The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Kuro Kiryu Mini Event Garden Terrace
"嬢ちゃん、ちょっといいか? 昨日の晩のおかずを作りすぎたんだ、もらってくれねぇか……?

Do you have a second, little lady? I made too many side dishes last night; can you take them for me?"

Location: Garden Terrace
一緒にたべませんか? Do you want to eat it together? Yellow Fragments
Character response: "いや、俺は昨日さんざん食ったんだ……。妹が好きだからって、ちょっと張り切りすぎちまったな"
持って帰ってたべます Bring it home to eat Yellow Fragments
Character response: "あぁ。べつに感想がほしくてあげたわけじゃねぇから、嬢ちゃんがよかったら食べてくれ"
今食べます Eat it now Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "い、今か?目の前で自分の作ったもんを食べてもらうのは、気恥ずかしいな…… 口に合うといいんだが

R-right now? It's embarrassing, having the food you made yourself get eaten right before your eyes... I hope you like it, though."

Correct Choice: Eat it now (今食べます)

Kuro Kiryu Mini Event Hallway

Oh, Miss Transfer Student. Seeing you like this, did something bad happen?"

Location: 2nd Floor Passage
新しく作った衣装を見てほしい Please look at the newly made costume Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "なるほど、いい出来じゃねぇか。こうも飲み込みが早いと、教えがいがあるってもんだ

I see, it came out nicely, didn’t it? You learn fast, I was worried over how I taught."

指貫が抜けない The hakama didn't come out right Yellow Fragments
Character response: "落ちつくんだ、嬢ちゃん。大丈夫だ、俺もたまにやっちまうから焦るこたねぇよ

Calm down, Miss. It’s okay. I occasionally do that too when I’m impatient."

縫い方でアドバイスがほしい Please give me sewing advice Small Blue Jewel
Character response: "ほう……。これはなかなか難しいことに挑戦してるんだな。ほら、ちょっと貸してみろ

Hm… This is quite a difficult challenge, huh. Here, let me look at it for a moment."

Correct Choice: Please look at the newly made costume (新しく作った衣装を見てほしい)

Kuro Kiryu Mini Event Stairs

Yo, little lady. You're usually busy like this, but when it's a holiday, don't you let loose and relax?"

Location: Stairs
勉強をしている I study Red Fragments
Character response: "授業についていくのも大変そうだな、あんまり無理はするなよ。倒れたら元も子もねぇ"
裁縫の練習をしている I practice sewing Red Fragments
Character response: "俺が教えた縫い方のおさらい……? 真面目だな嬢ちゃんは、感心するぜ。"
休日の予定は? What are your holiday plans? Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "そうだな。妹が学校の友達の間で流行ってんのか、お菓子作りしててよ。一緒に手伝ってやってるな

Ah, yes. Making sweets is popular among my younger sister's school friends. I help to make them together."

Correct Choice: What are your holiday plans? (休日の予定は?)

Kuro Kiryu Mini Event place

...Ahh, I didn't notice you were here. Lately, I've been thinking up some new designs for outfits. They're nothing to write home about, or anything, though."

Location: In Front of School Store
虎柄の布 Tiger Patterned Cloth Blue Fragments
Character response: "強そうに見えるか? 紅月は着物が多いから、たまには冒険してみてぇなと思うぜ。

It looks strong, huh? Since Akatsuki has so many kimono, sometimes I think "I wanna try going on an adventure.""

花柄の布 Flower Patterned Cloth Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "おう。嬢ちゃんも花柄が好きか?女の子は可愛い柄が好きだよな。……どうせなら女の子の衣装が作りてぇな

Oh? You like the flower patterned cloth, too, miss? Girls do like cute patterns, I guess. ...I do want to make an outfit for a girl, after all."

無地の布 Plain Cloth Blue Fragments
Character response: "色の組み合わせに悩むんだ。やっぱ柄もんじゃねぇと派手に見えねぇよな"
Correct Choice: Flower Patterned Cloth (花柄の布)

Kuro Kiryu mini event outside lecture hall

Holding bags from the supermarket in both hands, looks heavy. I'll carry them for you; you're going to make something in the kitchen, right?"

Location: Outside Lecture Hall
お菓子 Candy Red Fragments
Character response: "みんなに配るのか。だからラッピングの材料も一緒に入ってんだな。野郎にはちともったいないんじゃねぇか?"
差し入れ Refreshments Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "おう、嬢ちゃんの手作りなら誰でも喜んで食べるだろうよ。何を作るのか楽しみだな……♪

Certainly, if it's the young lady who makes it, no matter who eats it, they will be happy. I look forward to seeing what you make...♪"

秘密 It's a secret. Red Fragments
Character response: "何だ、隠すようなもんでも作るのか?材料を見てりゃ、何を作るかくらい想像はつくけどよ"
Correct Choice: Refreshments (差し入れ)

Kuro Kiryu Mini Event Dojo

I've noticed you've been reading books related to muscles and training your body, but... What exactly are you trying to train?"

Location: Dojo
My legs Blue Fragments
Character response: "普段からあっちこっち走り回ってるから、体力は付いてきてるんじゃねぇか? まぁ、あんまり無理はするなよ。"
趣味です It's just a hobby. Blue Fragments
Character response: "あぁ、筋肉の本はトレーニング用じゃなかったのか。悪くはねぇけど、趣味にしちゃ珍しい好みだな"
My arms Heart/Fever Up
Character response: "まぁ、俺からしたら折れそうだなと思うくらいだしよ。何なら俺が稽古をつけてやろうか?

Ahh yeah, I do tend to think your arms could break at some point. If that's what you're going for, then how about I give ya some trainin'?"

Correct Choice: My arms (腕)
