The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
2020 Halloween Campaign Logo

Start: 10/10/2020 (0:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)
Official Site Link

Giving Treats to Ghosts! ES Halloween[]

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity1

Start: 10/10/2020 (10:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

Meet with the idols to get Halloween voice clips and room outfits! Fulfill the ghosts' requests and receive Diamonds as well ♪
You'll also obtain EXP tickets and Stat Pieces by playing through D.L.F.S courses (Basic) and Lives (Music) as you wander ES.
You can reach this section from the first of three buttons on the main campaign page. The orange button there will allow you to view your doors, and the purple button will show you if you have any ghosts with missions pending.

You can open a door by using your free daily solo, and additionally for every course or live you complete, for a total of 10 doors per day. Lives using 0 BP will still open a door. This resets at 0:00 JST. If you don't use all 10 tries, the remaining amount carries over to the next day.
When you choose a door, you'll be able to find one of 3 things: an idol, an item, or a ghost.
If you find an idol, you'll receive their Halloween voice clip and Halloween Bat outfit. If you find an item, you'll obtain it. If you find a ghost, you can do its requested mission and receive 10 dia for doing so.
On the first 5 floors (40 doors), there are 12 idols, 23 items, and 5 ghosts. On floors 16-20, this changes to 13 idols, 22 items, and 5 ghosts. After completing that set, an "encore" will be unlocked with 50 items and 10 ghosts.

The missions are laid out in the style of "[UNIT]コースに挑戦しよう!"—"Complete [UNIT]'s D.L.F.S Course" (Basic) and "[SONGNAME]に挑戦しよう!"—"Play [SONGNAME]" (Music). These are the courses found in the "D.L.F.S" tab of the Produce section, or in the Live section of the game. If you go to the purple ghost tab, you can also tap the yellow button in the speech bubble to be taken directly to the correct course or song.

Lobby Lines
Character Text
Sora ES内を探検な~☆ 広くて迷いそうになるけど、案内を見て進めばバッチリです!
There's some nervous "color" among all these diverse "colors" of Halloween~
Natsume 『Treat』ばかりじゃつまらないでショ? もちろン、ちゃんと『Trick』も用意してるヨ……♪
Only "treat" is no fuN, don't you think sO? Of coursE, I've prepared "tricks" as welL...♪
Tsumugi ふふ、すっかりハロウィン一色ですね~。ESに来るたび何かが起こりそうでワクワクします♪
Haha, now Halloween is everywhere~ Every time I come here at ES, I feel something is about to happen. How exciting♪
How do other people celebrate Halloween? Don't you wonder about it too?
Halloween Lines
Character Japanese English
Eichi 向こうから桃李の声が聞こえたね。ふふ、渉あたりが仮装で驚かせでもしたのかな? 面白そうだし、見に行ってみようか

I heard Tori's voice over there. Haha, I guess he was scared by Wataru's costume. It sounds fun, and I'll take a look then.

Wataru フフフ。とびっきりの悪戯を用意しましたよ。最初の餌食は誰に……。おっと、ちょうどよい所に姫君が来ましたね♪

Fufufu, I prepared an extraordinary prank. Who will be the first sacrifice... Oh well, Himegimi is coming here, perfect timing♪

Tori ひぎゃ~、お化けえぇぇえ~! 何か後ろから付かず離れず追いかけてくるんだけどっ。怖いよ~!

Hyaaaah~ A ghost~! Something's following me! It's not too close, but also not too far! I'm so scared~!

Yuzuru 日々樹さまの悪戯には困ったものです。あぁもう、坊ちゃまが道行くゾンビの仮装に怯えてしまっておいたわしい……

Master Hibiki's prank is really a headache. Ah, poor Young Master, he's scared by the "zombie" passed by...

Hokuto 差し入れにお菓子を用意しておいたぞ。今日はハロウィンだからな、必要になるかと思ったんだ

I prepared candies as treats for everyone. Today is Halloween, and I think candies are necessary for it.

