The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
The English Ensemble Stars Wiki
Adonis Otogari Appeal Talk 1
"『プロデュ一サ一』、ここで衣装合わせをすると聞いたが、 あっているだろうか?
I heard that we were going to have a fitting session, Producer. Is this the place?"
Location: Dressing Room
調子はどう? What's up? Dance Note
Character response: "良好だが……おまえは何だか前より痩せていないか? 健康には肉だ。 肉を食って、 おおきくなれ

It’s fine, but…… Haven’t you somehow gotten thinner than you were? Meat’s good for health. Eat some meat, you can get bigger"

全員揃ってから始めるよ We’ll begin once they all arrive Small Blue Stat Piece
Character response: "わかった。ではここで待つとしよう。みんなも、すぐ来るはずだ

Understood. In that case, let’s wait here. Everyone should also arrive soon"

うん、 大丈夫だよ Yeah, it's okay Appeal Star
Character response: "ふむ、 これが次のライブの衣装なのか。『UNDEAD』らしくていいな。 早く着てみたい

Ohh, it's the clothes used for the next live stage. I am glad to find the clothes match our UNDEAD well. I can't wait to try on it"

Correct Choice: うん、 大丈夫だよ

Adonis Otogari Appeal Talk 2
"ふむ、 仕事が成功したお祝いに 『プロデュ一サ一』 が食事を奢る、と? それは太い腹だな
I see. You're going to treat us to a meal for our success at work? That's big-bellied of you [1]"
Location: Staff Canteen
太い...腹... Big... bellied...? Vocal Note
Character response: "『プロデュ一サ一』 ? 腹を指で摘まんでどうした? そんなことをしても肉はとれないぞ
Producer? Why're you pinching your stomach? You won't lose any flab that way"
そ、 そんなに太ったかな…… A-Am I really that fat...? Small Blue Stat Piece
Character response: "いや、 むしろ 『プロデュ一サ一』 は細いと思う。 もっと肉を食べたぼうが健康的だぞ
No, you're actually quite thin. You should be eating more meat for the health benefits"
太っ腹ってこと? You mean big-hearted? Appeal Star
Character response: "Ahh, that’d be it. Japanese is still quite complex indeed"
Correct Choice: 太っ腹ってこと?

Adonis Otogari Appeal Talk 3
"すまない、ここはリズリンの事務所であっているか? まだ場所がよくわからないのだが
Excuse me. Is this where the Rhythm Link agency is? I still don't know which building they're in."
Location: Rhythm Link Office
う~んと…… Uhm, well...... Performance Note
Character response: "……よかった、 あってるんだな。 しばらく考え込むからまちがえたのかと思って焦った

I’m glad, it’s the right place. You were thinking for a while so I thought I was wrong, I got worried"

うん。あってるよ Yes, that's right Appeal Star
Character response: "あぁ、 窓際の近くに 『UNDEAD』 のポスターが貼ってあるな。 家にもあるが、 記念に写真を撮っておこう

Ahh, you’ve put an UNDEAD poster by the window. I have some at home, but I’ll take a photo for the memory"

正解 Correct Small Blue Yellow Piece
Character response: "うむ。 ……ようやくたどり着けた。 実はさっき違う事務所に行ってしまったんだ

Alright ……Finally I’ve made it. I had actually gone to the wrong office just then"

Correct Choice:

  1. 腹が太い, or 太っ腹 is the phrase Adonis meant to use here. It typically means one is very generous or big-hearted.