The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
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EP-Link Dreamer 7 Scene Change

The Ensemble Square building and island

Ensemble Square (アンサンブルスクエア ansanburu sukuea) is an entertainment company that exists on its own miniature island within Japan. Introduced in EP:Link, Eichi Tenshouin, the agency president, and Ibara Saegusa, the agency vice president, intend to use Ensemble Square to revolutionize the idol industry.

It is the parent entertainment company of dozens of talent agencies, which are housed inside the building. Of Ensemble Square's agencies, Star Maker Production, Rhythm Link, New Dimension, and Cosmic Production contain the main units from Yumenosaki.

Though the construction for Ensemble Square began much earlier, its existence is not unveiled until after the current year ends. Its activities begin July 1st, following graduation.


File:Ensemble Square Lobby Cropped.png

The Ensemble Square building lobby

Ensemble Square works with the business side of the entertainment industry and provides a larger net of connections and protection to each of its affiliated agencies than each would have if they operated in isolation. The specifics of Ensemble Square and its agencies are not yet fully known, but each agency is said to have its own policies and standards which Ensemble Square does not interfere with. Ensemble Square is meant to provide work-related opportunities to each agency, and the agencies are meant to select which of its talents to assign to each job.

Official Introduction


右も左もわからないまま都会へ出て、 よく知らない仲間と共に組んだ『ユニット』。


その目的を果たすつもりだったのに 気づけば『解雇』の危機に遭っていた……

ES Agency Introduction Banner

兄を変えてしまったアイドル、 誰かの人生を変えるような力は何なのか。

僕は、それを知るために ここにいる。

Ensemble Square Logo



無数の人々が行き交う町中に建つ、真新しいビルディング― それがアンサンブルスクエア! そこには巨大な惑星のような四つの事務所が存在し、 それぞれに所属する個性豊かなアイドルたちが日夜

歌い踊り、泣いて怒って 笑いながら生きている

あなたも、どうかお気軽にご覧あれ! 彼らの描きだす人生模様を、他の場所では決して見られない魅力的な悲喜劇を! たっぷりの感情が交差し激突し爆発し、輝きを放つその瞬間を!

あなたという奇跡の目撃者を、 アイドルたちはずっと待っていた!

These idols have been waiting for you, so you can be a witness to their miracles!

2020 Producer Recruitment

On November 15, 2019 9PM (JST), the official Ensemble Stars twitter posted a fictional recruitment page titled "Ensemble Square: Recruit 2020." On this page, additional information about Ensemble Square's function and facilities were revealed, as well as information about its producer application process. It is hosted on the recruitment page of the website.

Advertisement & Application

Every year, more than 10,000 boys and girls hope to become idols, hoping to perform on that glittering stage... Japan has entered an age where so many are idol hopefuls. But among all those people, only a handful ever have the chance to ever stand on stage...


With your hands, you can create a constellation.

ES Recruitment Introduction

fine, Eden, Knights...

These are the units that will revolutionize the new era.

Ensemble Square, a brand new, multi-agency entertainment company, cultivates these dazzling idols and guides them to the stage.

Please, lend them your help.

Among the many agencies hosted in Ensemble Square, four are currently recruiting. Once accepted into the company, new employees will be assigned to an office based on each office's needs, the employee's personal preferences, and their suitability.

Within Ensemble Square, we have prepared ES-brand live show stages for performances, dance rooms and training halls for practice, and many more facilities necessary for the enrichment of our idols. Additionally, idols of all agencies are free to use our common area, meeting room, as well as our helioport for ease of commute.

Application Process
The application process occurs in the following order:

  • Screening process
  • Matching applicant to suitable agency
  • Interview
  • Entry into company

Producer Applications
In conjunction with Ensemble Square's grand opening, we are currently seeking staff to produce our idols. Your responsibilities will include managing your assigned idol's schedule, planning meetings, accompanying them to filming locations, planning productions that are suitable to your idol's personal strengths, supervising them, and conveying information (news, assignments, instructions, etc.) to them.

Location: Tokyo metropolitan area (Tours available)
Application Prerequisites: Must have driver's license (An Automatic Transmission (AT) Restricted license[1] is acceptable)

We will record your answers to the following eight-question aptitude exam. Once each agency sees your aptitude scores, they will forward you an offer.

You can take the quiz here (scroll down to マッチングエントリー).

Exam Questions

1. Would you say you have a cheerful personality?

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

2. Do you focus on one goal until it's complete?

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

3. You prefer to use shortcuts.

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

4. You find it easier to associate with people who are calm instead of energetic.

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

5. You're the type to think things over carefully instead of acting immediately.

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

6. You don't pay attention to small details.

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

7. You value others people's opinions more than your own.

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree

8. You're the type to stay in the background and let someone else take charge of the situation.

Strongly Disagree ・ Somewhat Disagree ・ Neither Agree Nor Disagree ・ Somewhat Agree ・ Strongly Agree[2]

Please see the section below to see the possible results, an explanation of the diagrams, salary, and idol comments.