Subaru みんなを驚かせるためにお化けの衣装をこっそり持ってきたんだ~! 後でみんなをびっくりさせようっと

To make everyone jump, I brought my ghost costume~! I'll give everybody a good shock!

Makoto ハロウィンだからお菓子をたくさん持ってきたんだ~。おやつの時間にみんなで食べようね!

I've brought a lot of sweet treats since today is Halloween~ Let's enjoy them together at teatime!

Mao ハロウィンも日本の主要行事っぽくなってきたよな~。仮装パーティーとか楽しそうだし、俺たちもするか!

Halloween is a popular festival~ Costume parties sound fun, so how about we hold one this year?

Chiaki 次の日のヒーローショウでは、カボチャの怪人を出すのもいいなぁ……いや、ハロウィンの飾りを見ているとつい影響せれてしまうな

What about having a pumpkin monster in our next hero show... Oops, seeing these Halloween decorations around, my head is occupied by Halloween.

Kanata ぼくもなにか『かそう』がしたいんですけど、『おさかな』のきぐるみはありませんか~?

I want to try "dressing up" too. Are there any "fish" costumes~?

Tetora う~みゅ……。ハロウィンの仮装ってけっこう難しいッスよね……。『プロデューサー』は俺にどんな仮装をしてほしいッスか?

U~miu... Dressing up for Halloween is pretty difficult... What do you want me to be this year, Producer?

Midori ゆるキャラの仮装してるひとっていないのかなぁ。怖い仮装してるひとばっかだと、守沢先輩が騒いでうるさいし……

Did anyone dress up as a mascot? You know, if everyone looks scary, Morisawa will probably be shrieking all day long...

Shinobu 今年は忍者の仮装をしようと思ったのでござるが、みんなにいつもと変わらないっていわれてしまったでござる……

I planned to dress up as a ninja, but they all said that'd be no different from what I am every day...

Hiiro ハロウィンのことなら知ってるよ! お菓子とイタズラを同時に与えるのだろう? ふふ。変わった行事だけど、外の世界を知るためにやってみよう!

I know Halloween! People give candies and play pranks at the same time, right? That's a little strange, but I will do that to learn more about the world!

Aira Trick or Treat☆ 今日はハロウィンだからか、マヨさんが張りきってるみたいだねェ?

Trick or treat☆ Mayo looks energetic today. Is it because today is Halloween?

Mayoi ふふ、今日は闇に紛れて動きやすいですねえええ。さぁ、皆さんの仮装姿を目に焼き付けましょう♪

Fufu, it's easy for me to blend in the darkness and move around today. I won't ever forget how fantastic you all look in your costumes♪

Tatsumi ハロウィンも日本で有名な行事になりましたな。文化というものは土地により姿を変えますし、俺たちも日本流のハロウィンを楽しみましょう

Halloween has become a well-known festival in Japan. Culture and customs different from land to land, so let's celebrate a Japanese-styled Halloween together.

Nagisa ……ハロウィンの特別番組か。『Eden』の乱凪砂としてのイタズラは何をするのがいいんだろう。茨が得意だろうし、相談してみようかな?

... A Halloween special program, right? What pranks should Nagisa Ran from Eden play for that... Ibara should be good at devising ideas as such. How about we ask him?

Hiyori 何事にも完璧なぼくはもちろん、悪戯にも手を抜かないからね。興味があるならその身を差し出すといいね♪

I do everything perfectly, including pranks. Try me if you're curious♪

Ibara 『Trick or Treat』……つまり『略奪か死か』ということであります☆ もちろんそこまでしませんが、『疼く』単語でありますなぁ

"Trick or treat"... means "to raid or to die"☆ Although my actual actions are far lesser, that phrase still makes my heart throb.

Jun オレたちが仮装イベントをするなんて、前じゃ考えられなかったすねぇ。やっぱり『Eden』ってことで、リンゴ味のお菓子を配るんですかねぇ?

Never thought we'd hold a costume party. Since we're Eden, should we give out apple-flavored candies?

