The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki

Cards List[]

Basic Card List Screen

On the left, from top to bottom:

  • Cards in possession (所持カード): These are the cards that you can actively use in the game (in Live Units etc.). You can only have a certain amount of cards in this section.
  • Card waiting room (カード控室): These are cards that you have in your possession, but that you have stored away. Cards in the waiting room cannot be used in gameplay unless they are moved to the 'Cards in possession' section. There is no limit to the amount of cards that can be stored in the waiting room.
  • Move cards (カード移動): This is how you can move cards between the 'Cards in possession' section and the waiting room. When you tap this button, you can select the cards you want to move to the other section, and then press the yellow button to complete the action.

Top, from left to right:

  • Search (検索):

This allows you to search for cards by rarity, attribute, and/or game version (<!!> and <!>).

  • Sorting:

This allows you to sort the cards by the following options (ordered as they show up in the selection menu, from top to bottom): rarity, order of obtaining, level, total value, Da value, Vo value, Pf value, number of Limit Breaks, completion of Idol Road, completion of Rainbow Road, number of fans, idol, Lesson skills, Live skills, and amount of event bonus effect.

  • Order: This allows you to switch between forward and reverse ordering of cards in the way they are being sorted. (For example, if sorting by total value of a card, switching between increasing and decreasing order)

Card Rarity[]

There are five levels of card rarity, from 1★ to 5★. You are automatically given one copy of every 1★ upon starting the game. The higher the card rarity, the greater its ability values, max level, and max number of fans. Each character only has 1★ card.

1★ and 2★ are obtained through the Square Scout, although some 2★ can only be obtained through exchanging ES Coins.

Higher rarity cards are obtained through either Scouting or in Category:Events. A year after an Event has run, they can also be obtained through the Event Memorial Exchange.

Card Details[]

Basic Card View Screen

Top, from left to right:

  • Change image (表示変更): Once you have unlocked the Bloomed card image for a card, this button allows you to view the card in detail and switch between the Bloomed image and the original image as you wish. You can also view the card's motion and unique motion if it is a 5* card.
  • Attributes: There are 3 attributes in the game: Dance (Da Basic Dance Card Attribute Icon), Vocal (Vo Basic Vocal Card Attribute Icon), and Performance (Pf Basic Performance Card Attribute Icon). Every card has one of these attributes. All cards have stats of all three, but a card's specific attribute will be its strongest. Attribute stats can be increased by purchasing upgrades on the Idol Road for each card and by leveling up the card. Increasing these attribute values allows you to earn higher scores on D.L.F.S courses and Event Lives when playing with the card. The total combined value of ALL the ability values (総合値) is displayed prominently for each card.
  • Fans: The number of fans a card has is listed next to a heart Fans Icon in the upper right corner, as a fraction of the max number fans the card can possibly have (the max number of fans depends both on card rarity and on how many copies of that card you have stacked together, which will be explained in the Additional Notes section). These fans are gained by completing D.L.F.S courses and Event Lives with the card. Cards generally gain 5 fans per D.L.F.S course completed (10 with an Appeal Star), and cards gain 1 fan per LP used in Event Lives when the card is in the Main Unit used. Additionally, on a particular character’s birthday, the number of fans gained per completed D.L.F.S course increases by 5 for cards of that character. Fans gained by a card are added to that idol’s total number of fans.
    • Reaching a certain number of total fans is one condition required to increase an idol’s Rank, which can be viewed in the Idol Room. Increasing the Rank of an idol unlocks individual stories and voice clips for that idol.
  • Level up (レベルアップ): Leveling up a card outside of D.L.F.S courses and Work is done by using Growth Tickets. There are three varieties: Small (copper), Medium (silver), and Large (gold). Leveling up a card causes the card's values for each attribute to increase, and unlocks different portions of the Idol Road. On the following screen, tapping おまかせ will instruct the game to allocate exactly enough Tickets to bring the card to its max level.
  • Advance on the Idol Road (ロードを進める): Tap this to open up the Idol Road for a particular card. Use the Idol Road to increase a card's attribute values; boost its Live skills and Lesson skills; and unlock outfits, stories, voice clips, and backgrounds (exactly what is available depends on the card). These purchases require Gems of all sizes, as well as Idol pieces. The status bar shows what percentage of the Idol Road has been completed, and the icons below indicate whether or not there are outfits and backgrounds to be purchased. There are different card level requirements for unlocking sections of the idol road, which is also affeected by the rarity of the card.
  • Skills: Cards have two kinds of skills: Lesson skills and Live skills. For more information on skills, see the Skills page.

If you want to view more details of a specific card, you may also search the wiki! This can be done so by either going to the page with the card's name or finding the card by going to the Cards page on any idol's page here.

Rainbow Blooming[]

Basic Rainbow Road Screen
  • On the Idol Road page, there is an option to toggle between the normal Idol Road and the Rainbow Road. Nodes on the Rainbow Road will increase the card's stats and allow you to Rainbow Bloom the card.
  • Each node increases all stats by 400 points.
    • Thus, unlocking the entire Rainbow Road for a card will give a total of +4,000 to every stat for a total of +12,000 points.
  • Unlocking nodes on the Rainbow Road requires 200 × All Small Stat Pieces mini Gems (S) of each color, 100 × All Medium Stat Pieces mini Gems (M) of each color, 20 × All Large Stat Pieces mini Gems (L) of each color, and 3 × Rainbow Piece Rainbow Pieces per node.
    • The Gem discount bonus from both the Producer and Character Birthday Campaigns do not apply to the Rainbow Road.
    • Rainbow Pieces can only be obtained through Unit/Shuffle Event rewards and Event point rankings, but they are occasionally available through campaigns such as the Surprise Casino. The number of pieces you obtain through Event point rankings depend on which tier your rank falls into. The maximum number of Rainbow Pieces obtained is 5 pieces for ranks 1-100. The minimum rank required to obtain 1 Rainbow Piece is rank 50,000.
  • There are 10 total nodes on the Rainbow Road. Unlocking all of them will Rainbow Bloom the card, which gives the card a rainbow border and the idol's signature on the card.
  • Rainbow Blooming a !-era card uses different materials. To know more about it, click here.

Additional Notes[]

  • Duplicate Cards: When you receive duplicates of cards you already have, instead of having multiple copies of the card, the original card will increase in maximum level and fans, and its Idol Road will be extended.
Fan Limit Chart
Rarity 1 Copy 2 Copies 3 Copies 4 Copies 5 Copies
1☆ 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500
2☆ 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
3☆ 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
4☆ 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,500 7,000
5☆ 3,000 4,500 6,000 8,000 10,000
Max Level per Card Rarity & Number of Copies
Rarity x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 (MAX)
1★ 20 25 30 35 40
2★ 30 35 40 45 50
3★ 40 45 50 55 60
4★ 50 55 60 65 70
5★ 60 65 70 75 80