have something I have to take care of..."

Choice 1 いいよ
Possibility 1 Character response: "感謝する。リーダーたる俺が早退するなど、本来あってはならないことだ。それを快く送り出してくれて本当に感謝している。"
Result: Small Yellow Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Yellow Fragments
Choice 2 どんな用事?
What kind of thing?
Possibility 1 Character response: "実は学院近くの駄菓子屋が今日だけ開くんだ。その駄菓子屋では、俺の好きな金平糖も扱っていてな。とにかく絶品で病み付きになる味なんだ。

Actually, there's a traditional snack food shop that only opens today near the school. They have the konpeito I like there. They have a superb flavor you're sure to become addicted to."

Result: Small Yellow Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: ""
Result: Yellow Fragments

Special Event mini 3/3[]

Monday Trickstar Hokuto Special Event-3

Transfer student, today is Monday, isn't it. On Monday, they put out the new crossword puzzles at the book store near the school. I'm sorry, but could we cut today's lesson short?"

Choice 1 私も付いて行く
I'll go with you.
Possibility 1 Character response: ""
Result: Small Yellow Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: "いや、転校生はプロデュース中だろう。俺のことはいいから、明星たちの面倒を見てやってくれ。あぁ、明日は最後まで参加するから安心してほしい。

No, you're in the middle of a production, aren't you, transfer student? I'll be fine, so look after Akehoshi and the others for me, please. Yeah, Akehoshi will be there until the end, so don't worry."

Result: Yellow Fragments
Choice 2 チェックしてるんだ
You keep tabs on those sorts of things, huh.
Possibility 1 Character response: ""
Result: Small Yellow Jewel
Possibility 2 Character response: "……やはり欠かさずチェックしているのはおかしいだろうか? 俺も少々行き過ぎなのではと危惧していたが。しかし、習慣を改善するのは生半ではないからな……"
Result: Yellow Fragments