The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Normal Event mini 1/3[]

Carol*White Snow and the Christmas Eve Starlight Festival Rei Sakuma Normal Event 1

"Ah... good morning, young lady. Hm? I'm not looking too well? I'm afraid I didn't get much sleep last night, and so I keep nodding off."

Choice 1 心配ごとでもあるんですか?

Are you worried about something?

Possibility 1 Character response: "ん?それなら嬢ちゃんが相談に乗る、と?ありがとう、あんずの嬢ちゃん。じゃが、心配は無用じゃよ。嬢ちゃんだって眠れんときがあるじゃろう?それと同じようなもんじゃから、気にせんでおくれ

"Hm? You're willing to listen to what's troubling me? Thank you, young lady Anzu. But you need not worry. There are times where you also find it hard to sleep, yes? It's quite similar to that. There's nothing to worry about."

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "まったくないわけではないが、眠れんほどのものはないよ。たぶん、枕を変えたのが原因じゃなかろうか。古いのは捨ててしまったし、また買い替えて様子を見るしかないのう

"While I can't deny that entirely, it's at least nothing to lose sleep over. The actual cause of this may be that I changed the pillow I use. It was quite old and so I tossed it, you see. We'll see how things go when I purchase a replacement."

Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 これからお時間はありますか?

Will you have time after this?

Possibility 1 Character response: "うむ。『UNDEAD』の練習はないし、時間はあるぞい。食堂?ふぅむ、食堂に行って嬢ちゃんがハーブティーをいれてくれるのかや?有り難い。それならお言葉に甘えていれてもらおうかのう〜♪

"Certainly. UNDEAD doesn't have practice, so I'm quite available. The cafeteria? Hmmm. You'll put on some herb tea if I go with you? I'd be very grateful if so. I suppose I shall take you up on your offer, then~ ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "いや、もうしばらくしたらわんこがくるんじゃよ。あの子、約束をすっぽかすと機嫌が悪くなるからのう。そういうわけで時間は取れんのじゃ。すまんのう、嬢ちゃん

"Ah, no. I'm afraid Puppy will be arriving very shortly. That child gets rather grumpy when you stand him up, you see, and so I can't make the time. Forgive me, young lady."

Result: Blue Fragments

Normal Event mini 2/3[]

Carol*White Snow and the Christmas Eve Starlight Festival Rei Sakuma Normal Event 2
"やぁれやれ、もうすぐクリスマスじゃのう…… 吸血鬼は柊が苦手じゃから、クリスマスを楽しく祝うって気にならんし。まこと吸血鬼には生きづらい季節じゃよ

"Honestly, it's almost Christmas... but vampires don't care for holly much, and so I don't intend on joining in the joyous celebration. It's truly the most difficult season for a vampire to survive in."

Choice 1 吸血鬼って弱点がおおいですよね

Vampires have all kinds of weaknesses, don't they?

Possibility 1 Character response: "そうなんじゃよ〜。太陽、ニンニク、水……十字架や魔除けの柊も駄目じゃろ? まぁ、弱点がおおいぶん強みもたくさんあるんじゃが。ほら、完璧より弱点のある男のほうが魅力的に見えんかのう……♪

"They really do~. The sun, garlic, water... crosses and amulets made of holly are also off limits. Well, a vampire makes up for so many shortcomings by having just as many advantages. That, and a man with flaws looks far more attractive, you know... ? ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "うう、かわいい顔をしてエグいことを言ってくるのう。でもそのとおりじゃよ。吸血鬼は弱点がおおくて不便じゃ。まぁ、嘆いても仕方ないしのう……。体質と折りあいをつけつつやっていくわい

"Uuu, you say such harsh things with that cute face. But it's as you say. It's quite inconvenient for a vampire to have so many weaknesses. I suppose there's no use grieving over it, though... I've come to terms with both it and my condition."

Result: Red Fragments
Choice 2 でも、柊の飾りを持ってますよね?

But you were carrying a holly decoration, weren't you?

Possibility 1 Character response: "おっと、嬢ちゃんは目ざといのう。軽音部の部室をクリスマスっぽくしようと思って買ってきたんじゃよ。くくく、さっきの発言と矛盾しておるって?うむ、本音は吸血鬼だってクリスマスを祝いたいんじゃよ♪

"Oh. You're quite the attentive one, young lady. 'Why not make the Light Music Club's classroom more Christmasy', I thought, and so I purchased it myself. Kukuku. It completely contradicts my earlier remarks? Indeed. My true feelings on the matter are that even a vampire wishes to celebrate Christmas. ♪"

Result: Trust Up
Possibility 2 Character response: "うむ。柊は魔除けなんで、我輩が持っておったら弱るばっかりなんじゃけど。そもそも『UNDEAD』 の専用衣装で十字架をぶら下げておるし。あえて自分を苦しめるなんて、我輩ってそういう趣味じゃったんかのう?

"Certainly, though carrying a charm that wards off evil like the holly only serves to weaken me. There are even crosses on UNDEAD's personal uniform. Did I always make a hobby out of inflicting such torment on myself?"

Result: Yellow Fragments

Normal Event mini 3/3[]

Carol*White Snow and the Christmas Eve Starlight Festival Rei Sakuma Normal Event 3

"Hmm... these sort of situations appeal to the younger generation now, don't they? Ahh, young lady Anzu. This is merely a shoujo manga that Kaoru-kun must have left behind. Do you also yearn for the 'kabedon'?"

Choice 1 羽風先輩にしたと聞きました

I heard that you did it on Hakaze-senpai.

Possibility 1 Character response: "おや?誰から聞いたのかや?あぁ……。そういえば嬢ちゃんはアドニスくんと同じクラスじゃし。薫くんやわんことも親しい。知ってても不思議ではないか

"Oh? Who did you hear that from? Ah... if I recall, you happen to be in the same class as Adonis-kun, and you're quite close to Puppy and Kaoru-kun as well. It's little wonder you know such a thing."

Result: Yellow Fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: "うむ。こんな感じで壁ドンしたぞい。ん?どうしたんじゃ嬢ちゃん、顔が真っ赤じゃぞ?冬場は風邪をひきやすいからのう、身体にはじゅうぶん気をつけるんじゃぞい

"Yes. I did it just like this. Hm? What's wrong, young lady? Your face is so red. It's quite easy to catch a cold this time of year, so do be sure to take care of yourself."

Result: Trust Up
Choice 2 怖いと思います

I think it's scary.

Possibility 1 Character response: "あぁ、壁に追い詰められるんじゃからのう。逃げ場がないし、怖いって思うのが普通の感覚かもしれん。しかし、漫画では恋が芽生えるんじゃろ?不思議なもんじゃわい

"Ah. Due to being cornered, I suppose. Feeling frightened over there being no means of escape and such is likely the more sensible response. But this is supposed to awaken one's heart in manga, you know? It's quite mysterious."

Result: Blue Fragments
Possibility 2 Character response: "えっ、怖い?この漫画じゃと、そこから恋が芽生えておるんじゃけども……?ふぅむ、漫画だからそうであって現実だと芽生えたりしない?それなら我輩で試してみるかや?嬢ちゃん、おいでおいで。我輩が壁ドンしてやるぞい♪

"Eh? Scary? But isn't it supposed to spark a love between others, just like in the manga... ? Hmmm. Such a thing wouldn't actually happen in reality, you say? Come test it with me, then. Come, come. I'll 'kabedon' you."

Result: Trust Up