Shu 怪異や伝承について調べてみると、知的好奇心が満たされるのだよ。そう考えると、ハロウィンのような行事も悪くないとは思わないかね?

Investigating supernatural beings and legends satisfies my curiosity. In this sense, don't you think Halloween activities are not bad?

Mika 今年のハロウィンは、おれがお裁縫した仮装で子供たちにいっぱい笑顔になってもらうんや! んふふ、楽しみやなぁ……♪

Imma make every child happy when they see me with ma handmade costume! Ehehe, I'm lookin' forward to that...♪

Hinata ふっふっふ……今年もこの日がやってきたね♪ お菓子が欲しくばイタズラさせろ! これが『2wink』のハロウィンだ~♪

Hm~hm~hmm... It's finally Halloween♪ If you want treats from us, get ready for the tricks! That's how 2wink celebrates today~♪

Yuta 今年もついにハロウィンだ! さっそくアニキと一緒に仮装しないと☆ 今年は何がいいかなぁ。ゾンビか包帯男か、はたまた吸血鬼か~☆

Finally, it's Halloween! I must hurry up to dress up with my Big Bro☆ Zombies, mummies, or vampires? What will we be this year~☆

Rinne ハロウィンの仮装ねェ。俺っちには何でも似合うと思うけど、一番合ってるのは傾奇者じゃねェかな♪

Halloween costume, huh? I'd look great in any costume, but I guess some striking odd-one-out suits me best♪

HiMERU 『プロデューサー』さん、HiMERUも仮装をしないといけないのですね。いえ、苦手というわけではなく、むしろHiMERUは楽しみなのです♪

Miss Producer, HiMERU needs to dress up today, right? No, HiMERU doesn't dislike it, to fact, HiMERU is looking forward to dressing up a lot♪

Kohaku ふぅむ。ハロウィンっちいうのはけったいな行事やなぁ? 他の連中は楽しんどるみたいやけど、わしがわざわざ仮装せんでもええんやないの?

Hmm. So Halloween is such a bizarre festival? I know everyone's enjoyin' it, but I don't think I need to dress up, do I?

Niki ちょりぃ~っす☆ 僕がやってきたからにはお菓子かイタズラ、どちらか選ぶっす♪ どっちかっていうと、お菓子のほうがいいんすけどね~♪

Hey there~☆ Since I'm here, choose one from treats and tricks♪ Well, if you ask me, I'd hope you choose "treat", though~♪

Rei どこも浮かれた陽気になっておるのう、かくいう吸血鬼である我輩もすこし浮かれているのじゃよ♪

The atmosphere is bustled with liveliness and cheerfulness. Even I, a vampire, can't help but feel high-spirited♪

Kaoru どうせならかわいい仮装をしたほうがきっと楽しいよ。選べないなら、俺がかわいい仮装を選んであげよっか?

Since you'll dress up, I think cute costumes suit you better. How about I help you choose some lovely costumes if you feel hard to decide?

Koga 明星のやつが、レオンと大吉でお揃いの仮装にしようって息巻いててよ。ったく、きゃんきゃんうるせ~

Akehoshi was super excited about making matching costumes for Leon and Daikichi. Geez, he's so noisy~

Adonis お菓子を食べ過ぎていないか? 俺は甘いものも好きだから気持ちはわかるが、バランスの良い食事は大切だ

I think you might have eaten too many candies... I love sweet food too, so I can understand you. But nutrition balance is also important.

Tomoya 今年はちょっと気合いを入れて仮装しようかなって思ってるんですよね。何に仮装するかは見てのお楽しみ……ということで

I wonder if I should put more effort into my Halloween costume this year. What will I look like after dressing up... Just wait and see.

Nazuna たまには兎も悪い子になってもいいよな。おまえも気を抜いてたら、おれたち『Ra*bits』が悪戯しちゃうぞ~♪

Rabbits can be naughty sometimes, right? Ra*bits will play pranks on you the moment you lower your guard~♪

Mitsuru あっ、お菓子持ってくるの忘れちゃったんだぜ……! よぉし、オレに悪戯したいんならオレを捕まえてみせるんだぜ~☆ ダッシュ、ダ~ッシュ!

