The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Leo Tsukinaga Mini Event Garden

Ah, the ink in my pen ran out. You don't have anything on you? Hmm, I only have a piece of paper in my pocket..."

Location: Garden
通行の邪魔ですよ You're blocking everyone. Luck Down
Character response: "Whaat~ but I'm writing an amazing song right now! I'm in the middle of the road? Then just avoid me!"
買ってきましょうか? Should we go buy some more? Blue Fragments
Character response: "Really?! Then, let's dash and get some! Before the music dancing before my eyes disappears!"
ペンを貸しましょうか? Should I lend you a pen? Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "おぉ、助かった! ありがとう! おまえいいやつだな! よ~し、すぐ書き上げるからちょっと待ってろ!

Ooh, you saved me! Thanks! You're a good guy! All riiight, I'll write it right now, hold on a second!"

Correct Choice: Should I lend you a pen? (ペンを貸しましょうか?)

Leo Tsukinaga Mini Event Outdoor Stage
"う~ん、う~ん… いい曲が浮かばないぞ。何でだ?朝から続いていた集中力はどこいった~?

Hmm, hmmmm... I can't think of a good song. Why? Where'd that focus I had in the morning go~?"

Location: Outdoor stage
お弁当を渡す Pass him your lunch. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "いつもお昼を食ベてる姿を見てないからって?集中してたら忘れるんだよな。ありがとうっ、これはもらうな!

You never saw me eat lunch? When I concentrate, I end up forgetting to eat. Thanks for this!"

お菓子を渡す Pass him some candy. Red Fragments
Character response: "The hell is this? Konpeito? Yeah, that's it! Sugar isn't enough for my brain! I can't write with this!"
教科書を渡す Pass him a textbook. Red Fragments
Character response: "Did you come from class? Once I go to class, I can't come up with masterpieces. That's a loss for the world!"
Correct Choice: Pass him your lunch. (お弁当を渡す)

Leo Tsukinaga Mini Event School Gate

...Huh? I have something I need to do? Wait, I'm trying to think of it, don't tell me the answer!"

Location: School gate
腕を引っ張る Pull on his arm. Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "ちょっと、何?考えてる間に用事の場所に連れて行く?それいいな!よ〜し、すぐに答えを導くからな!

Wait, what? While I'm thinking, you'll bring me where I need to be? Sounds good! All right, I'll find out the answer soon!"

答えを言う Tell him the answer. Luck Down
Character response: "Aaah! Don't! Why would you tell me the answer! Whatever, I'll do it later!"
黙っている Keep quiet. Yellow Fragments
Character response: "Sena or Ritsu probably want a new song! That's not it? I see, then Naru wants one. That's not it either?"
Correct Choice: Pull on his arm. (腕を引っ張る)

Leo Tsukinaga mini event 1st floor passage

Oh~ You want to give me a sweet?! The sugar will stimulate my brain so I'll gladly take it!"

Location: 1st Floor Passage
クッキー Cookie Red Fragments
Character response: "もぐもぐ…… うん、うまいぞ! うまさだけで言うとルカたんと同じくらいだが、ラブリーさはルカたんが上だな☆"
Candy Red Fragments
Character response: "あっ、飴ならスオ~からもらったやつがポケットにあるんだった。でも、おまえの飴ももらっとくぞ!"
チョコ Chocolate Heart/Fever up
Character response: "カロリーも摂れるからしばらくはこのまま作曲し続けられるなっ! ありがとう、あんず〜♪"
Correct Choice: チョコ (Chocolate)

Leo Tsukinaga mini event music room
Location: Music Room
本屋巡り Blue Fragments
Character response: "本はネットで買っちゃうことが多いけど、たまには直接本に触って選ぶのも楽しそうだな……♪"
博物館巡り Heart/Fever up
Character response: "最近はあんまり行ってなかったな。よし、久しぶりに次の休日は美術館に行こう!おまえも来るかっ?"
美術館巡り Blue Fragments
Character response: "最近はあんまり行ってなかったな。よし、久しぶりに次の休日は美術館に行こう! おまえも来るかっ?"
Correct Choice: 博物館巡り