Aptitude Exam Results

Please see the above section's Aptitude Exam tab for an explanation of how the aptitude exam affects the producer application process.

Aptitude Exam Scores

Match Complete
Through an AI utilizing big data processing systems, we have determined your suitability for each individual agency below.

Sample ES Quiz Piechart Agency

Sample pie chart result (image edited to add English text)

We have a special offer for you
Upon seeing your high aptitude score as a producer for their office, [Agency Name] has reached out with a special offer.

[Agency Name]
Left Agency description (see Agencies header below).

Message from the Agency

我々[Agency Name] では、所属タレントと二人三脚で活動領域を広げていけるメンバーを求めています。 今回ご登録頂いたマッチングエントリーによる適性チェックにおいて高い適性値を出されたあなたへ、ぜひ弊事務所で活躍して頂きたいと思い、オファーを出させて頂いた次第です。

ご本人の希望等もお聞きして話を進めさせて頂きたいと考えておりますが、弊事務所としましては[Unit Name]担当のプロデューサー職に就いて頂きたいと考えております。


Our preference as to which unit we would like you to produce
Left Unit description (click on a unit under the Units header below to see their official description).

Sample ES Quiz Piechart Idol

Sample pie chart result

Idols with whom you have the highest compatibility
※Please note that these results purely reflect your individual suitability and do not take into account which unit the agency may want to assign you.

Idol comments
An introductory remark from the idol you have been assigned. See the Idol comments tab for all comments.

Estimated annual income
Numbers are typically in JPY, so convert to your own currency as necessary. While most income is in JPY, some results will produce payment via other means, like acorns.

We sincerely appreciate your time and understanding.
[Agency Name]

Starmaker Production Idols

Subaru Akehoshi
やっほやっほ〜☆ きみが新しく来てくれた『プロデューサー』候補のひと? 俺、STARMAKER PRODUCTION……スタプロ所属の明星スバル! 俺たち『Trickstar』のみんなと、アイドル業界をキラキラでいっぱいにしようよ! 一緒に仕事できるのを楽しみに待ってるね☆

Hokuto Hidaka
STARMAKER PRODUCTION所属の氷鷹北斗だ。『Trickstar』でリーダーを務めているが、なかなか手のかかるメンバーがおおくてな。おまえが『プロデューサー』として『Trickstar』を手伝ってくれるなら、これほど助かることはないだろう。ぜひ、うちに入ってくれ。よろしく頼む。

Makoto Yuuki
やぁ、僕は遊木真っていうんだ。STARMAKER PRODUCTIONの『Trickstar』に所属してて、チャームポイントはこの眼鏡☆ これからもこの眼鏡で覚えてくれたら嬉しいよ〜♪ これから一緒に、お仕事を楽しみたいな! よろしくね、『プロデューサー』さん♪

Mao Isara
おぉ、あんたが新しく面接に来てくれた『プロデューサー』だな? 俺は『Trickstar』に所属してるスタプロのアイドル、衣更真緒っていうんだ、よろしくな〜♪ あはは、『プロデューサー』がいてくれるなら、俺の忙しさもすこしは軽減されそうでよかった♪

Eichi Tenshouin
STARMAKER PRODUCTIONに興味を持ってくれてありがとう。僕は天祥院英智、このスタプロの代表アイドルで、アイドル界のビッグ3、『fine』のリーダーを務めているんだ。なんて、エントリーしてくれたきみには常識だったかな♪ きみのような熱意ある『プロデューサー』が来てくれたら嬉しいよ。僕と一緒に、アイドル業界の未来をつくっていこう

Wataru Hibiki
こんにちはっ、あなたの日々樹渉歩です…☆あなたが志望されている 『プロデューサー』ですね?Amazing…☆ひと目見たときから、あなたが私たち 『fine』のプロデューサーになると信じていました!この出会いもきっと、私たちスタプロのアイドルにとって楽しいものとなるでしょう!さぁ、私とともに、アイドル業界という大舞台へと上りましょう!舞台の幕は、すでに上がっているようですよ……☆

Tori Himemiya
ふぅん、おまえが新しいプロデューサー候補なんだ?ボクは姫宮桃李。知ってると思うけど、アイドル業界で最もかわいいアイドルだよ☆ボクたち 『fine』のいるスタプロに来たのは目の付けどころがいいと思うけど、オファーが来ただけで満足しないでよねっ?そこらの愚民どもとは違うって、働きぶりで証明するんだぞ〜☆

Yuzuru Fushimi
おや。見かけない顔ですが、もしや新しくいらっしゃるという 『プロデューサー』さんでしょうか?お待ちしておりました。不肖わたくし伏見弓弦がESビルを案内するよう、英智さまより仰せつかっていたのですよ。 『fine』の一員として、 『プロデューサー』さんとともに働けることを心待ちにしております♪

Chiaki Morisawa
おまえがうちを希望している『プロデューサー』だな! 俺はSTARMAKER PRODUCTION所属、『流星隊』の流星レッド・守沢千秋だ! ……声がおおきいって? 大丈夫だ、すぐに慣れる! そんなことよりここで働くことについて考えるべきだ! 俺たちと一緒にヒーローアイドルとして笑顔あふれる世界を目指そうじゃないか! ふはははははは……☆

