The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki


Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Competition! Yumenosaki Athletic Festival 3 Arashi Narukami Normal Event 1
"やっほやっほ、Anzuちゃ~ん♪ 『体育祭』当日が晴天に恵まれて良かったけど、こんなに日差しが強いと日焼けしちゃいそうだわァ。Anzuちゃん、ちゃんと対策はしてきた?

Yahoo, yahoo, Anzu-chan♪ I'm glad we were blessed with such a clear weather in the day of the athletic festival, but the sunlight is so strong I might get a sunburn. Anzu-chan, did you make preparations?"

Choice 1 してない
I didn't.
Possibility 1 Character response: "んもう、Anzuちゃんらしいわねェ。アタシなんて絶対に焼かないために、強力なクリームを塗ってるのよォ。あんたにも塗ってあげる・ほ~ら、逃げない。お姉ちゃんに任せなさいな♪

Geez, that's just like you, Anzu-chan. I have absolutely no intention of getting a sunburn, so I've put on a powerful sunscreen cream. I'll put it on you too. Here, don't run away, Onee-chan will take care of it♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "ちょっ、何を対策もしてないのォ!?あんた、のちのちのことを考えたら対策はしておかないと。日焼け止めクリームを持ってくるから、ここで待ってなさいな?

Wha-! You didn't prepare yourself?! When you think in the long run, you have to take measures for it, you know. I brought sunscreen with me, so wait here, okay?"

Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 テントにいるから大丈夫
I'll be in the tent, so it's fine.
Possibility 1 Character response: "テントにいても、そこから移動することだってあるでしょォ。まだまだ紫外線が強い時期なんだから油断しちゃ駄目。ってことで、ちゃんと日焼け止めを塗るまで離さないわよォ ♪

Even if you're in the tent, you'll move from there at some point, right? The ultra-violet rays will get even stronger in this season, so you can't be negligent. So I won't let you go until you put on the sunscreen♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "テントにいても安心できないわよォ。まぁ、余計なお節介かもしれないし。あんずちゃんがいいならいいんだけど。日焼け止めが必要になったらアタシに声をかけてちょうだい ♪

You can't let your guard down even if you are in the tent, you know. Well, maybe I'm being too nosy. If you're fine with it, Anzu-chan, then it's alright, but if you ever need sunscreen, by all means call me ♪"

Result: Blue Fragments

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Competition! Yumenosaki Athletic Festival 3 Arashi Narukami Normal Event 2

Oh my, Anzu-chan is in the white team, huh. As you can see, I'm in the red team, so it seems we are opponents. But I don't like bloodthirstiness, so let's work hard together more in the sense of being friendly rivals♪"

Choice 1 そうだね
Let's do that.
Possibility 1 Character response: "ウフフ、Anzuちゃんならそう言ってくれると思ったわァ。手を取りあって仲良くってわけにはいかないけど。友達やクラスメイトを応援するくらいの余裕は持ちたいわよねェ。

Ufufu, I thought you'd say that, Anzu-chan. I can't afford to join hands and be friendly, but I want to have the composure to support my friends and classmates, at least."

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "ウフフ、あんずちゃんもアタシと同じ気持ちなのねェ。がんばる男の子は世界の宝だけど、そういう子たちが争ってる姿は見たくないわァ。見てると哀しくなっちゃうもの。

Ufufu, Anzu-chan and I share the same feelings, huh. Hardworking boys are the treasure of this world, but I don't want to see those kids fighting. I'd get sad watching it."

Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 ほんとどお手伝いになるかな
I'll mostly be a helper, I think.
Possibility 1 Character response: "あら、体育祭運営のお手伝いと二人三脚?あんずちゃん、二人三脚にでるのねェ。男女でなんて青春って感じだわァ。聞いてるだけでアタシの肌が潤っちゃいそう・・・・・・ ♪

You'll be in the three-legged race and helping out in the management of the festival? Anzu-chan, so you'll be in the three-legged race, huh. With botg girls and boys, it really feels like this is the springtime of life, isn't it. Just by listening about it my skin gets moisturized... ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "あら、そうなの? ふぅん。競技は二人三脚だけ? あとは体育祭運営のお手伝いってわけね。たしかにそれならほとんどお手伝いになっちゃうわねェ。

Oh dear, is that so? Hmm. You'll only be competing in the three-legged race because later you'll be helping out in the management of the athletic festival? Well, if it's like that, you might really be more of a helper, huh."

Result: Yellow Fragments

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Competition! Yumenosaki Athletic Festival 3 Arashi Narukami Normal Event 3
"Anzuちゃん、お疲れさま~♪ 借り物競争では大変だったわねェ。よしよし、お姉ちゃんが慰めてあげるっ。あら、アタシも元気がなさそうだって?

Anzu-chan, good job~♪ The scavenger hunt was hard, wasn't it? There there, Onee-chan will praise you. Oh? "You also don't seem very well", you say?"

Choice 1 何かあったの?
Did something happen?
Possibility 1 Character response: "聞いてよ、Anzuちゃん!借り物競争でのお題が『かわいいお姉さん』だたのに。アタシはお題に当てはまらないって言われちゃつたのよォ。え?じゅうぶんかわいい?んもう、嬉しいこと言ってくれるじゃない♪

Listen to this, Anzu-chan! Even though my item was "Cute Onee-san", they told me I didn't qualify for that. Eh? "You're plenty cute"? Gosh, what a pleasant thing to say♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "それがねェ、あんずちゃん。聞いてくれる? 借り物競争でのお題が『かわいいお姉さん』だったから、そのままゴールしたんだけど。失格だって言われたのよォ。んもう、嫌になっちゃう!

Oh right, about that, Anzu-chan. Would you hear me out? The item I had to look for was "Cute Onee-san", so my goal was reached from the start, but they disqualified me! Ugh, I can't take this!"

Result: Blue Fragments
Choice 2 いろんなお題があったみたいだね
It seemed like there were all sorts of items, huh.
Possibility 1 Character response: "そうみたいねェ。借り物なのにひとを借りたりとかね。アタシのお題?アタシは『かわいいお姉さん』よォ。あら、アタシみたいなお題だって? さすがあんずちゃん、よくわかってるわァ ♪

So it seems. Even though we're supposed to find "items", there were people and stuff for us to hunt for too. My item? I got "Cute Onee-san". Oh dear, you're saying it suits me? As expected of Anzu-chan, you sure know about things♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "そうねェ。アタシが知ってるかぎりだと、泉ちゃんは眼鏡だったみたい。遊木クンの名前を叫んでたから、てっきり『大好きな子』だと思ったわァ。表情も喜色満面って感じだったしね。

That's right. As far as I know, Izumi-chan got "glasses". By the way he yelled Makoto-kun's name I thought for sure it said "Person you love". His expression also gave off the impression that he was overflowing with happiness, don't you think?"

Result: Yellow Fragments