Ah, I forgot to bring my candies...! Alright~ Catch me first if you want to play tricks on me~☆ Dash, dash!

Hajime その、『ハメ』を外せ、と言われたのですが……今日くらいはぼくも『悪い子』になっちゃおうかな……♪

I heard we can cut it loose and play as much as we like today... So I'll be a "bad kid", only for today...♪

Keito 事務所でハロウィンパーティをする予定なんだが、やはり仮装はしたほうがいいのだろうか……?

We're planning to hold a Halloween party at the agency. Should I dress up too...?

Kuro 事務所のハロウィンパーティの衣装なら、俺が好きにつくっても角が立たねぇよな。はは、腕が鳴るぜ♪

About the costumes for our agency's Halloween party, I guess nobody's gonna complain if I make them according to my liking, right? Haha, can't wait to do my stuff♪

Souma 紫之と『はろうぃん』の飾りをつくってみた。紙を切り抜くのは得意ゆえ、紫之にも褒められたのである♪

Shino and I made "Hello-win" decorations together. He praised me, saying I'm really good at papercutting♪

Tsukasa 本日はHalloweenですね。私も仮装をして、他のIdolの方々と今日のEventを楽しむつもりです……♪

Today is HALLOWEEN. I plan to dress up and join other IDOLS in today's joyful EVENT.

Leo そうか、今日はハロウィンか! やたら街がにぎやかで何かと思ったけど、こういう日には昔出会った宇宙人のことを思い出すな~☆ うっちゅ~☆

Right, today's Halloween! That's why the streets are bustling! Such lively days remind me of the alien I've met~☆ Ucchu~☆

Izumi ちょっとゆうくんを呼んできてもらえるかなぁ? ゆうくんに心ゆくまでTreatしてあげなきゃねぇ……♪

Can you call Yuukun here for me? I'll Treat him till my heart's content...♪

Ritsu あんた、今日はいろんなやつから絡まれて大変でしょ? お菓子用意しといてあげたから、使うといいよ

I guess many will come to you and ask for candies today, so I made these sweet treats for you. Just take them to hand out.

Arashi Trick or Treat! ウフフ、お菓子をくれても悪戯しちゃうわよォ……なんてね♪

Trick or treat! Hehe, even if you hand out your candies, you still need to get ready for my pranks... well, just kidding♪

Natsume 今日は魔法使いが本領を発揮する日ダ。一日じゅう、子猫ちゃんを楽しませることを約束するヨ♪

Today is the day magicians showcase their best skillS. I promise you'll feel happy all day lonG, my Kitten♪

Tsumugi Trick or Treat☆ ふふ、今日はハロウィンですね♪ 俺もみんなが挨拶に来てくれるように、ちゃんとお菓子を用意してきたんですよ♪

Trick or treat☆ Haha, today is Halloween♪ I want everyone who comes to greet me to have a great time, so I prepared a lot of delicious sweets♪

Sora HaHa~♪ ハロウィンは不思議なお祭りな~♪ 『プロデューサー』、宙も仮装してみんなからお菓子をもらってきます!

HaHa~♪ Halloween is such a wonderful festival~♪ Sora is going to dress up and join others in trick-or-treating, Producer!

Madara 道行けばゾンビや悪魔、面白い仮装がいっぱいだなあ。俺もお決まりの言葉を唱えて全力で楽しむぞお♪

Zombies and demons are walking along the street today. Then I'll yell out my signature tagline and do all I can to enjoy this festival♪

Trick or Treat! Daily Free Solos[]

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity2

Start: 10/10/2020 (10:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

Receive a daily free solo during the duration of the campaign ♪
Try your luck daily and see what cards you can get!
You can reach this section either from the second button on the main campaign page or through the normal Scout button.
Solos reset at 0:00 JST every day, so remember to scout before then.
The free solo pool contains all cards through Scout! Doll House.

