The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Mao Isara mini event classroom

Sniff sniff. Aa, I'm not crying. I just have a stuffy nose from the pollen."

Location: Classroom
ヨーグルトを買ってくる Go buy yogurt. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "ヨーグルト? たしかに、花粉症に効くような気もするけど。今はそうじゃないと思う。……へっくし☆

Yogurt? Well, guess it's effective against pollen allergy. But I don't think that's what I need now. *sneeze* ☆"

鼻炎薬を持ってくる Bring him some cold medicine. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "You brought it all the way from the infirmary!? That helped, but I feel a little bad. Still, thanks ♪"
ティッシュを渡す Pass him a tissue. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "あ~、助かるぜ! 急に来るからハンカチしか持ってなくて困ってたんだ!

Ah, survival! It suddenly hit me and I only had a hankerchief, so I was in trouble!"

Correct Choice: Pass him a tissue (ティッシュを渡す).

Mao Isara mini event school gate

Yaaawn~... I was up late into the night with student council work, so I wasn't able to get much sleep."

Location: School gate
急いで保健室に行こう Let's hurry and go to the infirmary. Red Fragments
Character response: "Whoa!? What's wrong, transfer student? Do I look that exhausted? Sorry for worrying you."
無理は体に良くないよ It's not healthy to overwork yourself. Red Fragments
Character response: "I'm aware of that, but it's hard to fix it. If only I could split myself in two."
いつもお疲れさま You’re always working so hard. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "Yeah, but I don't mind. I enjoy what I do. But thanks for noticing."
Correct Choice: You're always working so hard (いつもお疲れさま).

Mao Isara mini event school gate 2
"ううん、今日もこれでもかというくらい忙しい一日だったなぁ…… ん? 疲れた時のリフレッシュ方法?

Hmm? How to refresh yourself when you're exhausted?"

Location: School gate
本を読む Read a book Red fragments
Character response: "読書か、小さい頃はたくさん本は読んでたな。 最近は参考書ばっかりで頭がカチカチだな……

Reading huh, when I was young I read a lot of books. Recently I've only been reading reference books, it makes my head hurt..."

音楽を聴く Listen to music Trust Up
Character response: "ヒーリーングミュージックってやつ? たしかに、普段は騒がしくて静かな場所ってないもんな

Healing music? Certainly, normally there aren't any peaceful and quiet places."

お風呂に浸かる Taking a long bath Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "そうだな、なんてったって風呂は『命の洗濯』って言うもんな。ゆっくり浸かるか~

You have a point. After all, they say that taking a bath is like washing all the dirt from your life. I guess I'm going to take a nice long one~"

Correct Choice: Taking a long bath (お風呂に浸かる).

Mao Isara mini event school gate 3

Well~ Lessons are fun, but it really is tiring to go back and forth to the student council. I'm stiff all over."

Location: School gate
背中をさする Rub his back Luck Down
Character response: "Ahaha, are you consoling me? How to put this... I feel like I'm being cared for."
肩を揉む Massage his shoulders Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "あ〜……、肩採みうまいんだな転校生。今日はゆっくり風呂につかってしっかり休むよ…… って俺はおっさんかよ!

Ahhh... you give a really good massage, transfer student. I'm gonna take a nice long bath and rest today... wait, that makes me sound like an old man!"

肩を叩く Strike his shoulders Fever Up
Character response: "いてて……、けっこうしっかり叩いてくれるんだな。 ありがとう、おまえもあんま無理するなよ?

Oww... you hit pretty hard huh. Thanks, don't push yourself too hard either yeah?"

Correct Choice: Massage his shoulders (肩を揉む)

Mao Isara mini event stairs
"あぁあんず、おいっす〜 ♪ これからごはん食べに食堂へ行くなら、俺も一緒に行っていいか?

Ah, Anzu, hey~ ♪ If you're going to the cafeteria to eat from here, is it okay if I go with you?"

Location: Stairs
生徒会に行く I'm going to the student council room. Red Fragments
Character response: "ん? 副会長に呼ばれてるのか。俺は用事が終わったところだから方向が逆だな〜?

Hm? Did the vice president call for you? I just finished my work, so that's in the opposite direction, huh~?"

食堂へ行く I'm going to the cafeteria. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "ちょうどタイミングが合って良かったな ♪ さぁ行こうぜ、今日の日替わりって何だったかな〜

It's great that our timing allowed us to meet. ♪ Now let's go, I wonder what today's daily special is~"

購買部に行く I'm going to the school store. Red Fragments
Character response: "あぁ、それでも構わないぞ。とにかく腹が減って仕方ないんだ、早く買いに行こうぜ〜"
Correct Choice: 食堂へ行く

Mao Isara mini event library
"そういや、次のテストのために勉強を見てほしいって言ってたよな。俺でいいなら任せてくれ ♪

Come to think of it, didn't you say you wanted to look over someone studying for the upcoming test? Let me do it♪"

Location: Library
弟みたい You're like a little brother. Blue Fragments
Character response: "あはは、どこか似てるのか……?俺そんなに子供っぽく見えるほうじゃないと思ってたんだけどな〜?

Ahaha, how do I resemble one...? I didn't think I looked that childish, though~?"

お兄ちゃんみたい You're like a big brother. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "お、お兄ちゃん? まぁ、たしかにおまえみたいな妹だったら俺の気苦労もましだったかもな〜

A... A big brother? Well, If I had a younger sister like you I think I'd be less anxious~"

先生みたい You're like a teacher. Blue Fragments
Character response: "そうか? 先生みたいにうまく教えられるかは保証できないけど、善処するぜ。

Really? I cannot guarantee that I'll teach as well as a teacher, but I'll do my best for you."

Correct Choice: お兄ちゃんみたい

Partial translation credits
