The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

*You may have to use different browsers in order to listen to some of the bgm.

Tabs correspond in the order which they came in.

Spring Storm! Dancing Petals, Sakura Festival

Japanese Title: 花満開 (桜フェス) Flowers in Full Bloom (Sakura Fes)

Lift the Curtains! Yumenosaki Circus

Japanese Title: 華麗なるショータイム (サーカス) Splendid Showtime (Circus)

At Your Service! UNDEAD Cafe

Japanese Title: おかりなさいませ (執事喫茶) Welcome Back (Butler Café)

Judge! Black and White Duel

Japanese Title: 盤上の騎士 (デュエル) Knights On The Board (Duel)

Challenge! Tanabata Festival Wishes

Challenge! Tanabata Festival Wishes

Japanese Title: ちいさな星屑 (七夕) Little Stardust (Tanabata)

Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival

Japanese Title: オーシャンビュー (海賊) Ocean View (Pirates)


Late Summer Lesson

Japanese Title: 初夏の日差し (サマーレッスン) Early Summer Sunlight (Summer Lesson)

Farewell! Festival of Memories and Quarrels

Japanese Title: 漢祭 (喧嘩祭) Festival of Men (Quarrel Festival)

Burning Up! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival

Japanese Title: 大行進 (体育祭) Grand Parade (Sports Festival)

Rebellion! The King's Horseback Ride

Japanese Title: 粛清の剣舞 (王の騎行) Purging Swordsdance (King's Ride)


Enjoyment♪ Autumn School Trip
