The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Mitsuru Tenma mini event school gate
"ね~ちゃん、ね~ちゃん! 先週のヒーロー戦隊観た? すっげぇかっこよかったよな!

Sis, Sis! Did you see the Hero Squadron last week? They were so cool, right!?"

Location: School Gate
見逃した I missed it. Red Fragments
Character response: "That's a waste! Our big brother recorded it so, I'll lend it to you! Ah, big brother I meant is about my real big brother yanno?"
弟が観ていた My brother saw it. Trust Up
Character response: "へぇ、ね~ちゃん弟いるの? いくつ? オレと仲良くなれそうなんだぜ!

Heh~ Sis has a little brother? How old? I feel like I'll get along with him!"

守沢先輩みたい It reminded me of Morisawa-senpai. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "オレが見始めたのは、『流星隊』のリーダーのひとが観ないと損しかしないって言ってたからなんだぜ〜?"
Correct Choice: It reminded me of Morisawa-senpai. (守沢先輩みたい)

Mitsuru Tenma mini event ground
"ね~ちゃん、見て見て! こけたらズボンのお尻に穴が開いちゃったんだぜ!

Sis, look at this! The hole in my pants got even bigger after I tripped!"

Location: Ground
保健室に一緒に行こう Let's go to the nurse's office. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "穴が開いただけで、どこもケガはしてないから大丈夫なんだぜ?

It's just the hole that opened, I'm not injured anywhere so it's okay?"

目立たないから大丈夫 It's not obvious, so don't worry. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "ね〜ちゃん似外は男ばかりだから、あんまり気にしてないんだぜ!

There's only boys here except for you, so don't worry about it!"

縫ってあげる I'll fix it for you. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "裁縫セットを持ってるなんて、さすがね〜ちゃんは女の人なんだぜ ♪

You even brought a sewing set, how impressive of you ♪"

Correct Choice: I'll fix it for you. (繕ってあげる)

Mitsuru Tenma Mini Event Rooftop
"ね~ちゃん、これ見て! スマホがブンブン震えてとまんないんだぜ! どうしたら止まるのがわかんないんだぜ~

Sis, look at this! My smartphone's vibrating so much it's not stopping! I have no idea how to stop it~"

Location: Rooftop
設定画面になっている It's frozen at the setting screen. Blue Fragments
Character response: "そ〜なんだ? よくわかんないけど、止まってほっとしたんだぜ! スマホが怒ってるのかと思ったんだぜ〜"
着信している You have an notification. Red Fragments
Character response: "あっ、よく見たらに〜ちゃんからの電話だぜ! もしも〜し、に〜ちゃん? オレなんだぜ〜 ♪

Ah, now that I look at it closely, it's a call from Nii-chan! Hello, Nii-chan? It's me~ ♪"

アラームが作動している Your alarm has gone off. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "Oh yeah, Tomo-chan set it earlier! I'm helped, Sis! Now I remembered the promise!"
Correct Choice: Your alarm has gone off. (アラームが作動している)

Mitsuru Tenma mini event 1st floor passage
"ね~ちゃん、お腹すいてない? オレ、ぺっこぺこでしんじゃいそうなんだぜ! パン買いにいかない?

Sis, are you hungry? I'm ravenous! Want to go buy bread with me?"

Location: 1st Floor Passage
厨房にいこう Let's go to the kitchen. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "Sis will be the one who makes it? Ah, but I just forgot today Hajime-chan brought lunch for us!"
購買部にいこう Let's go to the school store. Small Blue Jewel
Character response: "じゃあ、どっちが先に着くか競争なんだぜ! えっ、走る元気は残ってるんだって? ダッシュは、え~っと……別腹? なんだぜ!

Then, let's race on who'll reach first! Eh, I still have the energy to run you said? For dashing it's, um...different stomach? Yanno!"

食堂に食べにいこう Let's go to the cafeteria. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't eat in the cafeteria recently! Then I want omelette rice~♪"
Correct Choice: Let's go to the cafeteria. (食堂に食べにいこう)

Mitsuru Tenma mini event hall way

Sis, you got a bunch of memo but ain't writing that much confuses you?"

Location: Hallway
何冊も分かてる I remember no matter how many. Blue Fragments
Character response: "Eh, lessons and idol and cookings and, costume making and~......? Hum~ just from hearing it I got confused already~"
ときどきわからなくなる Sometimes I forget. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "あはは☆ ね~ちゃんもわかんなくなるときってあるんだなっ♪ おちゃめでかわいいんだぜ~!

Ahaha☆ Even Sis got times where you forget stuffs huh♪ It's really cute yanno~!"

いつでも読み返せる I read it back everytime. Blue Fragments
Character response: "Read it many times and remember it huh. Repetitive practice~ you said, I feel like Hajime-chan said that too!"
Correct Choice: Sometimes I forget. (ときどきわからなくなる)

Mitsuru Tenma mini event ground 2
"明日の天気は~、きっと晴れなんだぜ! オレの天気予報はけっこ~当たるんだけど、コツがあるんだぜ♪

Tomorrow's weather is~, it must be sunny! My weather prediction is usually~ right though, there's a trick to it ♪"

Location: Ground
髪の毛予報? Hair predicting? Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "おおっ、正解なんだぜ~! 雨の日の前日から髪の毛が、だんだんぶわ~ってなるんだぜ☆

Ooh, you're right~! Ever since yesterday's raining day my hair has been, more and more whoosh~ like that yanno ☆"

頭痛になる? Your head aches? Red Fragments
Character response: "ね~ちゃん、頭痛くなるの? オレは痛くなんないけど、痛くなったら撫でてあげるぜ?

Sis, does your head hurt? My head doesn't hurt but, if it does hurt I'll stroke it for you?"

靴飛ぼし? Fortune telling? Red Fragments
Character response: "Ah, there was a time when I did that too! But my shoe flew too far that I got scolded by sensei, so it's sealed."
Correct Choice: Hair predicting? (髪の毛予報?)