Halloween Story Campaign[]

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity7

Start: 10/10/2020 (10:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

All four prior Halloween event stories will be unlocked to read during the duration of the campaign, though they will be unlocking at different times.
Get in the spirit of Halloween by reading stories of the Halloween parties that took place at Yumenosaki ♪
You can reach this section from the third button on the main campaign page.
Be sure to read the stories if you haven't before to obtain the chapter Diamonds before they lock back up.

Unlocked at Story
10/10/2020, 10:00 JST Raising Curtains! Dark Night Halloween Banner
Dark Night Halloween
10/15/2020, 15:00 JST React★Magical Halloween Banner
Magical Halloween
10/20/2020, 15:00 JST Lots of Monsters☆Sweet Halloween Banner
Sweet Halloween
10/25/2020, 15:00 JST Cacophony◆Whirling Horror Night Halloween Banner
Horror Night Halloween

Trick or Treat! Halloween Login Bonus[]

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity9

First Half:
Start: 10/10/2020 (0:00 JST)
End: 10/20/2020 (24:00 JST)
Second Half:
Start: 10/21/2020 (0:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

The campaign login bonus is split into two parts.
Login every day to get the designated rewards ♪

First Half
Day 1
Inside ES Elevator (Halloween) Background: Inside ES Elevator (Halloween)
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

15 × Small Red Stat Piece mini Red Gems (S)

15 × Small Blue Stat Piece mini Blue Gems (S)

15 × Small Yellow Stat Piece mini Yellow Gems (S)

Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

10 × Medium Red Stat Piece mini Red Gems (M)

10 × Medium Blue Stat Piece mini Blue Gems (M)

10 × Medium Yellow Stat Piece mini Yellow Gems (M)

Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

3 × Large Red Stat Piece mini Red Gems (L)

3 × Large Blue Stat Piece mini Blue Gems (L)

3 × Large Yellow Stat Piece mini Yellow Gems (L)

Day 11

3 × Large Growth Ticket mini EXP Tickets (L)

Second Half
Day 1

5 × Medium Growth Ticket mini EXP Tickets (M)

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

15 × Small Red Stat Piece mini Red Gems (S)

15 × Small Blue Stat Piece mini Blue Gems (S)

15 × Small Yellow Stat Piece mini Yellow Gems (S)

Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

10 × Medium Red Stat Piece mini Red Gems (M)

10 × Medium Blue Stat Piece mini Blue Gems (M)

10 × Medium Yellow Stat Piece mini Yellow Gems (M)

Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

3 × Large Red Stat Piece mini Red Gems (L)

3 × Large Blue Stat Piece mini Blue Gems (L)

3 × Large Yellow Stat Piece mini Yellow Gems (L)

Day 11

3 × Large Growth Ticket mini EXP Tickets (L)

Halloween Special! (Office Set)[]

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity3
2020 Halloween Campaign Activity4
2020 Halloween Campaign Activity5

Sale Start: 10/10/2020 (10:00 JST)
Sale End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

You've received a special offer for a Halloween broadcast!
As you do Work, you'll obtain outfits and special items!

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity6

Dress idols in "Halloween Bat" outfits and do the "Halloween Special Job"!
You'll obtain patterns for further "Halloween Bat" outfits and two office items, "Halloween Chair (Orange)" and "Halloween Chair (Purple)", from job drops.

Activating communication bubbles at your "Halloween Basket" reveals all sorts of Halloween items within ♪
Buy the Halloween Furniture Set in the shop and receive a special animated "Coffin" item.
These items will remain in the shop even after the campaigns ends, but their price will not be discounted.

New features include saving your office layout and purchasing furniture sets with a specific theme as a bundle.
You will need to update your app to 1.0.23 to use these features.

Halloween Party Live Festival[]

2020 Halloween Campaign Activity8

Start: 10/24/2020 (15:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

Switch's "Witch" You A Happy Halloween! and Valkyrie's Koyoi Tsuki no Yakata ni te" (今宵月の館にて) will be simultaneously added to the game to play.