Kanata Shinkai
ぷか、ぷか……♪ ……おやぁ? はじめましてですね〜? ぼくは、『りゅうせいぶるぅ』のしんかいかなたです。あなたは、にゅうしゃきぼうの『ぷろでゅうさぁ』さんなんですね……? どうぞよろしくおねがいします。それじゃあ、ぼくは『みずあび』をつづけますから、またあえたら、『おせわ』してくださいね……ぷか、ぷか♪

Tetora Nagumo
押忍、『プロデューサー』。お初にお目にかかるッス! 俺はスタプロの『流星隊』に所属してる、流星ブラックの南雲鉄虎ッス! 『プロデューサー』もまだまだ芸能界は詳しくないことがおおいと思うけど、俺たちと一緒に成長できたら嬉しいッス! まずはESビルを案内するッス♪ トレーニングも兼ねて駆け足で行くから、ついてきてほしいッス〜☆

Shinobu Sengoku
えぇっと。見ない顔でござるけど、どちらさまでござるか……? あぁ、新しく来られるという『プロデューサー』でござるか! いやはや、拙者たちに『プロデューサー』がついてくれるとは、心強いでござる! ……ふふ、拙者は仙石忍と申すものでござる。流星イエローとして忍術を駆使しながら精一杯がんばるので、拙者たち『流星隊』のことをよろしく頼むでござる!

Midori Takamine
りゅ、流星グリーンの高峯翠っす……。あの、あなたが新しい『プロデューサー』候補のかたですよね……? 俺、まだまだアイドルとしては駆け出しですけど、俺やスタプロのアイドルたちと一緒に、がんばっていきましょうね……♪ とくに『流星隊』には、個性豊かなアイドルがいますから、プロデュースもわりと楽しいと思いますよ……♪

Hiiro Amagi

Aira Shiratori
応募の『プロデューサー』さん! おれたち『ALKALOID』をプロデュースしてくれるって本当? 良かったァ、おれって落ちこぼれだからわりとそういうチャンスがなかったっていうか、すっごく嬉しいなァ♪ ふふふゥ、失望されないようにがんばるから、おれをもっとアイドルとして輝かせてほしいなァ。おれ、アイドルのことが大大大好きだからさァ♪

Mayoi Ayase
あ、あのう、すみませぇええん。あなたが新しく来られる『プロデューサー』のかたでしょうか……。ひっ、驚かせてごめんなさい! 私、他人が苦手なものでして。うう……。その、私は礼瀬マヨイと申します。こんな不愉快な顔をお見せして申し訳ないんですけど、私たち『ALKALOID』をプロデュースしてくださるかもしれないんですよね? 不束者ですが、ご無理のない範囲でお願いしますううう!

Tatsumi Kazehaya
おや。あなたが新しい 『プロデューサー』候補のかたですな?俺は風早異…STARMAKER PRODUCTIONに所属するアイドルです。今は 『ALKALOID』という 『ユニット』に所属しているのですが、いろいろと問題を抱えていましてな。あなたにお力添えいただけたら、大変助かります。……ふふ、あなたとここで出会えて良かったです。神のご加護に感謝を……Amen♪

Rhythm Link Idols
New Dimension Idols
Cosmic Production Idols


The agency founded by Yumenosaki alumnus, Eichi Tenshouin. Its name is abbreviated as StarPro. While he's created a system that automatically enrolls all students of the Yumenosaki idol department into an appropriate ES agency upon their entry in the school's idol course, there are many students who willingly choose to affiliate with StarPro, which has an atmosphere familiar to Yumenosaki students. StarPro's motto is "Creating joy for both idols and fans."[3]

Rhythm Link Logo
A veteran small-scale entertainment agency that's been operating since the old days. Their nickname is RhyLin. One of the agencies that joined Ensemble Square. Not only do the idols affiliated with them thrive via numerous events, but so do many other bands, singer/songwriters, and musicians. Their motto is "Reaching your heart through their music."[4]

New Dimension Logo

A newly-established entertainment agency. Abbreviated as NewDi. One of the agencies under Ensemble Square. Though they were only recently established and have few idols, they've expanded from just idol activities to theater management, training actors, and TV program productions. Their motto is "A generation of all-rounders."[5]

Tsumugi Aoba is the vice president of New Dimension.

Cosmic Production Logo

An entertainment agency that runs Remei Academy and Shuuetsu Academy, which both cultivate young, talented individuals. Its name is abbreviated as CosPro. It manages the schools by nurturing idol students in Reimei Academy and placing the highest-quality students in Shuuetsu. Though it has steadily risen in social standing in the entertainment world due to their methods, the SS has caused their status to somewhat plateau. Their agency motto is "Providing only high grade entertainment."[6]




  1. Like many places, if you test with an automatic vehicle in Japan, your license will not qualify you to drive manual vehicles.
  2. Translation
  3. Translation
  4. Translation
  5. Translation
  6. Translation