"Halloween Bat" MV Outfits will appear in unit bundles in the Diamond Shop, costing 300 paid Diamond each no matter how many characters are in the agency. These sets come with a "Premium 10-Scout Ticket" each. They will remain available to purchase even after the campaign ends.

Homescreen Lines[]


Start: 10/10/2020 (10:00 JST)
End: 10/31/2020 (24:00 JST)

Homescreen voice lines are active during the above duration. Each idol gets one voice line about Halloween, Halloween Greeting - 1. These lines are available in the ES Coin Shop.

Homescreen Lines
Character Japanese English

Trick or treat♪ I would prefer you choose "trick", will that be okay?


Trick or treat! Well, well, I will bring the Amazing to you no matter what you'll choose~♪


Trick or treat☆ Hm–hmm, it's your pleasure to have someone as cute as me play pranks on you♪

Yuzuru Trick or Treat……☆ どちらでもご希望のままに叶えましょう……♪

Trick or treat...☆ I will fulfill your request, no matter what you will choose...♪


Trick or treat! Give me sparkling candies, please~☆


Hmm, well, trick or treat☆ But you don't have to give me candies, mascots are also okay...♪


Trick or treat!... Sorry, did that scare you? Ibara said I need to sound "energetic" when I say that, so I tried it.

Ibara Trick or Treat! 今日は無礼講ということで、本気でやらせてもらいますね☆

Trick or Treat! Today is a day for no holds barred, so I'll give it my all☆


Trick or treat☆ Ehehe, there're buncha kids in cute costumes. Let's celebrate this great Halloween together♪

Hinata Trick or Treat☆ 双子のお化けが悪戯しちゃうぞ、にっしっし♪
Yuta Trick or Treat……☆ お菓子をくれてもくれなくても悪戯しちゃいますからね♪

Trick or treat! Candies or pranks? Let dice decide♪

Niki Trick or Treat…… 悪戯はしないんでお菓子をください! さっきから腹ペコなんすよ~!

Trick or treat... I promise I won't play tricks on you, so please give me your candies! I've been starving for a while~!

Rei Trick or Treat♪ 我輩って吸血鬼じゃから、血のように真っ赤なお菓子を所望するぞい

Trick or treat♪ Since I am a vampire, I would be delighted to get some bright red candies that look like blood.


I smelled the sweets~ Looks like you're ready for our trick–and–treat♪


Trick or treat! My pronunciation is perfect♪ I'll get tons~ of candies today!


Trick or treat. What are you planning to dress up as this year?

Kuro Trick or Treat……ってな。ははっ。お菓子はどうだ、『プロデューサー』
Souma 『とりっくおあとりぃと』♪ 今日は『はろうぃん』であるな。お菓子配りは、我にお任せあれ……☆

TRICK OR TREAT! Candies are appealing, but I want to play some little pranks now...♪


Trick or treat! Sweets put fat on me, so "trick" is your only choice. Now, it's time for you to surrender.

Ritsu Trick or Treat~。俺から悪戯を受けるか、俺に睡眠時間を与えるか、どっちがいい?

Trick or treat~ Getting ready for my pranks or giving me more time to sleep—which one do you prefer?


I prepared a special trick for yoU, my Kitten. Hide your candies if you're interested in iT. trick or treat…♪

Madara Trick or Treat! お望みならお菓子と悪戯、両方ともプレゼントしてあげよう☆

Trick or treat! I can give you both tricks and treats if you wish☆


Trick or treat! Anyone without candies here~? Freeze if you don't mind tricks♪


Trick or treat. Oh, is it surprising for you to hear me say that...?




Music (If different than Basic)

Campaign Navigation
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New Year 2017 New Year Campaign Banner 2018 New Year Campaign Banner 2019 New Year Campaign Banner 2020 New Year Campaign Banner 2021 New Year Campaign Banner 2022 New Year Campaign Banner 2023 New Year Campaign Banner 2024 New Year Campaign Logo
Valentine's Day Valentine's Day 2017 header2 Valentine's Day 2018 Header 2019 Valentine's Day Campaign Banner 2020 Valentine's Day Campaign Banner 2021 Valentine's Day Campaign Banner 2022 Valentine's Day Campaign Banner 2023 Valentine's Day Campaign Banner 2024 Valentine's Day Campaign Banner
White Day 2016 White Day Campaign Banner White Day 2017 header2 2018 White Day Campaign Banner 2019 White Day Campaign Banner 2021 White Day Campaign Banner 2022 White Day Campaign Banner 2023 White Day Campaign Banner 2024 White Day Campaign Banner
April Fools Retrospective Liar's Idol Banner Reminiscence*Sentimental Liars Banner Meteorangers Banner Dream Star Live Banner Ojisan to Issho Banner Interstellar War Banner Ensembukubu Stars!! -Cry Wolf- Banner Ensemble Training!! Banner Koisuru Scramble Banner
Summer Vacation 2020 Summer Vacation Campaign Banner 2021 Summer Vacation Campaign Banner 2022 Summer Vacation Campaign Banner 2023 Summer Vacation Campaign Banner
Halloween 2018 Halloween Campaign Banner 2020 Halloween Campaign Banner 2021 Halloween Campaign Banner 2022 Halloween Campaign Banner 2023 Halloween Campaign Banner
Autumn 2021 Autumn Campaign Website Banner 2022 Autumn Campaign Banner
Christmas 2017 Christmas Campaign Banner 2018 Christmas Campaign Banner 2020 Christmas Campaign Banner 2021 Christmas Campaign Banner 2022 Christmas Campaign Banner 2023 Christmas Campaign Banner
Milestone Passing 100 Songs Campaign Banner 10 Million Downloads Campaign Logo 1000 Days Commemoration Campaign Logo 15 Million Downloads Campaign Logo 16 Million Downloads Campaign Logo File:17 Million Downloads Campaign Logo.png File:Passing 200 Songs Campaign Banner.png
Other Anime Commemoration Panel Rally Banner Sparkle ☆ Start Dash Mission Banner Ensemble with Senpai Mission Banner Reading Through Main Storyline 2 Chapters 1〜7 Campaign Banner Ensemble Tag Team Mission Banner The Seven Mysteries of Yumenosaki Arc Opening Campaign Banner RYUSEITAI Power-Up Opening Campaign BannerRainbow-Colored 7 Week Campaign Logo POWER OF YOU Campaign Banner
Anime Linked Element Linked Campaign BannerCrossroad Linked Campaign Banner Checkmate Linked Campaign Banner
Album Release Album Release Campaign CrazyB Banner Album Release Campaign Ra*bits Banner Album Release Campaign Double Face Banner Album Release Campaign Fine Banner Album Release Campaign Valkyrie Banner Album Release Campaign 2wink Banner Album Release Campaign ALKALOID Banner Album Release Campaign UNDEAD Banner Album Release Campaign AKATSUKI Banner Album Release Campaign Trickstar Banner Album Release Campaign RYUSEITAI Banner Album Release Campaign Switch Banner
Global-Exclusive Ensemble Stars!! × Link Click Collaboration Banner Dreamscape Fairytales Banner Ensemble Stars!! x Sanrio Collaboration Event Banner Enstars!! x Cookie Run Sweet Snack Shop Banner 2023 Dawn of Spring Campaign Banner Ensemble Stars!! × Anipop Banner Meet with Miracle!! 1st Anniversary Banner Enchanted Mirage Campaign Banner Ensemble Stars!! x Glico Collaboration Banner Ensemble Stars!! x Detective Conan Collaboration Event Banner Producer Appreciation Campaign Banner Melting Wishes Banner 2024 Dawn of Spring Campaign Logo Colorful Fiesta Campaign Banner Ensemble Stars!? Mystery Banner Intertwined Sun & Moon Campaign Banner